
Chapter 648 - Start Of The Tournament

Chapter 648: Start Of The Tournament

Looking at the closed room, the golden haired woman was startled, and mumbled angrily, saying something along the lines of Xiao Lin being ungrateful before she turned and left. She stopped at the corner, and two American men, who seemed to have been waiting for a long time, asked, “Senior, how is it going?”

“He seemed quite vigilant, and regretfully, I did not manage to get any usable information. However, I think he’s just acting. The Chinese are all sick!” The woman shrugged, her expression one of contempt, but she respectfully looked at the tall man in front of her. “He doesn’t seem all that strong. I believe that you are the strongest from all the academies, Raymond.”

Raymond was built quite tall and sturdy, but his voice was gentle. He shrugged as he smiled wryly, “Don’t say that. I’m definitely not the strongest. Don’t disregard the others either. Don’t forget the existence of that demon, Lilith... So, please, focus on the man called Xiao Lin because, a while ago, I went to the New World for an assignment with Lilith, and Lilith mentioned him then.”

“Lilith?” the woman widened her eyes in disbelief, saying, “I don’t understand. Why would Lilith pay attention to a weakling like that?”

Raymond rubbed his chin, his face also showing a confused look. “I’m not sure about the specifics, and Lilith did not reveal too much, but I clearly remember what Lilith said in the end.”

“What did she say?”

“Lilith said that if there was anyone that could really rival her, then Xiao Lin is the most possible candidate. She really looked forward to their future match...”

“Lilith really said that?!” The words came from a short man beside him. Compared to Raymond, this man was still quite young. His face was quite pale, and he looked thin and weak. He felt like someone who could be blown away by a stiff breeze. Standing next to Raymond, the two of them looked like an elephant standing next to an ant.

However, the way Raymond looked at him had no trace of disrespect at all. He regretfully shook his head, smiling as he said, “I was actually looking forward to this match after what Lilith said, but it’s a pity that his opponent isn’t me, but you, Martin.”

“I think he’s just running away. Not taking part in the team fight just means that he is weak!” The woman then encouraged Martin, “You’ll definitely beat him, right?”

Martin pursed his lips, nodding vehemently. “I will definitely lose in terms of skill, but since he dared to compete in medicinal studies, I will make him understand the consequences of arrogance tomorrow!”

“Hahah! I definitely believe that. Even the dean has said before, in the same year group, the person that can defeat you in medicinal studies has not even been born yet!”

The woman nodded meaningfully. “I did look at the books he wanted. All of them were books on medicinal studies. Strangely enough, the books ranged from the most basic to the most professional. It’s hard to believe it; does he actually think he’ll be able to read them all in a day?”

“He wouldn’t be able to even if he ate the books!”

Xiao Lin knew nothing of what was happening outside. Of course, he knew that, for a regular person, it was impossible to memorize all of the books there in a year, let alone a day. However, just like Xiao Lin said last night, Martin might be very strong, but if someone could beat that guy in terms of medicinal studies, then Xiao Lin was definitely a possible candidate.

Practically half of Xiao Lin’s brain was stuffed with medicinal knowledge. When he decided on the medicinal studies course, he had wanted to use his own power to find a way to solve Gu Xiaoyue’s issue with her lifespan. With Bell’s help, using that special and dangerous technique called energy conversion, he had stuffed a large amount of books into his head.

However, that did not mean that Xiao Lin had immediately grasped that knowledge. Using Bell’s illustration, XIao Lin was just like a storage disk at that moment. Since his skill was too low, there was no way of retrieving all of the information at once, or his brain would explode.

So, Xiao Lin needed to retrieve the smallest portions of information whenever he needed it, which was why he needed to revise, allowing himself to be able to retrieve the information from his brain as fast as possible. The books he asked for were actually just so he could form a record in his mind, making it easy for him to look things up.

To Xiao Lin, who was currently surrounded by books, time passed in a flash. It was only when the others came back did he realize it was late. From what Cheng Ming told him, the training during the day did not have any accidents, so he relaxed, especially since there was no way to switch up the name list after it was determined.


The day of the weekend, which was also the first match of the Inter-academy Tournament’s group stages, Judge Academy arranged the venue to be in the biggest hall. The tournament matches were all held on the weekends, unless there were special circumstances, and the biggest reason was so that the regular students would be able to spectate.

To those students who were not participating, being able to witness fights of a high caliber was amazing, no matter from an entertainment perspective or as a learning experience. As for the academy, it would strengthen everyone’s sense of belonging in the academy, which was very necessary.

The tournament venue was split into two types: the individual matches and secondary profession matches, which were held in specialized examination venues. However, the team portion was similar to monthly examinations, wherein an isolated space would be created to simulate various environments and battlefields. It would then be broadcasted throughout, but those from the outside could not communicate with anyone inside to prevent any form of cheating.

Under the observation of the tournament committee, the participants from both academies both went into their dedicated areas, and the back-up members could only watch from the spectator stands.

Even though everyone had more or less received information about the other party before the examination, it was practically the first time they had all met. Other than curious gazes measuring each other, the participants from Judge Academy had noticeably confident smiles. Comparatively, Dawn Academy’s expression was different. They were either filled with battle intent, uncertainty, or they were completely nonchalant.

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