
Chapter 207 - (207) Character Sheets (Part 2)

---Finally done---


Rift: Level 52

Class: Sorcerer

Exp: 420,069/1,000,000


HP-  2170 +325 (Rec. 3.2/Second)

MP- 9525 +4200 (Rec. 9.54/Second)

Strength- 5 +22

Agility- 5 +163

Defense- 5 +155

Wisdom- 90 +205 +[23]

Intelligence- 324 +315 +[162]



  1: Mana Perception, Uncommon, (Lvl 4)

User has formed a large Mana Pool. Allows User to access their Mental sphere to learn and use Skills. Cost of using Skills is reduced.

Reduction = 20%

  2: Mana Density, Uncommon (Lvl 4)

User\'s mind has been compressed, density of Mana increased.

Wisdom= +25% increase to User\'s base Attribute [23]

  3: Reinforce Mind, Rare (Lvl 2)

User\'s mind has been reinforced by a layer of unknown power. 

Intelligence= +50% increase to User\'s base Attribute [162]

  4: Staff Mastery [Intermediate], Uncommon (Lvl 3)

Increases spell damage when using a staff.

Damage Increase = 32.5%

  5: Fast Casting, Undisclosed (MAX)

User\'s Skill cooldowns are decreased by half. Cannot be decreased again by any item or Talent.

  6: Merge Spells, Undisclosed (MAX)

User has a tremendous affinity for spellcasting. Allows User to merge two spells to create something with new effects. 

  7: Mind Defense, Uncommon (Lvl 2)

User has an increased mental fortitude. Extra defense toward mental attacks.

Resistance = 15%

  8: Darkness Affinity [Intermediate], Uncommon (Lvl 2)

User has an strong affinity for the darkness element. Increases damage when using darkness type spells.

Damage Increase = +35%

  9: Mana Recovery, Uncommon (Lvl 3)

Increases User\'s MP recovery by a set amount per Level.

MP Recovery- x1.5

  10: Chaos Affinity [Basic], Common (Lvl 0)

User has an strong affinity for the chaos element. Increases damage when using chaos type spells.

Damage Increase = +5%



  1: Firebolt, Rare (Lvl 3)

Cost (20 MP) Fireball has become a more compact spell that can be rapid fired. No cooldown, less cost, less damage.

Damage = 17.5 +(Int x 32.5%) [278]

DoT = 17.5 +(Int x 12.5%) [118] per second for 30 seconds

Explosion Radius = 15 yards

  2: Corruption Arrow, Uncommon (Lvl 0)

Cost (35 MP) Arrow of pure Corruption Mana. Causes damage over time and weakens target\'s senses.

Damage = 5 +(Int x 5%) [50]

DoT = 10 +(Int x 10%) [90] per 3 seconds for 60 seconds 

Cooldown = 5 seconds

  3: Darkness Arrow, Uncommon (Lvl 4)

Cost (50 MP) Arrow of pure Darkness Mana. Extremely fast projectile and very hard to detect. Low cooldown, deals high damage on impact.

Damage = 35 +(Int x 35%) [316]

Cooldown = 1 second

  4: Haste, Undisclosed (MAX)

Cost (250 MP) User forgoes all cooldowns and can cast spells freely. Supercools all Runes in mental sphere for 60 seconds.

  5: Darkness Field

Cost (500 MP) Creates a field of darkness around target area. Double damage to all darkness spells cast in this area.

Diameter = 10 +(Wis x 10%) [41] yards

  6: Force Rain

Cost (20 MP/sec) Creates a massive raincloud that pours onto target area. Can provide fresh water when there are no water sources.

  7: Age of Chaos

Cost (1000 MP) Creates an area around User where chaos ensues. All living non-Boss creatures in this area will go insane and begin attacking the closest thing to them. Party members can also be affected. Wisdom must be higher than caster\'s to avoid.


SwolePapi (Swole): Level 51

Class: Colossus 

Exp: 17,629/1,000,000


HP-  3290 (Rec. 5.56/Second)

Strength- 401 +85 +[582] +(586)

Agility- 5 +85 +(216)

Defense- 5 +(273)



  1: Muscle Enhancement, Rare (Lvl 1)

User\'s muscles and bones have been reinforced, allowing User to dish out damage without facing backlash.

Strength = +45% increase to User\'s base Attribute [181]

  2: One-Handed Mastery [Adept], Rare (Lvl 3)

Increases damage done with one-handed weapons.

Damage Increase = 55%

  3: Life Drain, Epic (Lvl 0)

Stronger pull than Lifesteal. Replenishes health faster when damaging enemies.

Restoration = 80% of damage dealt

  4: Strength Addiction, Undisclosed (MAX)

User has placed every point in Strength. Why..? This Talent will double base Strength if no Attribute Points are used elsewhere. [401]

  5: Monstrosity, Undisclosed (MAX)

User has chosen to forego Intelligence and Wisdom in exchange for monstrous power. Leaves User susceptible to mental attacks. User can transform into a monstrous figure at will.

Increases all senses, reflexes, and battle instinct significantly. Pain felt in this form is multiplied four-fold.

In this form Lifesteal will increase significantly, all Attributes (including gear bonuses) will double. User will lose lifeforce swiftly.

  6: Blood Merge, Undisclosed (MAX)

User absorbs blood through lifesteal. When target dies, absorbs soulforce. Portion of soul leaves its mark on User. User gains a portion of main Attribute through this mark. Only 25% of Attributes gained are available in Human form.

If User accepts this Talent, only weapons can give Attribute bonus. All other equipment becomes useless.

Current Bonuses:

Strength- +2345

Agility- +865

Defense- +1090

  7: Got Beef?, Undisclosed (MAX)

User gets annoyed any time someone challenges them. Increased damage to the party that thinks they are better.

  8: Arthur\'s Might, Undisclosed (MAX)

User deals more damage when fighting with fewer party members. Starting at 12 party members, User deals 5% increased damage for every party member less.

  9: Blood Shift, Undisclosed (MAX)

User gains more benefits from Blood Merge. Monstrosity form takes on some aspects of slain enemies, Not permanent. 

  10: Colossus, Undisclosed (MAX)

In this form Lifesteal will increase significantly, all Attributes (including gear bonuses) will quadruple. User will lose lifeforce swiftly. All senses, reflexes, and battle instinct are greatly enhanced.

Separate from Monstrosity, Colossus is much more powerful but loses lifeforce 5x faster. Pain experienced in this form is multiplied tenfold.



  1: Whirlwind Smash, Undisclosed (MAX)

Spin rapidly with weapons extended. Creates suction force that draws enemies into your weapons.

Duration = 60 seconds

Cooldown = 180 seconds

  2: Colossus Smash, Undisclosed (MAX)

When in Colossus form, smash downward with both hands. Gravity increases in a 50-yard area, crushing those weaker than User.

Damage = (Str x 200%) [8544]

Cooldown = 6 hours


Jack: Level 51

Class: Gladiator

Exp: 4,322/1,000,000


HP- 3890 +2325 (Rec. 30.42/Second)

MP- 1250 +450 (Rec. 1.5/Second)

Strength- 177 +325 +[41]

Agility- 110 +240

Defense- 62 +240 +[36]

Wisdom- 30 +45

Intelligence- 30 +65



  1: Mana Sense, Common (Lvl 2)

User has formed a small Mana Pool. Allows User to access their Mental sphere to learn and use Skills.

  2: Two-Handed Mastery [Intermediate], Uncommon (Lvl 2)

User has learned more than the basics of wielding two-handed weapons. While using two-handed weapons, gains increased damage.

Increased Damage = 30%

  3: Bodily Reinforcement, Rare (Lvl 0)

Increases both the sturdiness and power contained in User\'s body.

Strength- +40% of base Attribute [71]

Defense- +15% of base Attribute [9]

  4: Heavy Weapon Mastery [basic], Common (Lvl 3)

User has learned the basics of wielding heavy weapons. While using heavy weapons, gains increased damage and reflexes.

Increased Damage = 7.5%

Increased Reflexes = 7.5%

  5: Warrior\'s Heart, Undisclosed (MAX)

User has the heart of a warrior. Will never back down from a battle. Effects of Fear type spells cast on User are greatly reduced. Won\'t feel nervous even when facing a thousand enemies.

  6: Dense Skin, Uncommon (Lvl 1)

User\'s Skin structure is altered, making it more resistant to physical damage.

Defense = +17.5% increase to User\'s base Attribute [11]

  7: Advanced HP Recovery, Rare (Lvl 3)

User has enhanced HP recovery.

Hp Recovery = x4.5

  8: Heavy Armor Mastery [basic], Common (Lvl 4)

User has learned how to wear heavy armor while remaining flexible. While wearing heavy armor, Defense is increased, reflexes increased slightly in heavy armor.

Defense- +25% base Attribute [16]

Reflexes- +25% increase

  9: Unimpeded Swings, Rare (Lvl 0)

With every swing that isn\'t blocked, Strength is increased by 2% [4] of base Attribute. Limit of 25 stacks.

  10: Colloseum\'s Might, Undisclosed (MAX)

As a Gladiator, User does well when others are witnessing their greatness! Increases all Attributes by 1% per person watching up to 100%!



  1: Heavy Slash, Uncommon (Lvl 3)

Cost (25 MP) Slash down with a bladed weapon. Mana increases sharpness of blade, slightly increasing damage.

Damage = 40 +(Str x 40%) [257]

Cooldown = 5 seconds

  2: Brute Rush, Uncommon (Lvl 2)

Cost (50 MP) User barrels toward a target, disregarding everything in their path. Tackles enemy and causes them to fall or stumble.

Cooldown = 15 seconds

  3: Crushing Blow, Uncommon (Lvl 3)

Cost (25 MP) User slams down on target with heavy weapon. Adds additional crushing force and increases damage.

Damage Increase = (Str x 20%) [109]

  4: Mana Strike, Uncommon (Lvl 1)

Cost (25 MP/sec) User coats weapon heavily with Mana. When swinging, Mana acts as an extension of weapon, increasing range. 

  5: Eviscerate, Undisclosed (MAX)

Mana slices through the air, slicing everything in its path. Phases through all living things for 20 yards in a straight line, dealing slashing damage to each. Massive damage, long cooldown.

Damage = (Int x 200%) + (Str x 200%) [1276]

Cooldown = 2.5 hours


Peter: Level 51

Class: Evoker

Exp: 263/1,000,000


HP- 2610 +1425 (Rec. 6.3/Second)

MP-  3060 +1650 (Rec. 9.94/Second)

Strength- 180 +250 +[32]

Agility- 5 +60

Defense- 15 +195

Wisdom- 189 +265 +[43]

Intelligence- 5 +60



  1: Mana Sense, Common

User has formed a small Mana Pool. Allows User to access their Mental sphere to learn and use Skills.

  2: Mana Density, Uncommon (Lvl 3)

User\'s mind has been compressed, density of Mana increased.

Wisdom= +22.5% increase to User\'s base Attribute [43]

  3: Enhanced Growth, Uncommon (Lvl 3)

User\'s muscles and bones have been reinforced, allowing User to dish out damage without facing backlash.

Strength = +17.5% increase to User\'s base Attribute [32]

  4: One-Handed Mastery [Intermediate], Uncommon (Lvl 1)

Increases damage done with one-handed weapons.

Damage Increase = 25%

  5: HP Recovery, Uncommon (Lvl 2)

User has enhanced HP recovery.

Hp Recovery = x1.5

  6: Eloquent Aura, Rare (Lvl 2)

User\'s Aura extends out, shrouding those around them. Enhances the Strength and Wisdom of all party members within range.

Strength Increase- 15% of User\'s base Strength [27]

Wisdom increase- 15% of User\'s base Wisdom [28]

  7: Throwing Mastery [Intermediate], Uncommon (Lvl 1)

Increases damage done by throwing weapons. Increases accuracy with each Level.

Damage Increase = 25%

  8: Inspiring Aura, Undisclosed (MAX)

User has an uncanny ability to affect those around them. User\'s mood can alter the moods of those with less Wisdom.

  9: Spirit Guide, Epic (Lvl 1)

User is guided by the Spirits of their ancestors. With each Level, can visit one Ancestral Spirit and bring back a portion of their essence. Spirit is chosen at random.

  10: Evoker, Undisclosed (MAX)

As an Evoker, taming creatures becomes much easier. Chains bind creatures and increase chances of successful taming. The higher the User\'s Mana, the stronger the chains become.

Tames sitting in mental sphere receive 50% of all experience earned by User. Can safely Level Tames without risk of them dying.

Tames that are summoned earn 100% experience from kills and have their Attributes increased by 25%. Party members\' summoned Tames have Attributes increased by 10%. 

Tame limit doubled.



  1: Slash, Common (Lvl 3)

Slash down with a bladed weapon. Mana increases sharpness of blade, slightly increasing damage.

Damage = 12.5 +(Str x 12.5%) [70.25]

Cooldown = 5 seconds

  2: Axe Throw, Common (Lvl 4)

User has a basic understanding of throwing small axes and hatchets. Can accurately hit most targets within 25 yards. Damage scales off of Strength.

Damage = 45 +(Str x 45%) [253]

Cooldown = 1 second

  3: Spirit Alteration, Undisclosed (MAX)

(No Cost) User is able to take on the Spirits of their ancestors. Current Spirits, two.

Rorand The Fearless

Toffin The Gentle

  4: Tame Creature [Novice], Uncommon (Lvl 4)-

Cost (250 MP/Tier) Ability to use Taming Cards to tame monster companions. Companion kills grant half of all earned experience to the caster and the other half to the Companion.

Current success rates:

Tier 1: 99%

Tier 2: 99%

Tier 3: 54%

Tier 4: 18%

Tier 5: 0.12%

Success rates can increase or decrease based on the creature\'s Level compared to the caster. Creature has to be unhurt to cast.

If taming fails, the caster must wait 1 hour to cast again on the same creature. Cannot tame beyond the limits of the Taming Card.

If Taming fails, card is destroyed.

Tame limit- (6/10)

  5: Summon, Common (MAX)

Summons Tame

  6: Recall, Common (MAX)

Recalls Tame

  7: Command Words, Rare (Lvl 4)

(No Cost) User automatically buffs ally summoned Tames. One Attribute at a time, can shift Attributes instantly for varying situations.

Current Buff = 45 +(Wis x 45%) [269]


FatPussy69 (Felix): Level 50

Class: Illusionist

Exp: 726,998/1,000,000


HP- 1700 +850 (Rec. 2.4/Second)

MP- 7065 +2175 (Rec. 27.51/Second)

Strength- 5 +25

Agility- 5 +90

Defense- 5 +115

Wisdom- 285 +430 +[71]

Intelligence- 115 +206



  1: Mana Interpretation, Uncommon, (Lvl 1)

User has formed a massive Mana Pool. Allows User to access their Mental sphere to learn and use Skills. Cost of using Skills is reduced.

Reduction = 30%

  2: Mana Density, Uncommon (Lvl 4)

User\'s mind has been compressed, density of Mana increased.

Wisdom= +25% increase to User\'s base Attribute [71]

  3: Staff Mastery [Intermediate], Uncommon (Lvl 2)

Increases spell damage when using a staff.

Damage Increase = 30%

  4: Mind Wall, Rare (Lvl 3)

User has an increased mental fortitude. Extra defense toward mental attacks.In the beginning stages of creating an outer mental sphere.

Resistance = 40%

  5: Chain Affinity [Intermediate], Uncommon (Lvl 4)

Increases damage with chain magic.

Damage Increase = +45%

  6: Mana Recovery, Uncommon (Lvl 4)

Increases User\'s MP recovery by a set amount per Level.

MP Recovery- x1.75

  7: Illusion Affinity [Adept], Rare (Lvl 1)

Increases power of Illusions.

Realism Increase = 60%

  8: Last Chance, Uncommon (Lvl 0)

Upon falling to 1 HP, Mana will be lost instead of health when receiving damage. User will still remain in a heavily injured state during this time

  9: Inventory, Common (Lvl 4)

Allows User to have their own internal storage separate from storage items.

Weight Limit = 200 pounds

  10: Unparalleled Illusions, Rare (Lvl 0)

User\'s illusions have almost reached the pinnacle. Illusions will now capture the essence of what they are trying to portray, down to the way the terrain shifts from a light breeze. The higher the Level of this Talent, the more difficult User\'s illusions are to tell from reality.



  1: Cast Illusion, Undisclosed (MAX)

Cost (25 MP/sec) User spent hundreds of hours manipulating and studying Mana patterns. Learned the art of manipulating the Mana to form images and sounds.

No cooldown

  2: Muffle, Uncommon (Lvl 2)

Cost (10 MP/sec) Casts a veil around User that muffles all noise. Only highly perceptive individuals can hear sounds from within this area.

No cooldown

  3: Corruption Chains, Rare (Lvl 2)

Cost (250 MP) Chains crafted from Corruption Mana wrap around multiple targets in an area and lock them in place. Chains cause Corruption damage over time. Wisdom must be higher than target. Lasts 120 seconds.

DoT = 15 + (Int x 15%) [63] per 3 seconds for duration

Cooldown = 180 seconds

  4: Dispel, Uncommon (Lvl 3)

Cost (100 MP) Allows User to dispel mental attacks, curses, or DoT effects. 

Cooldown = 120 seconds

  5: Spike Chains, Uncommon (Lvl 2)

Cost (35 MP/sec) Summons spiked chains from the Mana. Can control them as one would a whip. Uses Intelligence as a damage factor instead of Strength. Leveling reduces cost.

No cooldown

  6: Mental Chains, Rare (Lvl 1)

Cost (500 MP) User creates chains from Mana that wrap around and lock targets\' mental sphere. Keeps target from using Mana until chains are broken.

Cooldown = 2 hours

  7: Mind Warp, Epic (Lvl 1)

User can warp the memories of target. Has to be able to look directly into target\'s eyes. Can only cast on targets with 75% User\'s Wisdom or below.

Cooldown = 1 hour if successful, 24 hours + backlash if unsuccessful

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