
Chapter 358 Concern

"I don\'t know" Chuckling as he shrugged, Christian continued "I just wanted to go out and ride my motorcycle."

"So... we\'re going home?"

"Don\'t you want to do something more fun?"

"What could be more fun than being at home?"

"I don\'t know, maybe go shopping?"

"And being in the middle of a large crowd of people while I wait for hours?" Wrinkling her nose in disgust, Sarah continued "Better kill me now"

"What if we go eat?"

"Eat? Where?"

"I don\'t know, maybe a hotel?"

"Why would we go to a hotel-?" Cutting off her words, Sarah opened her eyes a little wider and looked at Christian with a suggestive look "You want to..."

Raising his eyebrows, Christian chuckled and replied "Obviously go to lunch."

"..." Looking at Christian suspiciously, Sarah murmured "You always think about sex... I doubt you just want to eat."

"If you want to have sex so badly why don\'t you just ask?" Chuckling, Christian looked sideways and leaned closer to Sarah, then gently stroked her cheek and whispered in her ear "Would you like to have fun, honey~?"

"*Gulp*" Swallowing saliva as a shiver ran down her spine, Sarah stammered "Th-that trick already works on me."

"What trick? I just whispered to you~"

"I-I\'m not as weak as you think!"

Chuckling, Christian lifted his helmet slightly and gently licked Sarah\'s earlobe as he whispered "Why are you making me out to be the pervert? Clearly you\'re the one who thought to go to a hotel to have sex, not me~"

While Sarah has literally had sex with Christian almost every day for over a year, she herself doesn\'t believe how this man can tempt her with just a few words and all the resistance she should have built up quickly goes down the drain.

While Sarah loves this, she is often horrified by this situation, as every time Christian seduces her, he comes up with some strange request and she can\'t even remember how many times she ended up doing things she never thought of doing in her life without having the slightest chance of refusing.

Just saying that more than once she ended up with something warm, big and hard in her mouth already gives a lot to say, more so for those who share a bed with her and know that she didn\'t even \'eat\' Elisa.

"So~" Slowly running his finger across Sarah\'s chest, Christian smiled under his helmet and asked "What does this sexy woman really want~?"

"..." Looking at Christian\'s body out of the corner of her eye, Sarah finally coughed with a slight blush on her face and muttered "*Cough* N-doesn\'t sound like a bad idea to go to a hotel..."


"Then what are we waiting for!" giving Sarah a quick spank, Christian smiled and exclaimed, then headed towards his motorcycle and pulled out his cell phone, spending the next few minutes searching for a good hotel in the area.

Needless to say, this afternoon was something Sarah didn\'t expect but certainly enjoyed.


Entering his house with a big smile, Christian looked sideways and exclaimed "Where\'s Daddy\'s princess!?"


"Helen, no!"

Only a couple of seconds later, Christian managed to hear his little girl\'s voice in the distance while Elisa\'s annoyed voice was heard behind, managing to see after another couple of seconds his little chubby girl running awkwardly towards him wearing only her diapers and having her belly in the air.

"Daddy!" hugging Christian\'s leg, Helen looked back and watched with an anxious smile on her face Elisa who right now was running towards her with her clothes in her hand, having a clear look of annoyance on her beautiful face.

"Hahaha~" Laughing softly, Christian took the little chubby girl in his hands and carried her in his arms, then kissed her cheek happily and rubbed his face with hers as he looked up at Elisa "What\'s wrong honey?"

Crossing her arms, Elisa looked at Christian with pursed lips and huffed "I was about to make her sleep, now I\'m sure she\'ll miss her nap schedule".

"Okay, then I\'ll put her to sleep" Pulling Elisa close, Christian gently kissed her lips and sighed contentedly.

"And Sarah?" looking out the door, Elisa asked.

"She\'s having some trouble with her legs so she\'ll be a little late putting the bike away, you know, the excitement of riding for the first time" With a suggestive smile towards Elisa, Christian replied.

"Oh" With the same smile from Christian, Elisa chuckled softly and commented "I\'m sure she\'ll sleep like a baby today."

"Where\'s my mother?"

"She went to take a nap about 30 minutes ago."

"And Emily?"

"She went into the bunker like 2 hours ago and hasn\'t come back out, she must be working."


"*Sigh* Working as usual, I went to see her with Helen and asked her to come in for ice cream and a little rest, but she refused."

"*Sigh* What a stubborn woman" Shaking his head, Christian sighed and turned to his little girl, who just watched everything in silence while her beautiful smile never faded.

"Do you want something to eat?" putting Helen\'s clothes aside, Elisa shook her head at the sight of the smiling girl and asked towards Christian.

"I ate a little while ago, but I could use a coffee."

"I\'d like one too" Entering the house with a frazzled face and hair disheveled from removing her helmet, Sarah interrupted.

Raising her eyebrows, Elisa smiled suggestively and slowly scanned Sarah\'s body with her gaze. "What\'s wrong dear? You look exhausted."

Trembling slightly, Sarah turned her gaze to Christian with annoyance and snorted "Nothing out of the ordinary, it\'s just that a certain presence exhausts me."

Chuckling, Christian sat down on the couch and gently caressed his little girl\'s belly as he commented "But you were clinging to me just a few minutes ago."

"Asshole" Holding up her middle finger to Christian, Sarah walked unsteadily as she gritted her teeth with each step, only her knowing how reddened and sore her buttocks are thanks to a stupid idea she had in the ecstasy of the moment.

Shaking her head, Elisa laughed and commented "Go take a shower and rest, then I\'ll bring you something to eat."

"Thanks..." Nodding as she disappeared down the hall, Sarah replied.

"Maybe you overdid it a little?" Raising an eyebrow at Christian, Elisa


"I swear it was her idea, I just went along with her games" Shrugging, Christian replied, then continued "Has Helen eaten yet?"

"Yes, she just needs to sleep"

"Good... I\'ll take care of it" Nodding, Christian cradled Helen in his arms and cradled her gently, then smiled softly and kissed her forehead "Did you hear, little one? You must sleep to grow big and strong."

"..." Blinking tenderly, Helen took the edge of Christian\'s clothes in her small hands and murmured "Draw..."

"No, no" Gently squeezing her little girl\'s nose, Christian shook his head and whispered "Tomorrow when you wake up we can draw, but now it\'s night time and you must sleep, daddy doesn\'t want you to get sick because of tiredness."

"..." Blinking for a few seconds, Helen pursed her little lips and murmured "Sing."

"Of course I do little one, daddy will sing to you as much as you want~" Gently kissing his daughter\'s forehead, Christian understood his little girl gave in and began to softly hum a random tune made up on the spot, causing Helen to smile childishly and slowly close her eyes.

Minutes passed and Christian just caressed and hummed for his little girl, causing only 10 minutes later, Helen finally fell asleep.

"Sweet dreams my little princess" Gently kissing Helen\'s forehead, Christian got up and took Helen\'s clothes, then walked into the bedroom and gently dressed her.

Having his little girl in her pajamas on, Christian laid her down in her crib and gently tucked her in, then gave her another kiss on the forehead and walked to the couch.

Watching the beautiful redhead sit as she quietly sipped her hot chocolate, Christian smiled and sat down next to her, then settled in and gently cradled Elisa in his arms, making an extra effort to keep her from spilling her hot chocolate.

Smiling softly, Elisa settled into Christian\'s arms and turned her head to look up into his face "How did your trip with Sarah go?"

"I tried to get her to be the future manager of the nightclub I\'m building in Los Angeles."

"And what did she say?" raising her eyebrows, Elisa asked.

"*Sigh* She refused" Shaking his head, Christian continued "It really worries me..."


"It\'s not healthy for her mind the life she currently has" Closing his eyes, Christian continued "Sarah has a lot of problems when it comes to talking about her own feelings and mental health... but I know perfectly well that a person needs to have at least one hobby to keep them sane... I don\'t care if that hobby is video games, watching movies or whatever... the problem is that Sarah doesn\'t really seem to enjoy any of it."

"While I know Sarah plays quite a bit with Emily and watches movies with you, she never has the will of her own to initiate those activities and only gives in to the request of third parties... if it were up to her she would just sleep and sleep... clearly not normal" Gently stroking Elisa\'s hair, Christian continued "She may look fine now, but over time her mind will become more and more exhausted.... maybe there will come regrets, sadness and it wouldn\'t even be unusual for her to go into depression... that\'s what worries me, because if Sarah ever gets into that hell, I know she\'ll never talk about it with anyone and I know she\'ll keep it all to herself."

"..." Lowering her gaze while thinking Christian\'s words, Elisa sighed and shook her head "She was always like that, ever since we were kids... at some point with my naive thoughts I found her to be great... but it was really when we became adults that I understood how much that can hurt her... just like you, I tried to change that, but you know how stubborn she is... in the end I could only give in and just shower her with affection"

"Affection doesn\'t always do the trick" Shaking his head, Christian sighed again and continued "Maybe for people like us it does, after all you and I love the affection of our loved ones... but people like Sarah who are so closed in on themselves, usually only feel discomfort even though deep down they appreciate it..."

"*Sigh* Human feelings are very complicated... maybe this is just me acting on my fear of my childhood experiences and that everything is really okay... but I really care about Sarah..." With a bitter sigh, Christian gently sniffed the sweet scent of Elisa\'s hair and continued "Unfortunately I am weak and generally stupid when dealing with my loved ones... so I don\'t know how I could help and I know Sarah won\'t be willing to go to a psychologist"



Edited By:

Discord: https://discord.gg/VtHg4GqXtq

Pa treon: https://www. pa treon.com /Eroos

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