
Chapter 193 - The Wolf And The Fox Host Guests From Far Away

Chapter 193 – The Wolf And The Fox Host Guests From Far Away

Chu Yun took his time to digest what Hua Nanyi had told them. He paced in front of the dais with his hands tightly clasped behind his back in deep thought. 

Could Chu Hean have been made captive, in the course of one of his assignments for Harmonious Resonance? Did a falling out case him and Ru Long to split up?


He couldn\'t help feeling afraid for his brother, despite everything. The Xiongnu were unpredictable, but unlike most other enemies Chu Yun didn\'t feel well-equipped to deal with them. They were illusive, and rarely sent ambassadors or invited anyone into their ever-moving camps, so it was hard to have a good read on their political makeup — which was no doubt part of their goal.

However, the many years of peace without any Xiongnu incursions into their territories had made them grow complacent. Chu Yun had studied both Zui and Su diligently, but had only spared the Xiongnu the briefest of his attentions.

He regretted that now, even though he didn\'t think they were planning anything as nefarious as an invasion.

"This \'contingent\', \'camp\', whatever you saw, of Xiongnu, were there many of them?" he asked Hua Nanyi.

She thought it over, which Chu Yun considered a good sign. If their numbers had been so remarkable she would have said so right away.

"I\'d say almost a hundred people," she said, sounding uncertain of her answer.

That wasn\'t a small number, but neither was it possible to mount a full scale incursion with only some hundred riders, no matter how competent the Xiongnu were.

They were either a rebel faction looking for trouble — or seeking aid.

In either case, a preemptive strike was the best course of action. Whatever they were planning, it was in their best interests to remove the element of surprise.

Chu Yun turned to Xiao Zai. "I think we should send a military retinue to welcome them into Zui and invite them for a formal meeting. You should write a formal invitation, requesting their presence and of whoever leads them to a banquet in Haolin, as honoured guests of King Xiao Zai."

"Yes, wonderful idea," Xiao Yuan sighed deeply in relief. "That way there will be no margin for misunderstandings, they won\'t be under the impression that we want to ambush them, and we won\'t cause alarm if anyone sees Xiongnu in Zui territory as they\'ll be accompanied by our own soldiers."

Xiao Ziyi cleared her throat. "And who should lead this retinue?"

Chu Yun grinned at her. The answer was obvious, but she didn\'t want to think about it.

"Naturally, her Highness should go," Chu Yun said, and before she could protest he turned to Hua Nanyi. "Nanyi will accompany you, as she\'s the only one who knows the route."

While Hua Nanyi couldn\'t quite disguise her excitement at having Xiao Ziyi\'s company, she till looked a little frazzled. "Can I rest first?"

Xiao Zai nodded firmly. "Of course, but you should leave tomorrow at the latest. We don\'t know if they\'ll move camps, or change locations in the meantime. We can\'t risk losing track of their location."

From high up on the dais he fixed Chu Yun with a determined look, "I\'ll have the official invitation written today, and Xiao Ziyi can present it in my name."

Time seemed to speed up after that. Hua Nanyi and Xiao Ziyi left the following day as agreed, and Chu Yun dove into the preparations for the feast, while Xiao Zai and Xiao Yuan talked the court into hosting the Xiongnu without raising any concerns over their presence along the Zui borders.

In fact, they were staying silent about that, and instead Xiao Zai mentioned only some vague correspondence, alerting him of the presence of Xiongnu nearby, and of his desire to initiate diplomatic relations.

As always, he had a hard time talking the conservative ministers and officials into doing anything out of their expectations. But Chu Yun advised him to remind them often of how the Xiongnu were expert horse breeders, and wouldn\'t it be wonderful, if an alliance provided Zui\'s military with such high quality animals?

In the end they conceded, but even that only increased the pace at which things were progressing. A little before a week had passed, they got a letter from Xiao Ziyi informing them that they had established friendly contact with the Xiongnu, and that they would be returning to Haolin for the welcome feast. 

The message was short, clearly sent in a hurry, but Chu Yun\'s gaze kept snagging on a single detail, "The Xiongnu were hoping to establish contact with Zui to begin with, and as such were most agreeable to the invitation."

What did that mean?

Why would the Xiongnu want to establish contact with them to begin with? What was their interest in Zui? Was it related to Chu Hean\'s presence among them?

Instead of comforting him, Xiao Ziyi\'s cryptic missive only made his anxiety double.

At night, Xiao Zai tried to reassure him that everything would be fine, and that no one would attempt anything against Chu Hean as long as Xiao Ziyi was present. 

Chu Yun knew he was right, but that didn\'t stop him from sleeping poorly over the next couple of days, until the arrival of the Xiongnu in Haolin was finally announced — almost two weeks after Hua Nanyi\'s and Xiao Ziyi\'s departure.

On the day of the welcome banquet, Chu Yun got dressed in the most resplendent and extravagant robe he owned. Spring had finally come, and he could do away with his tiger fur cloak, using instead a thick brocade silver robe, matched with silver hair ornaments. Unlike him, Xiao Zai shone brightly in his gold robe and haircrown. 

The two of them resembled the sun and the moon side by side up on the dais, sitting in their respective thrones.

Chu Yun was almost five months along, and there was no hiding the swell of his abdomen now. It was obvious to everyone that he was pregnant.

He hoped that no one from the Xiongnu contingent would comment on it, or that due to the amount of people in the hall they would just assume he was an omega. 

But Chu Hean would know. Chu Hean would be coming to, and he would finally find out that Chu Yun was pregnant.

That along with everything else at stake filled him with trepidation. He could only wait anxiously as the servants announced the entrance of the First Princess of Zui, as well as of the Wise Prince of the Left.

That made Chu Yun sit up straighter in his throne. If he wasn\'t mistaken the title of "Wise Prince" was used by the heir of the Xiongnu Emperor. They weren\'t meeting just some grasslands lord, but the heir to the entire, vast, Xiongnu empire.

And he had sought an audience with Zui before the invitation reached him.

Chu Yun didn\'t have much time to speculate about that, because moments later the doors opened and several men and women wearing colourful, leather clothing with fur accents entered the throne room.

Unlike them, the Xiongnu wore pants, although the upper half of outfits resembled robes, and sturdy leather boots. The grassy plains where they roamed were even colder than the already frigid Zui territories, so Chu Yun understood the preoccupation with warmth.

Despite the differences, it was obvious that all their clothing was finely made, expertly stitched and aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Along with their unusual dress, many of them sported tiny braids in their hair, some of them thread through golden or jade beads.

No one was more eye-catching than the man leading them all, whose confident smile Chu Yun could see when he was almost across the room.

His people parted so that he could easily access the foot of the dais, where he knelt deeply on one foot and with a hand to his heart.

"Lieba Chun greets his Majesty the King of Zui, and his Royal Highness the King Consort."

Xiao Zai welcomed him in equally respectful terms, while Chu Yun remained quiet. His eyes flew across the sea of serious, unfamiliar faces, looking for Chu Hean among them.

"We are honoured to welcome the Wise Prince into our capital, but we have heard that the Prince sought an audience as well, beyond the matters of diplomatic relations," Xiao Zai said, looking down at Lieba Chun, who hadn\'t moved from his place at the foot of the dais.

"That is true, your Majesty, this humble prince from the grasslands, came to Zui in the hope of securing a marriage alliance."

His words were met with stunned silence all around.

Xiao Zai cleared his throat. "A marriage alliance? On what terms?"

Finally, Lieba Chun stood up. He was handsome, roguishly charming in a way that promised all kinds of trouble. When he smiled, his sharp canines glinted in the flickering candlelight of the hall, whiter than any pearl.

"This Prince seeks his Royal Highness\' permission and blessing to marry his brother."

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