
Chapter 162 - GOF (XXV) & Third Task (I)

[POV Rumi(Roxanne)]

It is a nice morning… a could already feel that I was going to have a nice fight tonight. The Third Task was scheduled to happen tonight… hah, I didn\'t know what kind of beasts were going to be arranged for the task but I think they might be quite dangerous… the more dangerous they are, the more fun it would be… ​​

And I shouldn\'t forget the death eaters I am going to fight afterwards, I could already feel my blood boiling in excitement. Now, there is only one more thing to decide… am I going to use magical means to fight the battle or am I going to use my physical power.

During the first task I killed the manticore with only magic and this time I won\'t be having an audience… I guess, I could use my physical power this time. It has been long since I have fought someone with my fists…

I don\'t know what kind of fool have organised the tasks… but after meeting Crouch Snr. and Bagman, I don\'t think I have to look very far. I can understand the first task… a gladiator kind of fight with a magical beast inside an arena. The crowd could easily see the fight, which was the main point of having an audience.

Now, lets talk about the second task, the crowd spend 1 fucking hour staring at the surface of water. I don\'t know if magical people find that exciting but I think it to be rather boring. How can be staring at the water surface have any kind of excitement… I don\'t know.

Now, the third task… the crowd would be sitting quite far from the maze. I don\'t think that magical people have any kind of video camera which can show them live-time feed. From what I have seen they can only record… so, the audience won\'t be able to watch the third task too… clearly, I don\'t see why they are having an audience.

After getting freshened I left the Room of Requirement, I decided not to train today… after all, it won\'t be good if I spend all my energy before the Third Task. I arrived in the Great Hall, and the Hall immediately got quiet. I honestly hate this… can\'t they mind their own business… like eating their food.

I finally reached the Ravenclaw table… all the Ravenclaws kept greeting me and wishing me good luck. This was annoying too but I politely thanked them too… I finally reached where Reo, Momo, Luna, and Fleur were sitting. All of them were watching me with amused expressions on their faces, even though it annoyed me… I still greeted them happily.

"Roxy… you have so many fans. Though I don\'t envy you in the slightest" Momo said making fun of me… it was annoying but I decided to give her a mature answer and poked my tongue towards her.

"Very mature Roxy… very mature, indeed" next was Luna, she wasn\'t even looking towards me. She had the dreamy look and she spoke in her usual dreamy tone. I decided not to give her an answer.

The breakfast continued with similar bickering going on, not that I mind. It kind of makes me feel nice… after all this only happens if you are with your family. After breakfast I decided to get to know Fleur better… after all, it was quite clear that she was going to be our sister in the near future. So, I decided to chat with Fleur… while Luna went away on her hunt for eccentric magical creatures while Momo and Reo went somewhere I don\'t know.

Reo always have several plans… and all of his plan\'s had plans. Reo had previously mentioned to me that we were in the endgame now… but I can guarantee that there must be several things still going on in the background. I have never asked him about these matters as I find them rather complicated. Momo, too isn\'t privy of most details as she is always busy with her studies and research.

Luna… well she is Luna and Dora, there\'s nothing to say about that clutz. Don\'t get me wrong, she is a nice girl and I couldn\'t have asked for a better sister than her but there is no denying that she is clumsy as hell. Who the fuck trips on flat floor? I can understand that it happens because of her metamorphogus abilities but still… her balance is more than lacking.

The only person who knows the most of the plans is that depraved pervert. Seriously, I don\'t have a clue regarding how her brain works. Most of the time she only thinks about mounting Reo and reading porn… how the hell she plans all those devious plans to navigate through politics… I have no idea. Since the fight with Lord Nott no one has dared to challenge us, Nemuri had used the fact of Lord Nott\'s demise in such a way that no one in the Wizengamot dares to insult her.

She is youngest female Minister of Magic… and the first Minister of Magic who isn\'t a pure-blood. While God has made us purebloods… everyone except Amelia thinks that we are born from squib lines… after all, it is common knowledge that Ravenclaw family was destroyed because of inbreeding.

"What are you thinking about?" I was finally brought out of my thoughts by Fleur. Only now, I noticed that we have arrived in front of Black Lake.

"Nothing serious, I was thinking how far I have come since I was brought into the magical world" I said… it wasn\'t a lie, it was a truth with very important facts missing… she won\'t be knowing these facts until Reo tells her.

"I guess it\'s true… I have heard a lot from my parents about your family. My Papa says he was really shocked to see that Vicky Ravenclaw was able to take her Wizengamot seat. He said that it wasn\'t rare to see an extinct pure-blood line to appear from muggleborns but they aren\'t allowed to take their seats because they know nothing… most even leave the wizarding world without claiming their inheritance" Fleur said, that\'s true though… I have heard these from Momo, Reo, and Nemuri.

"Vicky has always been devious… Vicky had found that she was the Ravenclaw heir even before she entered Hogwarts but unlike the others she didn\'t announce it. She was waiting for the right moment… when she was invited to Hogwarts she started to learn about the customs and traditions of magical Britain and she easily found loopholes… and the rest is history" I said in a dismissive manner, the truth is Reo was the one who made the plans but Nemuri made several modifications in those and they came out much better…

"But I have heard that she is kind of… open-minded" Fleur spoke trying not to be disrespectful, it was quite clear. Even before Nemuri became the Minister, no one openly disrespected her… especially after she single-handedly collapsed the economy of magical Britain and made a new empire out of it. The people who would dare to disrespect her decreased even more after Reo killed Lord Nott.

"you are putting it rather lightly… she is the most depraved, perverted woman to ever walk on the face of earth. She openly accepts that she is a Super Pervert… is there anything more to say" I said in a sarcastic tone.

"I thought, my Papa was exaggerating… he had met her once. It was after the 2nd task" Fleur said.

"I don\'t think he was exaggerating… but you don\'t have to worry so much, no matter how she acts, she will only let one man touch her… that is Edgar, she loves Edgar deeply" I said while nodding my head, yes, that\'s true. No matter how Nemuri acts and behaves she will never allow any other man touch her except Edgar. Of course, she allows other men to kiss the back of her hand as it is the form of greeting.

"But you shouldn\'t underestimate her, she has a really devious mind which she keeps hidden" I said with a smile on my face. She, might be annoying as hell but I do care about her, and I would protect her if needed…

The rest of the day passed quite normally, Luna joined me and Fleur during lunch. Reo and Momo were still missing so, I texted Reo, he said that he was busy dealing with some stuff… they were preparing something for tonight.

Reo and Momo finally arrived in the evening in tow with Minister Vicky Ravenclaw aka Nemuri and Nymphadora (Don\'t call me that!) Tonks. Nemuri and Dora came straight towards me and Luna. Fleur went to greet her family. The organisers of the tournament have decided to hold this event for the participants before the task starts. Dora casted a few privacy wards around us, so there won\'t be any eavesdroppers.

"Are you guys going to be there?" I asked Nemuri, who had a stoic pure-blood princess look on her face.

"Don\'t be stupid… I am the Minister of Magic, I have to be here or people will be suspicious, I will be here, Dora, will be here, even Reo and Momo, are going to be here" Nemuri started to say in a pureblood manner but a grin started to appear on her face by the end of the sentence.

What?! Reo and Momo had said that they were going to be in the graveyard and I was sure that Reo won\'t go back on his word. Then it clicked on my mind and my eyes grew wide…

"Looks like your battle maniac brain has caught up… Amelia was able to gather a few more time-turners for tonight. After all everyone is paying close attention to tonight… even the Unspeakables are too busy to count all the time-turners that have gone missing" Nemuri said with a huge grin on her face. I guess, using this method will make sure that that they are going to be here.

After that we sorted out the finer details of the plans. It was finally the time of the third task… like me, all of the participants were standing in front of the maze. I looked towards Nemuri, Dora, Reo, and Momo. All of them nodded their heads telling me that the plan was a go. Luna won\'t be joining in the fight… but she knew about the plans from her visions. She nodded her head too…

Bagman started the announcement and with the first cannon blast, I bolted towards the entrance of the maze…

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