
Chapter 289 - Defeated In An Instant

Chapter 289: Defeated In An Instant

Although the defense equipment of this group of desert bandits was ridiculously simple.

However, with the inertia brought about by the ring-shaped shooting formation, using the short javelin as the main means of attack, the lethality could be said to be extremely strong. If the enemies were arrogant and took it lightly, even the Swadian heavy cavalries would fall into their trap!

Not to mention these ordinary knight attendants.

“Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh –”

The sound of air being torn apart continued.

The sturdy and sharp short javelins whizzed through the air along with the inertia.

The javelins were thrown as densely as the rain!

At the outermost periphery of the knight attendants, the knight attendants who were caught off guard kept falling off their horses in the dense shower of javelins. Even if someone reacted and subconsciously raised the kite shield, curling up on the horse’s back, it was useless!


who should be injured would still be injured, and those who should fall would still fall!

The javelins that were thrown in an instant stunned them.

They had once been invincible in the Dukedom of Leo. Even when they were besieged by the regular armies of other lords, they had never encountered such a strange but extremely lethal tactic in an instant. These rigid and dogmatic knight attendances had no way of reacting at all.

Even in the center, two grand knights were shouting them for defense and counterattack, but it was still ineffective.

These knight-level captain and knight attendants were all beaten up in the dense rain of javelins. They could not organize effective defense and counterattack at all. They could only raise their shields, curl up their bodies, and passively take the beating, hearing the miserable howls of their comrades around them and the neighing of the wounded warhorse, they gritted their teeth and endured the attacks.

Compared to the archers and crossbowmen’s shooting, these short javelins were more lethal. Their bodies could withstand at least a dozen arrows or crossbows, but they definitely could not withstand two short javelins!

Moreover, the desert bandits were still running in circles around these knight attendants.

Some of the knights attendants made some strange movements.

One by one, the desert bandits threw the short pilum in their hands in an instant.

Relying on the inertia of the desert horse, the short javelin pierced through the wooden kite shield that was less than two centimeters at close range, leaving holes in it. It pierced through the mail armor and sank deep into the chest!

The short javelins had the effect of breaking armor. If thrown at close range, it could also break the shield!

This javelin storm lasted less than 3 minutes.

Each person had 4 short javelins. In a short 3 minutes, a total of 840 short javelins had been thrown out of the pilum.

“Wu –”

At the top of the posthouse in the distance, a dull and long horn sounded.

These desert bandits instantly turned from a pack of wolves into sparrows.

They immediately scattered their ring-shaped formation and shot out, fleeing in all directions without turning back. They were really like a flock of sparrows on a grain field. When they encountered danger, they would flee in all directions.

They would run after fighting, and retreat after taking advantage!

This was still a tactic that the Sarrandian people learned from the Kujit people.

And it was used by the desert bandits to carry forward and develop.

To be able to run rampant in the Sarrand Desert and rob the trade caravan, it was not only because of their brutal methods, but also because they were good at fighting wolf packs. They understood that when the enemy was tired, they would disturb them, and when the enemy advanced, they would retreat!

Just like now.

When it was time to retreat, to prevent the enemy from recovering and fighting back, they retreated very decisively!

They did not hesitate at all.

When the bandit groups were integrated into the regular army’s combat sequence, they would play an even greater role as surprise troops.

Just like now, these knight attendants had finally recovered from the assault and lethality effects of the javelin rain. Subconsciously, they were still holding their broken kite-shaped shields, listening to the wailing sounds in their ears, and their eyes were blank.

They had not expected that in just three short minutes, they would encounter such an attack!

The outer circle was full of corpses.

The knight attendants, as well as their horses, all pierced through the javelins like hedgehogs.

The knight attendants who survived were also injured.

The unlucky ones were pierced through the chest and abdomen by the short javelins. Although they did not die, such serious injuries were enough to say goodbye to the world.

Even with the divine spell, there were very few who were fierce.

Not to mention that there were none.

600 knight attendants arrived in an aggressive manner. After wave after wave of javelins rained down, only 400 people were left on the spot. All of them were covered in dust and dirt as they listened to the gradually weakening wails. In the end, they looked around in a daze.

Looking at the desert bandits who gradually disappeared into the distance, hatred reappeared in their eyes.

Those were the enemies who had almost killed them!


The two grand knights wore hoods and masks on their faces.

However, their eyes revealed an unconcealable killing intent!

In just a short moment, more than 200 knight attendants, including knights, had died in battle. It was the biggest loss in recent years and had left them with a lot of injuries. Even if they won this battle, they would still be considered as miserable survivors!

How could a bunch of trash in the desert compare to the knight attendants who had been trained for years!

“Kill! Kill! Kill!”

The knight attendants urged their warhorses and charged forward with hatred.

They gripped their longsword tightly.

Their eyes were bloodshot, but before they had completely dispersed, the eyes of the knight attendants in the north suddenly showed shock and fear. For a moment, they actually restrained their warhorses and tried to defend on the spot!

It was Rolf, who was holding his scimitars high, leading 120 Sarrandian horseman to charge in front!

Their long lances were held straight and awe-inspiring, already aimed at the knights in front.

“Kill –”

Rolf shouted.

Behind him, the Sarrandian horsemen responded, and the three rows of charging formation were ready.

Under the gallop of the Sarrandian horses, the long lance under their armpits exceeded the horse’s head by one meter. Following the strange soft sound of the horseshoe striking the sand, they were charging towards the enemy knights at an extremely fast speed.

The distance between the two sides was less than 50 meters in a short instant.

In fact, Rolf had already given the order to charge when the desert bandits had dispersed.

Now that the distance was less than 50 meters, no matter how the knight attendants urged the warhorses under them, they were unable to drive the warhorse to its fastest speed within this extremely short distance.

In other words, even if the two sides were to collide, they would be unable to do so.

They could only take the beating passively!

“Damn it!”

The two grand knights’ bodies exploded with a red flame-like glow, and their extraordinary strength instantly erupted.

They rode their horses in front.

With the help of the seemingly solid extraordinary flames all over their bodies, they wanted to block the charge of Rolf and Sarrandian horsemen. After all, as grand knights, they could still resolve the crisis brought about by this charge even if they were injured.

They had to do this.

Otherwise, their cavalry that could not move would be charged by Rolf’s cavalry unit.

The casualties would be a fatal blow that could not be reversed.

Perhaps they would all be wiped out!

However, their thoughts were very good, but reality did not allow them to react at all.

Right behind Rolf, three golden lights that also possessed extraordinary powers instantly exploded. They carried a gentle and lofty aura, just like the bloodline of the gods, carrying the might of the heavens.

The heavy armor-piercing lance that was close to five meters passed over Rolf.

Three Swadian royal knights appeared.

Their plate armor was covered with fine noble engravings.

However, these engravings, along with the golden light that covered their entire bodies, made them look awe-inspiring. They brought with them an imposing manner that made one’s heart tremble. They instantly appeared in front of the two extraordinary grand knights. Before they could even react, they charged forward, the fist-sized lance had already missed the bodies of the two of them.

The golden light on the lance exploded, and the extraordinary power that was as red as blazing flames also erupted.

But the bodies of the two extraordinary grand knights had left the saddle beneath them.

Their entire faces were filled with shock and disbelief. They only felt a burning sensation in their chest and abdomen. Their entire bodies flew backwards swiftly. They lowered their heads to look at the fist-sized awl lance that was shimmering with golden light on their chests. Finally, their consciousness dissipated.

The golden light pervades, the entire person’s abdomen and the head are swept by the searing heat, instant death!

“Kill — !”

Rolf did not stop his charge.

He looked at the two most powerful enemies have been dealt with, eyes with the crazy love of war and killing, laughing and shouting: “Kill them all!”

“Kaboom, kaboom, kaboom, kaboom, kaboom, kaboom, kaboom, kaboom, kaboom –”

The sound of horse hooves suddenly became fierce.

Even the sand layer had been stepped on, causing the charge of the 120 Sarrandian horsemen to become even faster.

They pressed their lances forward.

The long lance carried inertia and pierced into the target’s body in an instant.

As if having the pleasure of a thousand miles in one go, the group of Sarrandian horsemen hammered heavily onto the knights who were still helpless and had yet to react. They were still watching in horror as their two leaders were easily killed.

Then, the Sarrandian horsemen passed through the gaps. The lance in their hands pierced through three people and four people before he threw it down.

They pulled out their heavy scimitars and slashed wantonly.

But it was the current situation.

The battle situation was set!

Even the desert bandits who had already dispersed returned with their scimitars raised. They were also like a pack of wolves trying to resist, but they were unusually futile and had lost their command. They were like headless flies as they slaughtered wantonly.

The knights attendants, who had already been defeated, could not even retaliate. They only knew how to escape.

They had paid the price for their arrogance.

The price of blood!

“Wu –”

A dull horn sounded at the top of the posthouse not far away.

The massacre had finally stopped.

Corpses littered the ground, warhorse fleeing in all directions, as well as the knights attendants kneeling on the ground, begging for their lives.

With extraordinary powers, the two leaders, who were also the grand knights, were directly killed. The entire gale mercenary group was caught off guard and was directly defeated by a wave of charge. The remaining 300 or so people had completely lost their will to fight.

The creed that they had once taught with the honor of a noble had long been thrown to god knows where along with countless dark deeds.

They surrendered very cleanly.

When they had the upper hand, they could unleash their divine might and massacre.

But when they were at an absolute disadvantage and were massacred wantonly by the enemy, they could also choose to surrender without hesitation.

The remaining 300 or so people threw away their weapons.

Kneeling on the ground with their hands raised high, their dazed and terrified eyes were filled with the desire to live.

There were also doubts that came from the bottom of their hearts.

They really could not imagine why, in a short period of time, they, who had once roamed the Dukedom of Leo, were defeated by a group of simple and sparse enemies until they were completely annihilated. The remaining people did not even dare to escape and could only surrender, they could only surrender in a tragic manner.

They could not figure it out. They were just like the merchants at the top of the posthouse who were completely silent. They were staring with their mouths agape at the battle that had happened in a short span of ten minutes. It had ended so easily.

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