
Chapter 188 - The Fox Makes An Ultimatum

Chapter 188 – The Fox Makes An Ultimatum

The guards could scarcely believe they were told to leave again, a few short minutes after returning from following those exact orders.

It was reassuring at least, that they didn\'t try to argument with him, as they had done with Gu Wei. 

Inside, he found Xiao An sitting on a straw cot in one of the leftmost cells, his back towards the bars. Chu Yun pulled on the same stool Gu Wei likely had, and sat in front of his cell. When Xiao An had no reaction, Chu Yun kicked the bars with his booted heel.

That got him a lazy glance over the shoulder. And then Xiao An finally turned around. He didn\'t get up and move towards him, instead he scooted backwards on the cot and pressed his back against the wall, holding on to one of his knees in a casual sprawl.

"My grandchild has gotten bigger inside you," Xiao An said, with a nod towards Chu Yun\'s abdomen.

The stool was low, and in that position Chu Yun\'s bump was more evident. Chu Yun adjusted the fall of his robes around his middle selfconsciously.

His actions sent Xiao An into a laughing fit, his wheezing breath rattling around his chest like a trapped bird. "What? Are you ashamed of the proof of how thoroughly you have fallen as an alpha?"

That snapped Chu Yun out of his embarrassment quicker than a bucket of cold water. Because, no, he wasn\'t ashamed. And the fact that someone like Xiao An thought he should be, was just more evidence that he was right not to be.

Chu Yun sat up straighter on the stool and rested one hand over his abdomen, he smiled at Xiao An. "It\'s too bad you won\'t be around to meet them."

The smirk fell off of Xiao An\'s lips, most likely at the reminder of his own imminent death. "Why are you here, little fox? Did Bailiu send you in to make sure I go through with it?"

Xiao An looked like a shadow of his former self, his cheeks were sunken in, a thin sparse beard covering them, peppered with white. It seemed almost unbelievable that not so long ago he\'d been such an intimidating figure, larger than life almost.

"Gu Wei has no idea I\'m here," Chu Yun said, "I followed him and overheard what he told you."

Xiao An chuckled again, rubbing at his matted hair where it was probably making his scalp itch. "Can\'t help getting your nose where it doesn\'t belong, uh? My son doesn\'t know what kind of trouble he has invited into his life with you."

Chu Yun smirked. "He does, but unlike you he\'s not afraid of meeting his match." He cleared his throat. "Speaking of which, where is Min Sezhui?"

She hadn\'t been with the other concubines during the audience, and Chu Yun hadn\'t seen her at any other point.

Xiao An sighed and bumped his head against the wall. "Ah, sweet Sezhui, she has come to see me, she delivers my meals personally. Unlike all the other whores I married she has always been loyal."

Chu Yun didn\'t have any problems imagining Min Sezhui doing what Xiao An said. She was too forgiving for her own good, and it must have been easy for Xiao An to elicit her pity.

"Where is she?" Xiao Zai repeated.

Xiao An shrugged. "She must be staying in her quarters."

Chu Yun frowned. "All this time?"

Why wouldn\'t she leave her quarters? Chu Yun walked by Pearl courtyard often, but she wasn\'t there lately.

"Of course, she only left her quarters with me in the morning and went to the Pearl courtyard while I watched from the window, and then served me my meals."Xiao An\'s grin grew sharper. "I learned my lesson and taught her well."

Chu Yun couldn\'t hide his disgust, and had no interest in doing so. He wanted Xiao An to see exactly how repulsive he found him.

"You\'ll be dead soon, and Min Sezhui will do as she pleases," Chu Yun said, his tone cold. "Speaking of which, I advise you to take the pill Gu Wei gave you."

Xiao An must have expected that. He hummed thoughtfully, but with exaggerated movements. Mocking Chu Yun. "All of you seem in such a hurry to see me dead before the trial. Maybe you aren\'t so sure that I\'ll be convicted."

Chu Yun snorted and got up from the stool. He walked up to the bars and wrapped his hands around them. "It has nothing to do with that. Xiao Zai is king, your trial is a formality everyone is postponing because the humiliation is too great."

Xiao An pretended to be unaffected by Chu Yun\'s words, but a muscle jumped on his jaw.

"Take that pill or I\'ll make you regret it." He snarled, his lips curling up in disgust. "I\'ll make you regret everything you\'ve ever done to Xiao Zai. I\'ll have you begging for death before I even start."

Finally, he got a reaction out of Xiao An, who got up to his feet and stalked towards the bars. His gait was unsteady, but his grip around the bars was sure. "Why should I rob you of the satisfaction of doing all that? Go ahead, do your worst."

Their eyes met through the bars, and Chu Yun smirked. "I\'m pregnant and it\'s bad luck to take a life while a new one is about to come." He slammed his fist against the bars suddenly, startling Xiao An. "But my maidservant has no such qualms. Maybe I can watch while she does it." He shrugged, "maybe it doesn\'t count if I just tell her what to do."

He hoped Xiao An knew he meant it. It would give him no pleasure, but Gu Wei was right. Xiao Zai shouldn\'t be the one to send his father to the gallows. Not when he was about to become a father himself. Chu Yun didn\'t consider himself a religious or superstitious person, bu he knew a bad omen when he saw it.

"I\'ll leave after I see you take the pill."

He expected Xiao An to laugh, to do nothing, maybe to sit back down on his cot. Instead he took the pill from the fold of his ratty robes and swallowed it.

"Consider it a gift for my grandchild, may it be as ruthless as you."

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