
Chapter 35 - Finals (II)


"Why haven\'t you find him yet??? It has been one month, you had been given a simple to kidnap that kid... but through one month you didn\'t even find where he lives!!" Tomura screamed and ranted in front of Muscular and Dabi. ​​

Both felt ashamed of themselves, the target was just a kid, why can\'t these people find him?

"He goes to UA, you can find him there!!" the \'man-child\' screamed.

"I think we should postpone it for now, with the finals the security around the school is pretty tight" Kurogiri spoke for once since the meeting has started. Hearing him, Tomura finally calmed down. He started to think calmly and found that Kurogiri was right, they can\'t be seen around UA now.


From today, the practical exams were starting. I have to say that I had a nice weekend after the written exams. He spent Saturday with Rumi while Momo and Nemuri had a get-together. On Sunday he had a nice date with Nemuri, though she felt uncomfortable because she had to wear that absurdly large had and shades throughout the day so that police won\'t arrest her for corrupting a minor.

I found it pretty amusing but didn\'t say anything because he knew that Nemuri was quite sensitive about her age. Though I would have liked to find what my two girlfriends chatted about because I was really curious. But Momo \'It\'s between us, girls\' dashed any of his hopes of knowing them.

"Are you sure that we would be fighting against sensei\'s?" finally hearing Mina\'s worried voice who was speaking to Momo beside him brought him out of his thoughts.

"I can\'t say for sure, but I think that it is most probable" instead of Momo I decided to answer Mina. Mina looked at me and became more nervous.

I just hope that I get to fight All Might... he is the only one who could give me any challenge now. I don\'t want to fight Aizawa honestly, yeah my Quirk can\'t be stolen or canceled but I still want this to stay secret. Who knows if this comes to light how many organizations would be after me. Even though I could deal with all of them, it would be still bothersome.

After a few minutes Aizawa arrived and led us to ground beta . We were already in our hero costumes, so we didn\'t need to change. We entered the ground and found all the pro-heroes in UA staff were waiting for us there. Nezu was sitting on Present Mic\'s shoulder.

"Good morning students! For your practical exams all of you would be divided in the group of two and you will be fighting against one of us. All of the match-ups are done ahead of time. The teachers won\'t be holding anything back so you should also give it your all." Nezu paused a bit looking at our reactions then continued "all of you have to work in team or you won\'t be able to win. Each fight will have a time limit of 30 minutes, there are two ways in which you can win. Either you have to escape or you have to defeat your opponent" Nezu spoke. I looked around me and found everyone of the students were very worried now.

"Another thing, those who fail the pratical exam won\'t be able to go for summer training camp" Nezu spoke and jumped from Present Mic\'s shoulder to All Might.

After that, the display lit up and showed the match-ups. My mouth hung open... damn... I wanted to fight All Might.

1) Team Sato & Kirishima VS Cementoss

2) Team Asui & Tokoyami VS Ectoplasm

3) Team Ilda & Ojiro VS Power Loader

4) Team Itsuki & Jiro VS Eraserhead

5) Team Uraraka & Ayoma VS Thirteen

6) Team Ashido & Kaminari VS Nezu

7) Team Koda & Todoroki VS Present Mic

8) Team Hagakure & Shoji VS Snipe

9) Team Yaoyorozu & Sero VS Midnight

10) Team Midoriya & Bakugo VS All Might

Do they really want me to lose? Or they want to show me how weak I am without my Quirk? This is shit, I looked towards Jiro who also was worried about our match-up. I went towards her to talk when Sato & Eijirou are taken to ground beta along with Cementoss to fight.

"You know Aizawa\'s Quirk, right?" I asked Jiro to which she nodded.

"But I can\'t defeat him without getting close to him and I suck in close-combat" Jiro said while getting depressed.

"I will hold him back until you can reach him, he would be mainly using his Quirk on me to cancel my Quirk" I told her, to this she also nodded. We looked at the viewing screen for the fight and like in canon Eijirou and Sato tried to use brute force to defeat Cementoss, which didn\'t work out like they wanted. Cementoss did a short work of them and Eijirou and Sato were soundly defeated just after the match had started.

All of our classmates were shocked to see how easily they lost. Of course, this would be the only outcome if you don\'t make a plan. The pro-heroes who we are fighting against are working with their Quirks since long ago... they would know various ways of using them while holding back.

"Are you sure that we will win?" Jiro asked me nervously.

"Don\'t worry... even if we lose, we will give it our all. We won\'t go down silently" I said to her. This seemed to work like a charm and determination lit up in her eyes.

The next match was announced, and Team Asui & Tokoyami along with Ectoplasm head towards practical exam location 2 for their match. We saw through the screen that like in canon Ectoplasm was guarding the escape gate while his clones were chasing Tsuyu and Funikage throughout the setup while they were trying to reach the escape gate. After defeating all the clones of Ectoplasm and reach the escape gate only to find real Ectoplasm waiting for them there.

Ectoplasm created a gaint clone who used Giant Bite Detention super move to eat both of them. But Tsuyu tricked Ectoplasm and cuffed him, finally winning the match.

The third match between Team Ilda and Ojiro VS Power Loader. Their fight was on a dirt field... just like in anime. Mashirao climbed up behind Tenya\'s back and escaped the field. Power Loader tried to catch Mashirao but he used his tail to get past Power Loader and successfully escaped. They were also declared winner.

It was our match next. Everyone looked very interested in our match. Of course they would be, after all I single-handedly defeated all the villians in USJ, won all the three events in UA Sports Festival, and some even knew that I defeated Stain and another Nomu during Hosu Incident. And me being Rumi\'s intern was common knowledge now, so all of them wanted to see what I could do without my Quirk.


When the topic of Itsuki Reo came up during the match-ups were being discussed everyone looked worried.

Nezu said that Itsuki depended too much on his Quirk, even if Rumi asked his as her partner there was no way that Reo\'s physical abilities would be a challenge. So, everyone turned towards Aizawa, only he could get Reo to work physically.

All of them had seen Reo\'s performance in the sports festival and Aizawa himself was present in USJ when the villians attacked. He had the closest idea how he used his Quirk. And Aizawa completely agreed with the rest of the staff.

While walking towards the practical exam area he started to think how he is going to ambush them. He needed to cancel Reo\'s Quirk before Reo notices him or it could be an instant loss. He had seen what Reo had done to those villians in USJ in a matter of few seconds. And he also cannot neglect Jiro. If by any chance she is able to stick her eaphones in him then he had lost There was also a slight problem that he can\'t cancel Quirk of two people\'s. So he needed to knock out Reo before he attacks Jiro.

He wanted to show Reo that he shouldn\'t be overly dependent on his Quirk. With all these stuff in his mind Aizawa started to sneak towards Reo and Jiro.


Our exam ground was a residential area, it was the same where Todoroki and Momo fought against Aizawa.

"Jiro, Aizawa will try to get you away from me, don\'t do that. Remember that he can cancel only one person\'s Quirk at a time" I said, I could already sense Aizawa was slowly heading towards us.

Aizawa\'s tape could be a huge problem for me if I let him catch me. I have to be careful about not getting caught in that. From anime what I remember Aizawa is smart and a quick thinker. So, there is more than 90 percent chance that he will try to ambush us.

As I was thinking these Jiro was sweating due to the pressure. I could sense that Aizawa was only one block away from us now...

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