
Chapter 2 - My Quirk {EDITED}


"I was so worried..." my mom kept repeating this like a mantra while hugging me. ​​

"I am sorry, mom" I said genuinely as I could clearly feel that she was worried about me. I knew that she loved me a lot and me passing out like that must have scared her.

"There was nothing you could have done young man, after all, it was the awakening of your Quirk" I looked around a found a midget old man with a bald head in a lab coat. Now that he just said it... I could already feel something different all around me. It was like a sixth sense and an extra limb... I could feel that I could do anything with it. It felt odd, it\'s like that it is a part of my body and at the same time it isn\'t. Maybe after I hear what my Quirk is, it could shed some light on it.

Finally, my mom let me go and I released a relieved sigh. I might love her but that\'s mean that I want to be hugged by my mom all the time. "How can he have a Quirk? I didn\'t have one and neither did my husband has any Quirk" my mom spoke clearly curious.

"It is really rare for something like this to happen but it happens, it is rare but not unheard of" the geezer spoke. I don\'t know but this might be anime logic that all old people should be a midget.

As soon as he finished speaking my dad burst through the door sweating profusely. It was clear that he came here running after he parked his bicycle. Yes... we can\'t afford a car so my dad uses a bicycle. My father immediately hugged my mom. After that, he asked the doctor what happened or what or wrong with me.

"So my son has a Quirk?" My dad was still unsure but I guess that happens.

"Yes... now Reo-kun, if you follow me we could see what your quirk is" the doctor told me pointing towards me another room. I looked towards my parents and saw them happily nodding towards me. They looked really happy and proud of me. So I did what the doctor asked and followed him to another room while my mom and dad stood outside the glass.

(A/N: I don\'t know if the Quirks are tested like that or not but since this is a fanfic, I decided to use a machine that could find out about people\'s Quirks)

The doctor asked me to place my hand on an odd-looking sphere which was connected to a computer... maybe some supercomputer. I don\'t know and honestly, I didn\'t care much about that now. I was really excited, I was finally finding out what my Quirk was and most of my previous worries were also for the naught since All for One can\'t steal my Quirk.

A mirror was also fitted in front of me, maybe it was for kids who have mutated body type Quirks. Now that I think of it, I didn\'t describe how I looked like. In short, I was plain and simple... you could also say that I looked like a typical Japanese (A/N: Forgive me if this sounded racist). Black hair with black eyes, face better than average kids. It wasn\'t like how normally MCs described them. Girls would start dropping on their feet kind of handsome or women would leave their boyfriends and husbands so that they could spend time with me.

I call that bullshit... you can make up all the shit to look like gold but it will be shit no matter how good it looks. So, I was happy with my average looks and average face. My mom and dad were also average if truth to be told... a sudden beeping sound pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Good good... I got the results. Why don\'t you come here and see for yourself kid?" the doctor asked me.

I went in front of the computer, the monitor was displaying a lot of fucking lines. Boring... I just skimmed through them and finally reached the Quirk section. What I saw just blew my mind... I knew it... I fucking knew it. If God sends you on a mission then he is going to give you an OP power. So I made a new law, Reo\'s law of reincarnation, \'If a God reincarnates you with a mission on another world then the power he gives you is directly proportional to the difficulty of the mission given to you\'.

"Reo-kun, what\'s your Quirk? Don\'t worry even if it is not that good, we will still be proud of you" my mom spoke up. This made my stomach flutter but my Quick isn\'t fucking weak. It\'s fucking OP.

"Magnetokinesis" as soon as I spoke those words. It felt like I just had a revelation from God. Is this how MCs from the cultivation novels felt when they comprehended something..?? Maybe. Who fucking cares...? I could feel the whole world around me, and this was an awesome feeling. I felt like a severed limb was connected with my body... but it didn\'t feel odd, I felt like it has always been there...

"What exactly is magnetokinesis?" my dad finally asked, unable to hold back his curiosity.

"It means he can control and manipulate magnetic fields which would effect any and all metals around him. This Quirk is marvelous" the doctor spoke. He looked really giddy.

I became fucking Magneto... fuck this shit!! This is fucking OP. But my weakness is also obvious. But that can be also solved when I can extract metal from the ground or human bodies. I am not going to extract metals from human bodies... until and unless my life depends on it. I could already feel the iron moving in the body of the doctor, mom, and dad.

I could also feel the metals buried underground. The steel bars inside the concrete walls. It feels like I am Magneto on steriods. More tests needed to be done but they can wait for later. I looked at my mom and dad, both looked gobsmacked. I walked towards my mom and pulled her into a hug. Only then she was brought out of stupor, after that I did the same with my dad.

"Let\'s celebrate today... after I come back home from office, we can have a small party" my dad spoke. He looked really excited and happy.

"I also must give you both a warning... don\'t tell anyone what your son\'s Quirk is. Since both of you don\'t have any Quirk, you can\'t protect yourselves and someone could use either of you to reach him. His Quirk is really powerful but it has shortcomings too. Having no metal around him will make him powerless" the old man said. Even I have to say this was still a serious problem. Even if plastic doesn\'t bother me as long as there is a human or I am close enough to the ground, there won\'t be a problem. But I am not going to correct him.

Both of my parents turned completely serious and nodded their heads but they still looked proud and happy. After some time we were finally able to leave the hospital. My mom led me towards a car while my dad took his bicycle and went outside back to his office.

"Guran-san, we are back, my son just awakened his Quirk" my mom said to the driver. I knew him. He is Lady Yaoyorozu\'s driver. She must have allowed my mom to use the car since it was an emergency. They were always nice to us but it was clear that there was a status difference between us. At least, I felt that way.

"Whoa, kiddo. You are going to make your parents proud someday. So champ what\'s your Quirk?" Guran-san said in an excited tone. He was a young man and a nice guy. He sometimes tell me some stories when my mom works in the kitchen. He has a Quirk called Sharpeye... his eyesight is really sharp. His eyesight is twice as sharp as a normal human.

"I can control Iron, Guran-san" my dad and mom had already talked inside and they decided that they would tell everyone that I could control Iron until I can go to any Superhero School. For that, I needed to get a scholarship, after all, Hero schools were really expensive. After that, there won\'t be any need of hiding since it would be out in the open.

"Awesome kid... the young miss also awoke her Quirk a month ago. Her Quirk is Creation Quirk, quite useful if you ask me. Maybe someday both of you will become top heroes" Guran-san spoke enthusiastically.

I just laughed nervously while my mom pulled me inside the car. After my mom closed the door Guran-san drove out of the parking lot. I could feel all the metal around me, I could manipulate them, control them and do whatever I wished with them. I knew I could do that, it was just like second nature to me. Even if I haven\'t used my powers a single time, I absolutely knew that I could do that... something inside my mind was telling me that.

I need some future plans now... Magneto\'s powers were depended on his emotions. He used anger to fuel his power before Charles showed him the strongest emotion was serenity. I need to test that, I also needed to test the range of my powers. I needed to know from how much distance I could control metals and if my emotions and age could change them or not.

A lot of work has to be done but first I need to get used to metals manipulation so I could play with them even without touching them. After some time we reached the Yaoyrorzu compound and Guran-san parked the car. I wanted to jump out and go to my room so that I could test and play with my powers but my mom grabbed my shoulder which stopped me.

"I know you want to test your powers and all that but don\'t push yourself. You are tired today so first, take a rest. I need to inform Lady Yaoyorozu that I am back and you are fine, now go on" after saying that, my mom shooed me away.

I immediately entered our flat and pulled out some coins from under the TV. The coins rotated around my hand and I could use them as I wanted. I huge smile appered on my face... more tests needed to be done but those can wait. I have to play with the coins now...

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