
Chapter 156 Looting

Chapter 156  Looting


A small smile tugged at the corners of my lips. I knew I might seem callous, but after witnessing countless battles in this world, I had learned not to be overly emotional about such events.

Instead, my mind was focused on the potential loot left behind by the fallen demons.

Slowly and carefully, I climbed down from the rooftop. My steps were measured, and I maintained my calm and collected demeanor. The campus and the main entrance were now bustling with people. Many were crying, injured, or consoling one another. Their emotions were a stark contrast to my own, as I remained cold and unaffected by the devastation around me.

I don\'t want to sound cocky, but while some cried in pain of losing a limb, I barely sneered at such levels of pain.

Others cried at their lost family members, which I also didn\'t have the luxury of shedding tears over...

In both lives, I had no parents.


As I walked past the massive Mana Barrier dome, it was still faintly glowing, its power gradually dissipating now that the attack was over.

The previous menacing pulse was also completely gone, making it easy for anyone to leave the area.

I carefully slipped through the barrier, taking extra precautions as some demons might still be hiding.

While the Director might be strong, he couldn\'t possibly wipe out all of the Demons within a few minutes.

I refuse to believe that there was no Demon specializing in stealth, who hadn\'t slipped under his radar.

Tap... Tap...

Once in the city streets, I maintained a steady yet cautious stride. Even though the Director had cleared out many demons, there was always a chance that some stragglers remained, and I wasn\'t about to let my guard down.

The destruction left in the wake of the attack was evident. Ashes floated in the air like melancholic snow, and the remnants of shattered buildings and demolished structures adorned the landscape. Some areas were completely reduced to rubble, and the scent of smoke and burnt debris hung heavy in the air.

As I walked further, I noticed several demons frozen in ice, their malevolent forms now lifeless and inert. The sight was eerie, but it was a testament to the power of the Director\'s ice magic. He had not held back, and it showed in the aftermath.

In the distance, I spotted the massive corpse of one of the dragon-like creatures lying half-buried under the foundation of a skyscraper. It was a grotesque sight, but I couldn\'t deny the potential rewards that might come from exploring such a creature\'s remains.

Approaching it cautiously, I examined the creature\'s lifeless body. Its scales were tough and dark, and its wings were tattered and torn from the fierce battle it had been a part of. I kept my distance, not knowing if any lingering demonic energy might still be present.

After ensuring there were no immediate threats, I began to search for any valuable materials or items that could be salvaged from the creature\'s body. Demonic beings often carried unique and powerful resources, and I wasn\'t about to let this opportunity slip by.

Carefully, I made my way around the corpse, rummaging through the debris and ashes left in its wake. I found some dark, iridescent scales that could potentially be used for crafting. There were also sharp claws and fangs that might fetch a good price in the market.

However, the main thing I came here for was...


My Aura Blade tore into the creature\'s massive chest, carefully removing scales one by one.

"Found it!"

A Core appeared in my palm, pulsating with strong Dark Mana.

This Core, imbued with the essence of the defeated creature, would prove to be a valuable source of power.

This would also fetch a high price in the market...

I could even sell it to \'Nothing\' in the Dark Auction.

With the Demonic Core in hand, I felt a sense of triumph. This B Rank core was a true treasure, one that could go fund my growth.

But my desire for more didn\'t stop there.

As I moved through the devastated streets, I scanned the surroundings for any other fallen demons. This city had been the battleground for an intense conflict, and I knew that more remnants of the demonic invasion could be found.

My Aura Blade glinted in the dim light as I carefully approached another frozen demon. It was a fearsome creature, once exuding a menacing aura, but now it lay lifeless, encased in ice. Swiftly and skillfully, I extracted another Demon Core from its body, adding it to my growing collection.

One by one, I went around scavenging from the corpses of the fallen demons. Each Core I collected pulsated with its unique energy, a dark and potent force waiting to be harnessed. The more I gathered, the more my excitement grew, for I knew the potential power and wealth these artifacts held.

In my Spatial Ring, I carefully organized and stored the collected Demonic Cores. It was a meticulous process, but one I had mastered over time. The Spatial Ring was a valuable tool for an Awakener, capable of holding far more items than it appeared to from the outside.

As I made my way toward another demon\'s corpse in the distance, my mind was still consumed with thoughts of the valuable loot I had gathered. The potential power and riches these Demonic Cores could bring were immense, and I couldn\'t help but feel a surge of excitement at the possibilities.

But as I approached the fallen dragon-like creature, something felt off. The air seemed to hum with an eerie energy, and I noticed a faint tremor beneath my feet. My instincts urged me to be cautious, and I halted my steps just before climbing onto the massive body.

A realization dawned on me. This creature might not be as lifeless as I had assumed.

Slowly, I backed away, my eyes fixed on the creature\'s form. Its scales, though dark and dull, showed faint signs of movement.

Looking at its head, I saw its silver eyes flickered wide open, slowly adjusting to the surrounding light and finally me.

My heart skipped a beat as I realized the demon was not as dead as I thought. Its silver eyes locked onto mine, and a low, guttural growl rumbled from its throat.

How could I have been so careless? I should have known better than to assume anything in this world.


Without wasting another moment, I turned and dashed through the city streets, my heart pounding in my chest. The sounds of massive footsteps and roars echoed behind me, driving me to push myself to the limits of my speed and endurance.


I dared not look back, knowing that the creature\'s pursuit was relentless. It was injured, its wing unable to carry it into the air, but that didn\'t stop it from chasing me with unbridled fury.

Thud... Thud...

As I weaved through the ruined city, the creature\'s presence loomed closer and closer. My mind raced, searching for a way to escape this relentless pursuit. I couldn\'t afford to face it head-on; my chances of survival were slim against such a formidable opponent.

I spotted a narrow alleyway up ahead, and without a second thought, I veered into it. The buildings on either side pressed in on me, but I kept running, praying that I could somehow shake off the monster\'s pursuit.

The alleyway seemed endless, and my lungs burned with every breath. I could hear the creature\'s heavy footfalls, its growls growing louder as it closed the distance between us. My heart pounded in my ears, and a cold sweat coated my skin.

Just as I thought I might be cornered, I spotted a small opening in the alley\'s wall. Without hesitation, I dived through it, hoping it would lead to safety. To my relief, it opened up into a deserted courtyard, overgrown with vines and debris.


I paused for a moment to catch my breath, my mind racing as I tried to come up with a plan. I needed to find a way to outsmart the monster, to use its injured wing to my advantage.

A thought struck me, and I glanced around the courtyard. There, near the far wall, lay the remnants of a fallen structure. It was a massive slab of stone, half-buried in the ground. With a burst of adrenaline-fueled strength, I ran towards it and began to push with all my might.

The stone shifted, its weight nearly too much for me to handle. But I was determined to make this work. I managed to tilt it just enough to create a makeshift ramp leading up to a higher level of the city ruins.

wing. It was a slim chance, but it was the best shot I had.

With the plan in mind, I lured the creature\'s attention back to me. It was risky, but I had no other options. If I could lure the demon towards the ramp, it might get caught or stumble due to its injured wing. It was a slim chance, but it was the best shot I had.

With the plan in mind, I lured the creature\'s attention back to me. As soon as it spotted me, it let out a furious roar and charged towards me once more.


I sprinted towards the makeshift ramp, praying that my gambit would pay off. Just as I reached the top, I turned and faced the pursuing demon, making sure it saw me.

With a burst of dark energy, it lunged at me. But instead of meeting its attack head-on, I sidestepped at the last moment, causing the creature to overshoot and stumble onto the tilted stone ramp.

Its injured wing hindered its balance, and as the demon tried to regain its footing, the stone ramp shifted beneath its weight. With a loud crash, the demon fell back, its massive form trapped against the stone.

I couldn\'t believe my luck. The plan had actually worked. The demon roared in frustration, struggling to free itself, but its injured wing and the stone\'s weight held it in place.

I didn\'t waste any time. I turned and fled the courtyard, leaving the demon trapped behind me. Even though I had escaped its clutches for now, I knew I couldn\'t stay in the city any longer. There were still dangers lurking, and the demon might eventually free itself.

"I\'ve collected enough loot..."

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