
Chapter 213 - Plunder His Wealth, Plunder His Property Too

The fierceness in Xiaoyu\'s eyes gradually dissipated as she let go of the candle stand. With a loud thud, the stand fell to the floor bouncing twice before rolling away to the corner of the room.

She shifted her gaze towards the palms of her hands that were soaked in blood. Her hands visibly trembled from all that stimulation as a tear dangled on the rim of her eye. The teardrop glistened from the sun rays permeating from the holes on the greased paper window that appeared to be made by fingers poking through. 

As the tear came falling with a splat she crouched down and began searching the filthy man\'s corpse looking for the keys to unlock the chains. Her always neat hair was dishevelled with some frizzy strands hanging on her face partially obstructing her vision.

Her brows knitted further the longer she searched for those keys. She wanted to vomit at the smell of blood mixed in with other unpleasant smells but she ignored the nauseating feeling as she looked around.

While tugging and pulling at this corpse she soon noticed something hidden under the thick curly strands on the man\'s blood soaked chest. Trying to have as little contact as possible she pinched his lapel with the tips of her fingers and pulled it open.

And there it was, a black key with no special designs on it. She hesitantly reached out with her hand to pull it off Huang She\'s body because of all the blood but what could she do?

Toughening up she tugged the key wrapped around the man\'s neck but it didn\'t come off. She tugged at it again and again but the string attached to it wouldn\'t break. Feeling a little flustered she yanked again but nothing happened.

She now had two options. Either she gets closer and unlocks the shackles or she lifts this body and removes the string around the neck from Huang She\'s body then unlock the chains. The only problem with option B was that she would have to lift his disfigured head and pull over the string which she wasn\'t unwilling to do.

Deciding to lean closer she unlocked the chains with her hands almost touching this disgusting man. With a dull clank, the chains fell to the floor and the free Xiaoyu hurriedly got up unwilling to stay in this disgusting place a moment longer.

Her emotions in turmoil she scanned the entire room before her gaze landed on a jug of water on a table near the door. She rushed over and gulped down a few mouthfuls drinking directly from the jug. That is when her gaze fell on her blood soaked hand holding the jug.

Feeling disgusted she poured the water into a basin nearby and started washing her hands frantically. She felt so dirty and just wanted to wash away all the filth riddling her body.

She fervently rubbed those hands over and over again like she was going to peel her skin off. She washed them ceaselessly to the point that made it difficult to differentiate whether it was blood that was still on her hands or her skin turning red.

She only stopped when she heard the sounds of laughter coming from outside the door. She looked around for a weapon as she planned on hiding behind the door and ambush them if they dare come in but it turns out she didn\'t have to.

That\'s because the voices soon faded away as the men were walking down the corridor. Having relaxed her vigilance her mind soon settled on the subject of these men\'s conversation. Ji Wen\'s name was mentioned followed by the ice-cold prince then marriage.

Her body froze as her face was further drained of colour. Ji Yao was getting..... married? She couldn\'t believe it. There was no way in hell she was letting that happen. She quickly washed her face, fixed her hair then grabbed a cloak before dashing out. As soon she left the room the corpse that had been laying still a second ago suddenly showed a creepy smile on its disfigured face before vanishing on the spot.

Xiaoyu who had no idea such a thing had happened was unfolding the grey cloak. Judging from the smell and appearance it obviously belonged to that repulsive pervert. Gagging on reflex she put the cloak on and covered her face with the hood as she walked down the corridor.

It seemed the place she was currently in was a brothel based on the loud cheers coming from downstairs and the lewd moans bouncing on the walls. Irritated she pulled the hood further down before increasing her pace.

She had to find out more information about where this wedding was being held. She was so blinded by her jealousy and trauma that she didn\'t realise something was off about this timeline. If Ji Yao had reached Prince Rui\'s Pavillion then when did he find the time to look for a partner?

With logic skipping over her head she walked around in the brothel looking for anyone talking about this so-called wedding ceremony. Sure enough, it didn\'t take her long to find a rowdy table discussing this matter fervidly. She took a seat right behind them and began to listen in on their conversation.

The men were especially enthusiastic chattering on about how the pirate king spared no expense for his son as they drank liquor. Bam!

That was the sound of a hand slamming the table followed by the leg of a bench scratching the floor. A man stood tall as he said, "Of course, I saw it with my own eyes and do you know what I heard... he is not marrying a young miss," basking in the adoration of his peers for knowing so much.

"What do you mean? He can\'t be marrying a man, right?" asked one of the men as he took a sip of his liquor.

"Hahahahaha!!!!" a round of bountiful laughter followed the man\'s statement as the rest of the group couldn\'t believe his words.

The man towering above them leaned his body forward placing his hands on the table to speak in a whisper saying, "It\'s said that he rescued this kid from Prince Rui\'s Pavilion and took a fancy to him and now they are getting married."

"Hahaha..... now that\'s a true pirate. He plundered his wealth and plundered his property too. Hahaha, the mighty prince must be throwing a tantrum right now," interjected another person rejoicing in Prince Rui\'s misfortune.

"Too bad he chose to plunder a man. He could have chosen so many beauties in that palace..."

Another person nudged the man who had just spoken before saying, "What beauties? That maniac killed them all... what a fucking waste."

Xiaoyu didn\'t want to hear all this. What she wanted to know was the place where this ceremony was happening but after listening to their non-stop chattering she lost patience.. She stood up abruptly with a bright emerald light dancing in the palm of her hand.

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