
Chapter 316 Room

But even though her attitude is elusive and she only shows annoyance when dealing with Christian, the truth is that anyone who knows her well, would know perfectly well that her feelings are quite the opposite.

"Sarah~" Whispering softly in Sarah\'s ear, Christian continued as his hand slowly slipped under the woman\'s shirt "Why so quiet~?"

Just as Sarah learned how to handle Christian, Christian also knows how to handle Sarah perfectly.

It\'s actually quite simple. If she tells you to leave, you have to stay. If she averts her gaze, it\'s either because she\'s embarrassed or she\'s lying.

These gestures are just a couple of many more, but the bottom line here, is that Christian and Elisa are the ones who can best handle this grumpy woman.






"*Sigh* What do you want?"

"I bought you a motorcycle... it will arrive next month along with mine... would you like to go out with me when I finish filming the series?"

"..." Turning her gaze to Christian, Sarah watched him silently for a few seconds, then snorted and closed her eyes as she replied "If you insist..."

"I\'ll insist as much as necessary" Smiling broadly, Christian kissed Sarah\'s cheek and took the opportunity to reach under her bras, successfully grabbing her soft breasts.

Smiling with satisfaction, Christian gently squeezed his grumpy wife\'s breasts and whispered "Sarah..."

"What is it now?"

"Thank you for existing..." Closing his eyes with a soft smile, Christian continued "Ever since I met you at the publishing house, you became special in my eyes..."


"You are grumpy, you have a bad temper, you never make jokes and you just complain about everything... but really knowing you are around relaxes me quite a lot... you are like a puppy... my little puppy" Gently kissing the back of Sarah\'s neck, Christian continued "Although teasing you I like, I also like to love you... never forget that."

"..." Frowning slightly, Sarah\'s eyes widened and she turned her gaze to Christian "Why are you talking like you\'re going to die? Makes me shiver"

"Hehe~" Smiling playfully, Christian kissed Sarah\'s lips quickly and replied "I just felt the need to tell you, does it bother you?"

"..." Eyeing Christian suspiciously, Sarah finally sighed and snorted "Everything about you bothers me."

"I\'m glad~" Hiding his face in Sarah\'s hair, Christian lost his smile and remembered his dream as he thought \'Ever since that night I don\'t feel safe... that boy... he spoke with such certainty that I would die... that funeral... it was my funeral.\'


"Mmmm~" Trembling heavily, Eva moaned with pleasure and clung to Christian with a flushed and sweaty face.

Shaking his hips slowly while enjoying the aftertaste of climax, Christian finally sighed and dropped onto his mother\'s chest with a satisfied smile on his face.

Breathing heavily, Eva smiled and pressed Christian\'s head against her chest "My boy was particularly passionate today, is it because you\'re leaving tomorrow~?"

"Maybe~" Gently kissing Eva\'s collarbone, Christian continued "We won\'t see each other much during these two months, obviously I have to enjoy you to the fullest."

Humming with recognition, Eva gently stroked Christian\'s hair and commented "Are you ready for your departure?"

"I have everything ready, you will stay here for a while?"

"Yes, we will stay a few more days to spend with Helen, she would be sad if we all left at the same time."

"You are a very thoughtful grandmother" Smiling softly at the memory of his little girl, Christian continued "You would make a perfect mother".

"Maybe today is our lucky day?" chuckling, Eva gently shook her hips and whispered "But we could try one or two more times to increase the odds~"

"My mother has no mercy on this frail little son *Sniff*" Wiping a fake tear from his eye, Christian sobbed.

Rolling her eyes with a smile, Eva suddenly turned around and stood in cowgirl position, then leaning on Christian\'s abs and licking her lips with a dirty smile "Your stamina better not fail today, because I\'ll give it my all."

"Heh, don\'t think so much of yourself, after all I only lost 7 times to you and that was in my first week inside this world" Smiling teasingly, Christian continued "The rest was victory after victory on my part"

"How could I forget?" slowly rotating her hips in circles with a fluidity full of experience, Eva smiled proudly and gently caressed Christian\'s marked abs "Those sweet innocent moans my little one let out were music to my ears~"


"That pleading look for me to stop moving and that desperate face you had at so much pleasure~" Slowly leaning her body, Eva gently held Christian\'s chin and smiled playfully "How can I forget that wonderful experience? I enjoyed you with all my heart~"

"How can I forget the time I passed out from overexertion and dehydration?" chuckling while squeezing his mother\'s buttocks with satisfaction, Christian continued "It was a good week, we did it like rabbits and everywhere."

"Like newlywed couples" Biting her lips while watching Christian\'s face closely, Eva continued "We could do it again for when we have time. Go alone to some hidden cabin and just have fun~"

"Wouldn\'t be bad, I\'d have another story to tell Alan" Chuckling, Christian lifted his head slightly and kissed Eva\'s lips softly, then held her tightly from the waist and started another round of pleasure, something that happened since day one when their guests arrived.

But not only Eva had her fun.

Since Christian knew he had to go away for a while and for two months he would hopefully see his family, he took every free moment to get away with Leslie, Hailie and Eva. Most of the time spending some fun time in his private lab.

But even though it wasn\'t the most comfortable, the important thing was to have fun and let out the frustrations, something that was accomplished without any problem.


"Ready..." Wiping the sweat from his forehead with his forearm, Christian looked at his work of art and smiled "My little girl will love it."

Today is the last day of Christian\'s vacation. Tomorrow they are leaving for Ireland and although he spent the whole morning with Helen, he took advantage of the afternoon and finished Helen\'s room.

The truth is that it is not quite a room. Christian knows perfectly well that his little girl won\'t sleep alone and it\'s not something he wants either, so he took the brilliant idea of making it his own personal playroom.

To begin with he set about creating beautiful artwork on the walls, having 2 of the 4 walls with beautiful paintings of the universe. It was especially difficult, where each painting has over 20 color mixtures and the details are extremely precise.

There would even be many who would easily mistake it for a photo.

Leaving those two walls, Christian devoted some more attention to the one with the door, having a beautiful forest with a small deer and a rabbit looking at each other. Anyone from Christian\'s previous world would know it was Bambi and his friend.

But without a doubt his greatest work, and something Christian thought a lot about, is the wall with the window in the center.

The drawing is a life-size drawing of the entire Grey family, obviously including Sarah, Elisa, Leslie, Kitty and Lilith. Even Christian drew his little girl in his arms, something he did for the first time in his life.

"Now all that\'s left is for this to dry and to furnish this..." Looking sideways, Christian continued "The floor will be completely lined in tatami so my little girl won\'t get hurt if she falls.... It will have small sofas in the corners, some blankets and pillows for my little girl to lie on whenever she wants... toy boxes on each wall and a small table for my little girl to use whenever she wants..."

"I could also buy some of those lights that have stars on them for my little girl to enjoy...I\'ll get her some children\'s paint and several canvases to experiment with her drawings...I already have more books for her and I\'ll leave her a TV to watch cartoons" Nodding to himself, Christian smiled with satisfaction and imagined the whole place "I\'m sure my little girl will love it".

"I\'m sure my arms have more muscle."

Raising his eyebrows, Christian turns and smiles "You? You wish."

There stood Sarah, leaning against the door with her arms crossed as she stared at her painting with dissatisfaction.

Snorting, Sarah asked "How long does it take for the paint to dry?"

"In two days everything should be ready, don\'t forget to open the window during the day and close it at night" Leaving the brush on the floor, Christian stretched his muscles and continued "I\'ve already figured out how everything will go, I bought everything I need to furnish this and it should arrive in a few days. If I\'m not here, I\'ll leave you a drawing of how you should place the furniture according to my idea."

"Do I have to do it?"

"What? You don\'t want to? Don\'t forget that she is also your daughter"

"She is your daughter"

"You are her second mother" Laughing softly, Christian quickly approaches Sarah and wraps her in his arms, then holds her by the buttocks and squeezes her towards him "Or do you intend to deny it~?"

Staring at Christian silently for a few seconds, Sarah finally huffs and dodges his gaze "Say what you want."

"Heh" Chuckling mockingly, Christian quickly kissed the woman\'s cheek and whispered in her ear "But don\'t worry, I\'ll be sure to fill that belly with a baby sooner or later~"

"Supports this idea" Walking in with a glass of drink in her hands, Elisa smiled softly and looked around the room carefully "Beautiful..."

"I was planning to draw a cloud on the ceiling and some little birds, but I ran out of white paint and I don\'t have any blue tone paint to mix, so it will be for next time" Separating from Sarah, Christian received the glass of drink with a smile and continued "My little girl is still asleep?"

"I doubt she\'ll wake up for the next hour, the naps she takes at this time are always the longest" Smiling softly, Elisa leaned against Sarah and continued with a sigh "But it\'s certainly nice that our little girl is so obedient. To be honest I was really afraid that I wouldn\'t be able to deal with a baby, since I read that they are very complicated, cry too much and usually don\'t let their parents sleep."

"Heh, our little girl certainly is the best" Smiling arrogantly, Christian continued "She sleeps through the night without problems, doesn\'t cry, doesn\'t give problems with meals, likes to bathe, respects her naps and is very tender. What more can we ask for?"

"It would be nice if she didn\'t look so much like you,, every time I see her it\'s the same as seeing you and your face bothers me" Looking at Christian seriously, Sarah continued "She even smells like you."

"Oh my god~" Putting his hands to his mouth with exaggeration, Christian looked at Sarah with surprise and exclaimed "My dear Sarah remembers me!"

"And she also said she recognizes your smell!" grabbing Christian\'s arm, Elisa continued the game "She certainly can\'t stop thinking about you anymore!"

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