
Chapter 22 - Award Ceremony

A/N: I have decided that Nemuri would be in MC\'s harem. I think she deserves someone and it would be a huge loss to leave her.

I have also copied most of this chapter from another fanfic called In MHA with Madara\'s power because I forgot about the award ceremony. And in that fanfic the author described it pretty well. ​​


If I would be honest with myself, I was sad. I was happy, really happy because I won the tournament, made my parents proud but something is missing. I don\'t know what... it\'s like a part of me. The tournament kind of left a unsatisfied feeling within me...

Maybe it was because the events in this festival were no challenge to me. The 1 VS 1 were also a huge disappointment. Although, it felt nice to go up against all these students who are as same age as me. Experiencing it first hand was vastly different than watching behind a screen. Also, since I was born in this world I wasn\'t able to actually fight against someone like I had today. Even if the opponents were not into a level where I wanted, it\'s still felt pretty amazing.

It is really good that this school keeps arranging some kind pf events and there are always some kind of fight. Maybe I should stay for sometime in this world even after I have offed All For One. Maybe graduate from UA High... hah... this brought up another topic which I have been putting off. I still need to tell Momo about world travel and ask if she wants to come with me.

(A/N: The harem members will definitely go with him. But he wants to ask them if they want to go with him or not but they will always agree)

I was walking back to the stands when I heard someone announce my name. Looks like it is aleardy time for the award ceremony. So, instead I headed towards the stage for the awards.

[A few minutes later]

"All of the first year events for this year\'s UA Sports Festival have been completed. So now, we will begin with the award ceremony!" Midnight announced, with all students but four were standing there with camera flashing behind them.

In front of them, three students came out of underground while standing on their platforms that showed their rankings.

Third place being the emo half-half Shoto Todoroki who seemed to be in his thoughts. Second place was being occupied by now a clean and patched up Katsuki Bakugo who was completely restrained. Finally, the first place was occupied by me.

Cameras constantly flashed on all three of us. "And to present the medals! The man himself, All Might!" Midnight announced and a familiar laugh sounded out. Seeing the silhouette of the number one pro hero, everyone within crowd began to cheer loudly, with most of the students joining in as well.

"I have brought the medals here!" All Might shouted as he perfectly landed with no sort of difficulty what so ever.

Walking up to Shoto who had his head down with a dejected look on his face, All Might put the bronze metal on his neck.

"Don\'t be so down Young Todoroki. I am sure that you have your reasons for not using your other side until you fought Reo, right?" All Might asked Todoroki.

"Even so, I still lost to him, it seems like I still have something else before I could fully embrace it" Todoroki raised his head to look into the eyes of the wanted to surpass.

All Might laughed out loud and gave Todoroki a small hug while saying "Then I hope you get your situation sorted out so we can see what you are fully made of, Young Todoroki!"

Next All Might walked up to Bakugo, but since Bakugo\'s mouth was restrained he decided to keep his words to the point.

"I know you have a lot of pent up rage inside of you, but I hope you don\'t act rashly for when we release you. You ara a very strong young man with some much potential to become something more, so please don\'t ruin your chances. If you want to reach the top, then the first thing you are going to need to do is fix that personality of yours and your mind set. Other than that, you did a very good job this sports festival". All Might said as he gave the boy a small hug and put the silver metal around him.

After giving the medal to Bakugo he walked up to me. "And finally! Itsuki Reo, the winner of todays sports festival. I gotta say, you have the most versatile Quirk I had ever seen. Only thing I have to say is keep working hard because I am sure that you will be amazing hero one day." All might said while putting the gold medal around my neck and gave me a hug.

After the hug he patted my shoulder with a laugh, All Might spoke again but this time only loud enough so that only I could hear him. "You did good Young Reo, and judging from the conversations I have heard from the heroes, I am sure you will get tons of nominations, so choose wisely to ensure your bright future."

"Yes, thank you All Might." I said to him with a bright smile on my face. After that walked away from me and went towards Midnight and took the mic from her.

"Well, these are your winners! But listen up, everyone pay attention to what I have to say. Anyone could have ended up here and won the sports festival. Don\'t feel so down at your loss because here at UA, you will have time to grow and shape yourself to become splendid heroes! All you students here did a wonderful job today, so can we please get a round of applause!" All Might said as the arena became filled with the sound of everyone clapping.

Well I have to say, that was an awesome speech and being the symbol of peace also helps. I looked all around and saw how much these peoples and students look upto him. Most of the first years happily smiled because of his words and others began to feel better because of the encouragement he gave them.

"The next generation of heroes is definitely looking promising!" All Might declared which got him another round of applause. He raised his hands up in the air "And I would like to say one more thing, so everyone please say it with me! Thank you for everyone\'s hard work!"

"Plus Ultra!!"

With that the Sports Festival for the 1st was finally over. This was the same scene from the canon. On the screen it looked funny but now it is completely different.

I finally met with Momo and our friends. All of them happily congratulated me. Chatting happily, all of us left the stadium. I pulled out my phone and saw that my mom had texted me to wait at the station.

So, they did come here. I became really happy that they could see me winning the tournament. Watching it from the stadium and watching on TV are completely different. Both me and Momo were waiting at the station for my parents to come. Soon, my parents arrived and immediately engulfed me in a tight hug by my mom. Momo was standing by my side. My mom used her other hand and pulled her into the hug too. Suddenly a camera flashed, I looked at the side and found my father clicked a photo of us hugging.

Finally both me and Momo were allowed to go. "I am so proud pf you son" my father said and pulled me in another hug. But this time it was fatherly hug. The hug didn\'t last long.

"We both are so proud of you" My mother said while holding back her tears of happiness.

We finally settled down for a few minutes before the train arrived. When we were finally back into Yaoyorozu compound, we were met with another celebration. Momo\'s parents have arranged for a party in their compound for my win. Both of them congatulated me again and again along with my parents.

When finally the party was over I gave Momo a good night kiss in front of her parents and my parents. I was too tired to care about all those stuff, it was also same with Momo. Finally the fatigue is catching up to both of us. We really had a long and tiring day. Even if my body wasn\'t tired, my mind was telling me to sleep.

After reaching our house, I directly went to the shower. Ahhh... so relaxing. After a long and relaxing bath my body slammed into the bed and sleep immediately embraced me and my world became dark...

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