
Chapter 14 Visiting Blood Works

Lukas stepped outside of the blood cafe and looked at the blood bag he had in hand. It was sealed, but he noticed that if he punctured the top portion with one of his fangs–voila! Ready to drink!

All he had to do was slurp…blood.

The scent of blood mixed with the water solution wafted through his nostrils, and though his stomach growled–he involuntarily couldn\'t help but feel queasy.

Was he ready to drink even though it was mixed with water?

Lukas gulped uncertainly but pressed the blood bag towards his lips and took a huge sip.

The flavor of blood bursted to his taste buds and then went down his throat in a sudden gush of flavor. A jolt went through his spine, spread across his entire body and his eyes widened.

Lukas soon ended up coughing and hacking loudly–drawing the attention of some Vampires, he had to pretend that it was all intentional.

"Nothing to see here." Lukas said as he looked down at his blood bag.

It was a mixture of both pain and pleasure–he did it.

"I have to do this to survive." he muttered underneath his breath.

A snigger suddenly sounded from behind him. Lukas glanced back to see the same group of Vampires from earlier. It was a mixture of mostly male Vampires loitering around the cafe.

"First time drinking water blood and he starts to whine? Boohoo." The ringleader of the group spoke and pretended to wipe his tears.

His group laughed alongside him.

Lukas was not impressed, especially because these Vampires were dressed like punk goths which almost seemed stereotypical for their kind. But as he gauged the number of the Vampires–he thought it tactical to just ignore the worthless Vampire\'s words.

"Yeah, can\'t even speak up for himself." another Vampire sniggered.

One of Lukas\' eyes twitched and he tried to turn away with his spoils from the store, but then the group suddenly circled around him.

"If you can\'t tolerate Blood Water–why not toss it over to us? We\'ll take it off your hands." A Vampire smirked.

"No. I think not." Lukas tried to find a way out of the circle, but they weren\'t budging.

He was almost positive that violence was about to occur, and he was contemplating on doing a hit and run when a person pushed through the circle and glared at the ringleader of the group–it was Stacy!

Lukas\' eyes widened and he cursed inwardly knowing that he had to intervene–but then something strange happened.

"Oi, quit messing with my customers, Alexei." Stacy looked much livelier as she glared at the tall Vampire who didn\'t look quite impressed either.

Much to Lukas\' surprise though, the Vampire raised his hands placatingly. "Alright, alright, don\'t get all hissy like a snake. We were just messing around with him as you said."

"Messing around? You could be filed for assault with your entire lackeys, idiot! Did that thought cross through your mind?"

"It wouldn\'t escalate to that." Alexei sniggered.

"Oh, you\'re so sure, huh?"

"Hundred percent positive."

Lukas\' brows furrowed together.

The two knew each other.


It wasn\'t just that. The longer Lukas stared at the two, the more that he couldn\'t help but notice a resemblance between them. They shared the same almost sharp features which might have intimidated a lot of the Vampires.

Something that almost seemed exclusive to them.

Lukas glanced at the corner of his vision and noticed that the others remained silent as well–almost as if the two siblings could control the atmosphere around them and drew others in.

Well… Lukas wasn\'t going to waste his time though.

Stacy seemed safe, so he raised a hand and managed a grin. "Yo, thank you for saving me, Stacy–but I think I\'ll be going on ahead now and let you tackle this, okay?"

"Oh no, you don\'t–the two of you are going to resolve this right here and right now." Stacy spun towards Lukas and gave him a frown. "You need to get this together–I won\'t always be here to save you, dear customer."

"Hah." Alexei chuckled.

Lukas raised a brow, but then crossed his arms together. "Fine. I probably offended your group by saying that Blood Water is something I need to survive and complaining about it."

Alexei bared his fangs. "You whine like a little–"

Stacy narrowed her eyes at him.

"I mean, yeah–I got uh, hurt by what you said, some of us live solely on blood water ya know?" Alexei scratched his head and glanced back at Stacy. "Happy?"

"Adequate. I\'m going back to my station." Stacy nodded, her voice returning to a dull tone. Right before she stepped back inside, her gaze flickered back to Lukas–lips muttering and then she was gone.

Lukas blinked. What was that supposed to mean?

"Don\'t get any wrong ideas–she was just doing her job, punk." Alexei narrowed his eyes on him.

"Oh yeah, I don\'t mind at all." Lukas grinned and waved a hand idly. "Just be careful where you bare those fangs, boy. I\'m a loyal customer."

"You better watch yourself where you walk across these streets."

"Why, thank you. I didn\'t think you\'d care so much about me." Lukas joked as he saw Alexei\'s face turn stony.

Some of his group members actually chuckled, which caused Alexei to glare at them.

And that was his cue.

Lukas didn\'t wait for another second and moved past the group and headed on his way. As much as he wanted to stick around and be harassed by the group, he also had other places he wanted to see.

The first and foremost of them was just right ahead of him.

Blood Works.

The two storey building, decorated with a scythe above its signature name, was filled with an orderly row of people in cloaks entering and exiting the establishment. A number of them wielding weapons.

In the corner of Lukas\' vision, he saw the notification spring up.

[ Blood Works ]

Home to the most exquisite weaponry for your everyday Hunter and Assassins. Owned by Viktoria Cadis.

"Now this… this is way better than VitaBlood." Lukas perked up as he made his way inside.

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