
Chapter 159 - GOF (XXII) & Date With Fleur...

[POV Reo(Edgar)]

"Alice, you need to sleep" I said in a desperate voice. Momo has been working on something and ignored to sleep for 3 days... ​​

"I am really close... I am just missing something to stabilize it" Momo said in a frustrated voice. Yeah... she has been really frustrated that she is unable to finish whatever it is. It\'s not my fault that she had decided not to tell me. I could find out what she was working on if I tried but that would only annoy Momo even more.

Luna and Fleur just sat at the side without speaking anything. A month has passed since Rumi\'s birthday... Nemuri also has her birthday in March which we celebrated in our house in Hogsmeade. Fleur wasn\'t obviously invited in that because all of us knew very well what the party would entail. Obviously the party only entailed carnal desires...

Since Rumi\'s party Fleur has started to spend her time with us. She has obviously become a part of our group. It wasn\'t anything surprising when she found out that I had a harem after all it was a common knowledge in Hogwarts rumour mill. I never openly kissed any girls but everyone knew about my relationship with the girls. Anyone with a single brain cell could have figured it out.

So, Fleur had the knowledge about our relationship beforehand... though her father and mother were obviously surprised... her little sister wasn\'t so much... because she was spending her time with Harry Potter... she kept firing off in French... Harry has no way of getting out of it so he could only listen to her and nod his head. Sirius saw it and kept laughing his ass off... and kept receiving death glares from Harry because of that.

When Fleur found out that Momo was an enchanter she decided to become her apprentice... the tournament can go and fuck itself. After all, enchanters aren\'t common and no one takes a free apprentice. Momo had already agreed to take Fleur under her wing when she found out that Fleur had friendless childhood.

I also taught Fleur some spells from time to time because of the tournament. Fleur wasn\'t interested anymore because she knew she won\'t be winning the tournament and she already found a way to fulfil her dream... but I insisted that she trained for the tournament because even if she won\'t try to win it... she could still die in 3rd task.

"Alice... why don\'t you take a day off and take some rest. I think... it is going to help you... you would be able to think more clearly" I sighed and and started to speak. I too did this when I found some of my knew power and kept practicing whole night... but starting again with a fresh mind was always better. I sat down beside Momo and pulled her into a tight hug to calm her down.

"I guess... I could use some sleep..." Momo spoke in a low voice and kept hugging. It wasn\'t long before her breadth evened, I checked her and she has finally fallen asleep.

Seeing her fall asleep... I levitated her from the table and laid her on the bed... I kissed her forehead and gently tucked her in... she was wearing pyjamas so it wasn\'t necessary to get her changed.

"So... what are we doing now?" Fleur asked me and kept looking outside from time to time.

"I am busy... I am going to look for Crumple Horned Snorkacks" Luna said and got up and left the room skipping... but not before giving me a kiss.

"I guess... it\'s you and me only... let\'s go to Hogsmeade, I will show you around" I said in an uncertain tone. Luna obviously did this so I would be spending time with Fleur. Nemuri and Dora were both busy today with some Wizengamot emergency meeting... so I won\'t be spending time with them (fucking their brains out).

"I guess we can" Fleur said getting up and following me out of the room. I fired a few spell and locked the room. Only someone of our group would be able to open the door now... except Fleur... she didn\'t know the spells to nullify the locks.

It was a Hogsmeade weekend... now that I have dealt with all of the loose ends I was able to spend my time more leisurely. Yes, Babymort still needed to be dealt with but I was getting regular reports from rat man. Even he didn\'t know that he was giving me reports. And Dumbles was in my dungeon stuck inside a cell... his flaming chicken was trapped inside a box. After throwing Dumbles in the cell... I went back to his house the next day to deal with the Phoenix still trapped in there.

Even though it kept squaking and trying to flame... I didn\'t relent and threw it in inside the cage I have especially prepared. After that was done I threw the flaming chicken to the cell next to Ol Twinkles where he could hear his bird squaking. I could have used the ritual I have used to break Attila\'s connection from Tommy Boy but honestly I didn\'t like the bird that much.

The flaming chicken was with the whiskered fool for so long and I don\'t know that what kind of affect it would have after I break the connection. I only did it with Attila because Attila\'s main purpose wasn\'t to follow Tommy... I took a chance and it worked.

Me and Fleur finally reached Hogsmeade... if it wasn\'t snowing we would have taken a walk but walking in muddy snow is really annoying. Fleur got down from the carriage and shook her head in disappointment.

"Don\'t like it?" I asked Fleur, in the original story she was a haughty girl who kept insulting everything while comparing it with Beauxbatons. Though this Fleur wasn\'t anything like the story one... that doesn\'t mean that she hated the weather or something.

"It\'s the cold... I don\'t like cold, it kind of goes against our very nature" Fleur spoke while shivering. I guess I can understand that... she is a fire and air based creature... she would obviously hate cold. I waved my hand and hit Fleur with a strong heating charm.

"Thank you" Fleur felt the warming sensation and thanked me with a smile on her face. She also scooted close to me...

"So... where can we spend some time?" Fleur asked looking around with some interest in her eyes.

"First let me show you around..." I said in a casual tone.

"Monsieur Ravenclaw... is it a date?" Fleur asked me in a teasing tone.

"It can be if you want" I replied in a similar tone. Two can obviously play the game...

"Then it\'s a date!" Fleur said with a smile while nodding her head. She scooted even closer to me and grabbed my hand. I didn\'t do anything except smile at her. Fleur was really a good girl. We spend most of our time looking around the stores... checking out the stuff.

We were finally hungry and decided to have some lunch. I wanted to take Fleur to a nice luxurious restaurant but she didn\'t want that. So, I did the next best thing and took Fleur to Madam Rosmerta\'s and booked a private room. I never liked anyone staring at me and my date... and that was the case most of the times. In luxurious restaurants it happened too but it was manageable but it common places like this it would have been annoying.

"What can I get you two?" Madam Rosmerta asked us while showing us to the room. I gestured Fleur to order first...

"I would like to have some fish and chips, without too much much oil, of course... and the finest wine you have" Fleur said in a pureblood princess voice... Madam Rosmerta nodded her head taking the order. I don\'t know how costly her finest wine is going to be but seriously it can\'t be something costlier than what Nemuri drinks.

"I would like fish and chips too... but get me a butterbeer" I also gave my order, Madam Rosmerta happily noted it down and left the room to get our food and drinks. Even though, I would have appreciated some nice and strong alcohol... my young body would get hurt because of that and I always preferred beer for casual occasions.

We chatted about some casual stuff until Madam Rosmerta brought the food and drinks. After she left I casted privacy wards... so that no one would be able to eavesdrop in our chat.

"So what do you want to do?" Fleur suddenly asked.

"What brought that up?" I asked curiously. I didn\'t mind her question... it was just... uncommon.

"Well... I know about the others, Alice would become a spell crafter and enchanter, Roxanne would obviously become a duelist or hitwizard... Luna, well, she is Luna... she would take over Quibbler in future I guess... but I haven\'t figured out anything about you" Fleur said while sipping her wine.

"Honestly, I have never thought about that... I just want to live happily and freely with my girls. Marry them, have some children... stuff like that" I said while leaning back on my chair.

"That\'s good too... I guess" Fleur said while nodding her head. The rest of the meal passed normally... it was finally time for us to return, after paying our bill we left the building.

Fleur had to return to Beauxbatons\' carriage so I decided to drop her off. It was a gentleman\'s duty after all.

Fleur pulled me into a hot kiss before she entered the carriage. Her kiss was sloppy... it was clear that she didn\'t have any experience in kissing... this might very well be her first kiss.

"I would be looking forward to our next date" Fleur said and gave me another kiss before entering her carriage.

With a smile on my face I decided to return to my room, it was a nice date...

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