
Chapter 188 Blind Predator (2)

My heart raced as I dashed through the empty village, my mind racing to come up with a plan. 


The blind Shadow Anaconda was still behind me, destroying buildings and wreaking havoc, its thunderous crashes filling the air. 

The creature has been chasing me for more than an hour now, its enormous size and relentless pursuit making it seem like a nightmare out of a horror film.

I needed to outsmart this creature, to use its lack of sight to my advantage.

As I ran, I spotted a narrow alleyway up ahead, partially obscured by debris. Without a second thought, I veered into the alley, my footsteps echoing off the walls. The alley was tight, forcing me to slow down and navigate carefully. 

My eyes darted around, searching for any potential escape routes or hiding spots.

Boom... Crash...

The sound of destruction grew quieter, indicating that the blind Shadow Anaconda was still tearing through the village. 

I pressed my back against the wall, listening intently for any sign of its approach. In the distance, I could still hear its hissing, but it was growing fainter.


Taking a deep breath, I peeked out of the alley to gauge the situation. The area was a mess, with buildings reduced to rubble and debris strewn everywhere. 

The blind Shadow Anaconda was nowhere in sight. It seemed like I had managed to create some distance between us.

My heart pounded as I contemplated my next move. I couldn\'t stay in this alley forever, and the village was no longer a safe place. I needed to find a way out of here, but I had to be cautious to avoid attracting the creature\'s attention again.


I spotted a series of overgrown bushes along the edge of the village. They led to a dense forest that seemed to stretch to the shore of the river. 

Although the Shadow Dungeon was not in this direction, now, the forest was my best bet for escaping the blind Shadow Anaconda\'s pursuit. 

The thick foliage could provide cover, and the creature\'s blind state might give me an advantage in maneuvering through the dense undergrowth.


With a determined resolve, I darted out of the alley and sprinted towards the bushes. Every step was a calculated risk, every breath timed to minimize sound. I dove into the underbrush, feeling the branches and leaves brush against my skin.

The forest was a tangle of vegetation, the air heavy with the scent of damp earth and decaying leaves. I moved with cautious determination, my senses on high alert. 

Behind me, the village\'s destruction continued, but it was slowly fading into the background as I delved deeper into the woods.


After some time I slowed my pace, the sound of my footsteps muffled by the thick layers of leaves on the forest floor. My mind raced as I thought about the blind Shadow Anaconda\'s heightened senses. 

While it might lack sight, it relied on other senses to track its prey. I needed to stay quiet and use the forest\'s natural sounds to my advantage.

As I moved deeper into the woods, I spotted a small stream meandering through the trees. The stream could potentially throw off the creature\'s ability to track my scent, and the water might also provide a means of escape if needed.


I followed the stream, my steps light and careful. The forest seemed to close in around me, a wall of green that shielded me from the outside world. I couldn\'t afford to let my guard down, not when the blind Shadow Anaconda could still be lurking nearby.

After what felt like an eternity, I began to notice a change in the atmosphere. The forest was growing quieter, the sounds of the village\'s destruction fading into the distance. I dared to hope that I had managed to outwit the creature.


But then, a distant hiss echoed through the trees, sending a shiver down my spine. The blind Shadow Anaconda was still on my trail. It was relentless, its determination matched only by its ferocity.

\'Fucking snake...\'

I picked up my pace, the urgency of the situation driving me forward. The stream led to a rocky outcropping that overlooked a steep drop. It seemed like the perfect place to make my stand. I could use the terrain to my advantage, forcing the creature to approach from a single direction.

With my heart pounding, I climbed up onto the rocks and crouched down, my eyes fixed on the path below. The forest was eerily silent now as if even the creatures of the woods sensed the danger that approached.


Minutes felt like hours as I waited, my senses attuned to any sign of movement. 


And then, I heard it – the soft rustling of leaves and the faint sound of scales scraping against the ground. 

The blind Shadow Anaconda was closing in.

As the creature emerged from the trees, its massive form coiled and ready to strike, I held my breath. 


The blind Shadow Anaconda\'s forked tongue flicked out, tasting the air as it searched for my scent. It hissed, its blind eyes scanning the area. And then, it began to slither forward, its movements cautious yet determined.

I waited until the creature was within striking distance, its massive head looming ever closer. And then, with a burst of adrenaline-fueled speed, I leaped from my hiding spot and dashed to the side.


The blind Shadow Anaconda struck, its massive body crashing into the rocks where I had been crouched just moments before. Its blind eyes darted around, trying to locate its prey, while I used the opportunity to put more distance between us.

I didn\'t have a moment to waste.

I sprinted along the rocky outcropping, my heart racing as I made my way to the edge. The blind Shadow Anaconda hissed and coiled, preparing to strike again.

And then, with a final burst of energy, I leaped off the edge of the rocks and into the churning waters below. 


The stream carried me away, my body battered by the current but propelled by the desperate need to escape.

As I was carried downstream, I risked a glance back to see the blind Shadow Anaconda thrashing at the edge of the rocks, frustrated by its failed attempt to capture me.

The forest continued to envelop me as I was carried away by the stream, and I couldn\'t help but feel a mixture of exhaustion and triumph. The blind Shadow Anaconda was still out there, a relentless force of nature, but I had proven that I could hold my own against it.

With the current guiding me forward, I allowed myself a moment to catch my breath. The journey was far from over, and I knew that more challenges awaited me on this island. 


As the stream carried me further away from the village, I tried to remain vigilant, knowing that the blind Shadow Anaconda could still be lurking nearby. The water splashed against me, cold and unforgiving, as I struggled to stay afloat amidst the strong current.

Minutes turned into hours as the forest continued to pass by, the stream carrying me deeper into the heart of the island. I knew that I couldn\'t let my guard down, that danger could still strike at any moment.

And then, I noticed something in the water ahead – a disturbance, a ripple that didn\'t quite fit with the natural flow of the stream. My heart raced as I realized that I might not be alone in these waters.

As I drew closer, my fears were confirmed. 

The blind Shadow Anaconda was in the water, its massive form partially submerged, its blind eyes fixed on me. It seemed that this creature was not only a formidable predator on land but also a relentless pursuer in the water.

\'You\'ve got to be kidding me...\' 

I cursed silently. 

The situation had gone from bad to worse.


The blind Shadow Anaconda\'s forked tongue flicked out, testing the water\'s currents as it assessed its surroundings. Its body, though large, seemed to move with surprising grace in the water. It was evident that this creature was not just a brute force but also a cunning predator, adapting its tactics to its environment.

I knew that I needed to act fast. The stream was carrying me closer to the creature, and I couldn\'t afford to let it get too close. With a determined resolve, I began to swim towards the edge of the stream, hoping to reach the shallower waters where the blind Shadow Anaconda might struggle to navigate.

But the creature had other plans. 

As I swam, it slowly lowered its massive body into the water, its coils undulating with a sinuous grace. It was adapting, analyzing the water\'s movements and adjusting its strategy to fit the situation.

A sense of dread settled over me as I realized that I was dealing with a predator that was far more intelligent and adaptable than I had initially thought. My heart raced as I continued to swim, the distance between us decreasing with every passing moment.

The water grew shallower, and I could feel the rocky bottom beneath my feet. I knew that I needed to find a way to outmaneuver the blind Shadow Anaconda, to use its lack of sight against it once again.

Suddenly, an idea struck me. I changed direction abruptly, splashing and making as much noise as possible. The creature relied on sound and vibrations to track me, and if I could create a diversion, I might be able to confuse it.


I swam towards a cluster of large rocks, creating a commotion in the water as I did so. The blind Shadow Anaconda seemed to hesitate, its body coiling as it tried to discern my location amidst the chaos of splashing water.

Seizing the opportunity, I swam further downstream, my movements as stealthy as possible. The creature seemed to be momentarily disoriented, and I hoped that I could capitalize on this advantage.

\'Come on...\'

My heart pounded as I continued to swim, my eyes fixed on the water ahead. I needed to put as much distance between myself and the blind Shadow Anaconda as I could.

And then, I saw it – an opening in the forest, a small sandy bank that promised safety from the relentless pursuit. With renewed determination, I swam towards it, my muscles aching from the effort.

Just as I reached the bank and staggered out of the water, I risked a glance back. The blind Shadow Anaconda was still in the water, its massive form moving with purpose as it tried to locate me once again.

I knew that I couldn\'t stay by the water\'s edge for long. The blind Shadow Anaconda was relentless, and I needed to keep moving if I wanted to survive. With one last look at the creature, I turned and disappeared into the dense forest.

I tried to place my feet as carefully and quietly as possible, avoiding any twigs or branches that could betray my presence.

I continued walking in such a manner until I couldn\'t hear the sound of the water behind me anymore.


Stretching my sore muscles, I blurted out, channeling Mana through my tired body.

The intense encounter with the blind Shadow Anaconda had taken its toll on me.

However, I couldn\'t rest.

There was still a long journey ahead.

I need to survive this day, at least.

Letting out a small giggle, I quickly changed my wet clothes with new ones and set off toward the south.

Although I was being chased by the blind Anaconda I always followed the direction of the village.

So if I were to escape the Shadow, I would be able to trace back to the village and continue on my quest to enter the Shadow Dungeon.

I might not be the smartest person to ever live, but I do have something in my head.

A Lung. 

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