
Chapter 132 Mission

"No... we\'ll leave her in this place" Marking another circle, Christian spoke.

"Why? There it will have a very limited view, with luck it will have 40% of the ground covered, instead where I said is much better".

"Because it\'s very obvious" Drawing lines from the circle marked by Sloth, Christian continued "If they left such an obvious spot undefended, it\'s because they are idiots... and these people have proven they are not stupid, they must have that side covered... besides if you look at these lines, they have the full range of vision to shoot at Greed"

"..." Frowning, Sloth nodded silently.

"What do we know about the villagers?" Christian asked, turning to Envy.

"They don\'t support the Taliban, though they must have at least one or two infiltrators among them"

"..." Staring at the map silently, Christian tapped the table gently with his fingers, then said "Any suspicious movement, shoot to kill, I won\'t risk my team"

"There are children inside" Pride commented with a frown "Didn\'t the command center say something about that?"

"They gave us total freedom, in decision and in weapons" Christian replied with a frown "Remember we don\'t follow army rules"


"We will only shoot civilians if necessary, do not trust and do not hesitate" Without seeing a direct solution, Christian said finally, then continued "They have four vehicles equipped with machine guns. It\'s not feasible to explode them with missile launchers directly, it would expose us and leave them on alert.... Gluttony, any recommendations?"

"I can leave remote explosives in the vehicle, if they get close to the machine gun they will explode, but we would have to eliminate the people nearby to set it up"

"Ok, we will split into two groups" Christian nodded "Envy will be with Greed to cover her, the rest of us will leave to place the explosive, after that we will split into two teams. I will go lead one accompanied with Pride and Wrath, while in the other will be Lust, Gluttony and Sloth, being led by Sloth"

"What weapons will we use?"

"Use your specialties, minus you Sloth, we will both go with crossbows and short-range weapons"

"It\'s doable, the crossbow hardly makes any noise" nodded Sloth "But it will only do during the start, sooner or later they\'ll figure it out"

"Just use a weapon from some corpse, you can use them without any problem, besides you\'re the only one besides me who knows how to use crossbow" Looking at the map, Christian started drawing lines around the place "This will be the route we\'ll take. We won\'t be more than 30 meters apart from each team, and all the rooftops are within Greed\'s vision"

"It\'s the best route" nodded Sloth.

"Does anyone have anything to add?" looking at all the women, Christian asked.

"I don\'t know if we have remote explosives" Gluttony commented.

"Yes we do, I saw the inventory" Christian replied "Anyone else have anything to add?"


Seeing that no one says anything, Christian nods and turns around "Get your weapons ready. Ask for what you need and don\'t forget the night vision, we will leave in 1 hour. We will be dropped five kilometers from the site and then walk"


11:40 PM.

"Greed, report" Picking up his radio, Christian asked.

"I don\'t see suspicious activity; they don\'t know of our arrival"


Laying down among rocks 230 meters from the town, Christian squinted and looked at the main building of the place \'That must be the hospital... that\'s where the civilians should be according to intelligence.\'

"We will leave in five minutes, get ready" Changing the frequency of the radio, Christian said "Central, we will leave in 5 minutes".

"This is central, helicopters on stand by and squadrons 10 kilometers from the site"

"..." Nodding, Christian put on his balaclava and put on his helmet, leaving only his eyes in view, then turned his gaze to his side and whispered "Are they ready?"

"..." Putting her stupidity aside, Lust nodded, as Sloth loaded the crossbow.

"..." Taking a deep breath, Christian lowered the night vision attached to the helmet and sighed, then turned it on and whispered into the radio "Girls... don\'t die"

"..." Turning all of their gazes towards the man, the group just nodded.

Counting down in his mind, Christian finally says "Start"

With his voice, they got up from the ground and began to walk swiftly towards the place.

"Greed, if you see anyone who places us at risk, eliminate them without question"

"Affirmative" Replied the woman over the radio.

Looking all around with tension at its peak, the group finally arrives at the side of the village.

"..." Silently, Christian attached himself to the wall and indicated with his fingers for them to follow him, then started to slowly move forward.

Reaching the only street in the place, Christian pokes his head out and sees at least 8 women standing along the street, while he saw 10 others standing on various rooftops.

"..." Waiting in silence, Christian stood watching for five minutes, then suddenly raised his crossbow and released the first arrow.

"..." Looking at the woman falling in front of him with an arrow in her skull, Christian gritted his teeth to calm his emotions and quickly crossed the street, while on the way he grabbed the woman\'s leg and dragged her across.

As they crossed, Lust and the others, took aim at the visible women and rooftops, ready at any moment to shoot anyone who detected them

"..." Pointing towards the broken door in front of him, Christian looked at the women and held up 3 fingers, as the girls quickly positioned themselves around the door.

Nodding, Christian opens the door with the tip of the crossbow and stepped in first, aiming straight to the right as Sloth followed him aiming to the left.

Entering silently, Christian found the place empty, but without stopping, he walked towards the exit door, then opened it with the gun and went out pointing to the right, quickly firing another arrow.

Grabbing the corpse\'s leg, Christian dragged it towards the house.

Loading his crossbow, Christian gulped and looked at the door in front of him, then took a deep breath and nodded to Sloth, who quickly opened the door and stepped inside, only to be quickly grabbed by Christian\'s collar.

Frowning, Christian pulled the woman back and pointed his other finger at the wire in front of them, then turned to Gluttony.

"..." Nodding, Gula slowly approached and crouched down beside the wire, looking closely at the two grenades attached to the side of the door.

Reaching into her pocket, Gluttony pulled out two grenade safeties and looked at Christian.

Crouching down to her level, Christian took the wire in the center and nodded.

"..." Waving her hand, Gluttony took the first grenade from the left and cut the cable, then quickly put the safety in place, while Christian kept tightening the cable to prevent the second one from exploding.

Meanwhile, Lust approached the edge of the house and pointed to the front, watching for anyone who seemed to be approaching.

"Enemy eliminated, cover your 6 o\'clock, you\'re almost spotted" Greed\'s voice rang in the earpiece, causing Christian to frown and turn to Envy, who was guarding the house behind his back.

"..." Shrugging, Envy pointed to her eyes, then shook her head, indicating that person hadn\'t entered her line of sight.

Sighing, Christian let go of the wire as he saw that Gluttony had deactivated the trap, then grabbed his crossbow and crept in towards the location.

Leading the way, Christian didn\'t have to be very cautious, as all the houses in the place didn\'t have rooms or anything similar, as the whole place was open, with no personal rooms or even a room for a bathroom.

The bathroom, kitchen, bed, everything was in the same room.

Arriving at the fifth house, Christian stuck his head out of the window and saw two women in front of him, while the vehicles with machine guns were beside him, causing him to hold up two fingers towards Sloth, who simply nodded.

Looking at his team, Christian took another deep breath and slowly opened the door, then shot the woman a few feet away, while Sloth quickly went down to the other woman.

Quickly stepping out, Christian pointed the crossbow to the right as he ran towards the vehicle, then crouched down and waited.

Already having his team together, Christian whispered "From here we\'ll split up. Sloth, it\'s your turn to clean the front road, we\'ll cross the street and clean up the other side. After that you get to the back entrance of the hospital and we\'ll enter through the front door, watch out for the roofs"

"..." Nodding silently, Sloth finishes reloading his crossbow and waits.

After 3 minutes, Gula approaches and whispers "Ready, vehicles secure"

"We\'re leaving" Nodding, Christian looks at Pride and Wrath, then points them to the house they came from.

Getting up, Christian walks quickly towards the house, passing one after another without stopping, then peering out and crossing the street quickly, arriving at the same place as where they came from.

Approaching the door, Christian frowned when he saw that it didn\'t open.

Tapping Christian\'s shoulder, Wrath walks past him and crouches at the door, then reaches into her pocket and pulls out two metal wires.

"..." Watching silently as the woman picks the lock like it\'s nothing, Christian and Pride look at each other, then shrug and point sideways.

After 30 seconds, Wrath stood up as she grabbed her shotgun.

Taking a deep breath, Christian slowly opened the door and pointed it sideways quickly, instantly noticing a sleeping person in the corner.

Putting his finger to his lips to indicate silence, Christian slowly approaches the person.

Looking at the gun at the side of the person, Christian frowned and looked at the person on the ground, finding a woman sleeping peacefully.

"..." Silently, Pride and Wrath just watched Christian.

Frowning, Christian looked at the woman\'s military uniform and then looked at the gun, only to bite his lips tightly and pull his knife from his pocket.

Crouching down, Christian stared at the woman\'s sleeping face for a few seconds, then took a deep breath and took the knife in both hands, and moved the tip of the knife towards the sinciput of the skull.

[A/N: The sinciput is the softest part of the human skull]

Closing his eyes for a moment, Christian takes one last deep breath as he opens his eyes and brings the knife down hard, being embedded directly into the woman\'s skull.

As the knife buried itself, the woman opened her eyes wide and her gaze seemed to stare directly into his eyes, but no further movement came from her body.

Gritting his teeth while taking deep breaths to calm his emotions, Christian grips the knife tightly and pulls it out, causing blood to splatter on his arm.

Showing no emotion, Christian wipes the blood off the knife onto his pants and puts it away again, then gets up and continues on his route to the next house.

Staring at the man\'s back for a few seconds, Pride looked at the body on the ground and sighed, then followed in his footsteps.

"Target eliminated, Lust, you\'re almost detected by your 4 o\'clock, watch out on the rooftops"

"..." Frowning, Christian continued his pace, carefully opening the unlocked door he followed, this time finding 2 sleeping women, causing his emotions to fluctuate.

Stepping towards them, Christian repeated the process, again staring into the wide eyes of each woman.

Christian could make everything easier by slitting the women\'s throats, but his heart would not allow it, knowing that death would be minutes later while they would either bleed to death or run out of air. A painful and cruel death compared to the quick death with a knife in the brain.

The road was the same, in the next 8 houses, Christian found at least 13 more women, all being killed by his hand, while their arms were already soaked with blood.


Edited By: Joy_a

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