
Chapter 52: Business (2)

Chapter 52: Business (2)

Park Seol-Hun thought he had heard Kang Ra-Eun wrong.

“Eight-to-two...? Are you serious?”

“I sure am. I don’t really like joking around,” Ra-Eun answered.


Seol-Hun couldn’t see this deal as anything but unfair, but Ra-Eun thought otherwise.

“This business is gonna be built with my money, isn’t it? I shoulder all the risks, too. All you have to do is to pursue whatever business venture that you want, mister.”

“How am I supposed to manage the business with only twenty percent?”

“You don’t have to worry about the expenses. I’m not saying that I’ll use the eighty percent for my own self-interest.”

This was not only Seol-Hun’s company. He and Ra-Eun would be co-chairpersons.

‘Seol-Hun will be doing the majority of the work, though.’

Ra-Eun was planning on just getting the money and providing support whenever it was needed. Despite that, Seol-Hun did not seem to find the offer very attractive.

“Even so...”

As he was about to say that eight-to-two was far too harsh...

“Forget it, then. In exchange, spit out all the money that I lent you before you go. As long as you do that, I’ll let you go.”


Seol-Hun tried to appeal to Ra-Eun’s sympathy to make the ratio as better in his favor as possible, but such an act was useless on Ra-Eun. She had all the power in this negotiation since she had the money that was crucial to starting the business. If Seol-Hun didn’t receive her help, his seventh business venture would go down the drain before it even started.

Not only that, but Ra-Eun had saved him from getting his organs harvested by loan sharks. He couldn’t just forget what she had done for him. But even so, eight-to-two was far too unreasonable.

Ra-Eun giggled at Seol-Hun’s pondering face.

“I’m not saying we should keep it at eight-to-two forever. I’ll adjust the ratio based on your performance,” Ra-Eun remarked.


“Of course. I’m the kind of man... I mean, woman who never lies.”

Ra-Eun saw Seol-Hun as one of her loyal subordinates. It wasn’t hard to give incentives to exceptional employees, especially one who would be managing her business from now on.

‘And I’m sure he’ll work harder now that I’ve mentioned the ratio adjustment.’

Motivating others was one of the jobs of a future chairwoman. Because of Ra-Eun’s bait, Seol-Hun’s face was much brighter than when the ratio was first brought up.

“Alright, that’s good enough for now. Let’s go with that,” Seol-Hun said.

“Okay. We have a deal, then.”

They had verbally agreed. All that was left now was to register as a business and to officially sign a contract. But before that, Ra-Eun wanted to confirm something.

“What’s gonna be your seventh venture, mister?”

Ra-Eun already knew exactly what Seol-Hun was going to say, but she had asked him anyway. Seol-Hun exclaimed with the confidence to make his seventh venture a success no matter what.

“A clothing business!”

Ra-Eun smiled. It was exactly as she had expected.


After they had discussed most of what they wanted to, Ra-Eun got up from her seat to head home before sunset. But before that, she said to Seol-Hun, “I know a pretty skilled aspiring fashion designer. Do you want me to introduce you to him when I get the chance later?”

“How old is he?” Seol-Hun asked.

“He’s a year younger than me. Since I’m in my third year of high school now... he’s a second-year.”

“He’s way too young.”

“What’s wrong with that? Fashion sense is more important for fashion design than age, isn’t it?”

“That’s true...”

She was not wrong. Money was certainly important to start a business, but they also needed skilled individuals.

“Okay, then introduce me to that friend of yours next time,” Seol-Hun said.

“Okay. Oh, and let me know whenever you need help. This is both of our companies, so I’ll help in any way that I can.”

“How? I thought you didn’t know a thing about fashion design?”

Ra-Eun also had no business experience, but it wasn’t only money that she had. She pointed at the massive TV screen outside the cell phone store, which was playing the commercial that she had appeared in.

[The coffee that you need when you want to cool down.]

[Would you like to... have a drink with me?]

Seol-Hun had gone speechless by the Ra-Eun on the screen that was overflowing with sexiness. She was strangely different from the Ra-Eun that he knew. Both were just as pretty, but the aura that they each gave off was completely different.

Ra-Eun said with a smile on her face, “I’m one hell of an advertiser, if nothing else.”

Seol-Hun could not refute the words of the star rookie actress.


After Ra-Eun modeled for Do-Dam Group’s three new coffee products, their sales rose to become the highest compared to every product that they had released in the past. The product itself also received good reviews, but having Ra-Eun as the model was able to satisfy the consumers’ senses of sight, hearing and taste simultaneously.

Today was the day of Ra-Eun’s first drama shoot of the year. She had made plans to meet with Chairman Ji of Do-Dam Group after completing her schedule. She had to complete the shoot with as few NG cuts as possible to not be late.

She was wearing a modernized hanbok today.

‘Thank God it’s a modernized hanbok. The layers that I’d have to put on for a traditional hanbok... urgh!’

She shuddered just from the thought. Since today’s scene also contained action, the hanbok was designed for her to be able to move as comfortably as possible.

“Are your movements restricted in any way, Ra-Eun?”

“No, it’s fine.”

She lightly warmed up with some stretches, rehearsed the scene to sync up with her acting partner, and then stood in front of the camera with a sword in hand.

The slate clapped with Director Park’s signal. The extra who was acting like he was possessed by a wraith approached Ra-Eun menacingly. Je-Woon jumped in between Ra-Eun and the man emanating an imposing aura.

“Seo-Yu! I’ll handle this, so please get to sa—”

Je-Woon was unable to finish his sentence because he was knocked out with a single blow from the extra. The male lead character that Je-Woon played possessed spiritual powers, but he did not have the combat prowess to exorcize the wraiths like Jin Seo-Yu. Hence, Ra-Eun was the focus of most action scenes.

Ra-Eun lightly twirl the blade a few times. One could tell from just a glance that she was very adept at handling a sword. The extra charged at Ra-Eun at a frightening speed with a roar. He soared into the air through a wire that was attached to him. Ra-Eun twirled to evade the extra’s strike, and made a horizontal slicing motion while gripping the sword with both hands.

The scene looked extremely mediocre during the shoot, but it could be packaged into a flashy battle scene with some CG and SFX. Therefore, Ra-Eun did not feel pressured.

‘The CG team will take care of it.’

However, since CG was not an almighty tool, the actual action performance that was the backbone had to be solid.

The action performances that Ra-Eun displayed always satisfied Director Park and the martial arts coach Heo Son, and it was the case today as well.

“Cut! Okay, Ra-Eun! You were amazing!”

The scene was OK’d with just one attempt yet again. Ra-Eun approached Je-Woon as soon as the shoot was finished.

“Are you hurt anywhere, sunbae?”

Je-Woon had been flung further and more violently compared to the rehearsal. Ra-Eun had honestly been surprised enough to wonder if it was a genuine accident. However, Je-Woon smiled as if he was completely fine.

“This is nothing. That aside, you’re getting better at acting by the day, Ra-Eun.”


“Yeah. I can tell since I’m your co-star.”

There was a huge difference between watching Ra-Eun’s performance through a screen and watching it while acting alongside her. Je-Woon had been observing Ra-Eun’s growth by her side, and just like today, he had been surprised by his junior’s growth many times.

“Could you teach me how to use a sword next time?” Je-Woon asked.

“Yes, of course.”

Ra-Eun also needed to become closer to Je-Woon, because...

‘I’ll need someone to be a model for our menswear in the future.’

She had thought of using Ji Han-Seok, but he could not surpass Je-Woon in terms of recognition since Je-Woon was not only an actor, but a member of a boy group with a massive fanbase.


After the shoot was over, Shin Yu-Bin drove Ra-Eun not to her home, but to Do-Dam Group headquarters.

“Is it really fine for me to just drop you off here?” Yu-Bin asked.

“Yes. I’m going to be having a meal with Chairman Ji and Han-Seok sunbae.”

“I’m sure the chairman is overjoyed since his company sales skyrocketed thanks to you.”

Ra-Eun simply smiled in response.

“What about your way home? Are you gonna take a taxi?”

Kang Ra-Hyuk had also been planning on coming, but he couldn’t attend because something else came up. Ra-Eun did not make a big fuss about it since Ra-Hyuk was practically a scarecrow in their first meeting with Chairman Ji.

She could have just had Ra-Hyuk drive her home, but that was no longer an option. However, someone else had appointed himself to be her driver.

“Han-Seok sunbae said he would give me a ride.”

“Oh, really? I can rest easy if it’s Han-Seok. Okay, make sure to text me when you get home, okay?”

“Okay, I will.”

Ra-Eun checked her attire again after seeing Yu-Bin off. Because the make-up that she had gotten done during the shoot wasn’t very subtle, she removed it and re-did her make-up with basic cosmetics.

‘Those of the older generation prefer lighter make-up.’

Even the subtlest things completely changed one’s impression.

‘Now, let’s go do my other job.’

She confidently walked toward Do-Dam Group headquarters with her small handbag.

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