
Chapter 114 Complete Trust

As the surge of energy subsided, the chamber fell into a deafening silence. The warm glow that once illuminated the library was extinguished, plunging us into complete darkness. It was as if the very essence of light had been swallowed by the void, leaving only an abyss of impenetrable blackness.

We were teleported to another room...


I reached out into the darkness, my hand finding Rose\'s fingers. Instinctively, I held onto her tightly, making sure that she wouldn\'t suddenly run off.

Although no one knew this since she was proficient at hiding her emotions with the mask, she was terrified of the dark.

"Stay close to me..."

I whispered, my voice barely audible in the thick darkness.

"We need to find our way out of here."

I could feel her tremble slightly, but she squeezed my hand in response, a sign that she understood me. She probably couldn\'t even see her own hand in front of her, so I felt responsible for guiding us both.

Well... I pretty much knew the entire layout of this room.

How? Because when playing the game I just increased the game\'s gamma settings to the max, which allowed me to see in the dark.


Carefully, I took my first step, my foot landing on the cool stone floor. I moved cautiously, trying to recall the position of the table, the shelves, and the exit. My mind constructed a mental map of the room, relying on my knowledge from the game to navigate through the darkness.

With each step, my memory guided me, and I led Rose through the chamber with unwavering determination. The creatures lurking in the darkness made their presence known through faint rustlings and whispers, but without the aid of sight, it was impossible to discern their true forms.

To tell the truth, we were currently in a place filled with sleeping goblins and a single wrong move could have easily woken them up.

Keeping a firm grip on Rose\'s hand, I maneuvered around unseen obstacles, skillfully sidestepping the hidden creatures that sought to impede our progress.

I could hear Rose\'s uneven breath and knew she was getting more and more anxious as we continued in the darkness.

She was 100% aware of our situation and I would even say that she is doing very well, taking into account that her fear of darkness is close to a phobia.

As we ventured further into the darkness, my senses heightened, relying solely on sound and touch to guide us. The creatures around us shifted and stirred, their movements a mere whisper in the pitch-black void.


I continued to lead Rose, my footsteps measured and deliberate. The room seemed to stretch out endlessly, each step taking us deeper into the unknown. The air felt heavy, charged with an eerie energy that sent shivers down my spine.

Suddenly, a soft snore echoed through the darkness, followed by a faint rustling of movement. One of the goblins had shifted in its sleep, disrupting the stillness of the chamber. I froze in my tracks, my heart pounding in my chest.

Rose\'s grip tightened on my hand, her trembling more pronounced. The unexpected disturbance had unsettled her, and I could feel her fear radiating through her touch. I needed to assess the situation quickly and find a way to navigate around the awakened creature without alerting it.

I strained my ears, listening intently for any further signs of movement. The snoring continued, irregular and low, indicating that the goblin had merely shifted in its sleep but had not woken fully.

With careful consideration, I adjusted our course, taking a slow and silent step to the side, attempting to circumvent the awakened goblin. Every movement had to be calculated, every breath held, to avoid drawing attention to our presence.


As we cautiously continued, the darkness seemed to press in around us, its weight palpable in the stillness. The absence of light heightened our other senses, the faint rustles and whispers becoming our compass through the abyss. I guided Rose with gentle nudges and subtle gestures, ensuring that we stayed on course.

The snoring of the goblin faded into the distance, a faint hum against the backdrop of the void. We were making progress, gradually moving closer to the chamber\'s exit. The hope of escaping the darkness fueled my determination, and I willed my memory to guide us unerringly.

Through the darkness, I could sense Rose\'s increasing trust in me, her trembling subsiding with each step we took together. It was a silent exchange of support, where words were unnecessary, and our shared determination to overcome the challenge spoke volumes.


Suddenly, I felt something soft beneath my foot, and my heart leaped into my throat.


The goblin shrieked, feeling something stepping on its throat, but I quickly silenced it, applying more strength to my foot, breaking its windpipe.

However, its initial cry had alerted other creatures, and I knew that we were no longer safe.

"Please do not resist!"

I quickly alerted Rose, pulling her toward me and whispering urgently as I took her into my arms. This was a literal Princess carry.

With a surge of adrenaline, I tightened my grip on Rose and broke into a run, carrying her in my arms as we fled from the awakened goblins. The darkness worked to our advantage, as the creatures relied on their senses to track us down.

Tap, tap, tap...

I weaved through the chamber, my steps nimble and precise, evading the incoming attacks by relying on my knowledge from the game and the familiar patterns of the goblins\' assaults. Their claws slashed through the air, narrowly missing us as we ducked and dodged, fueled by desperation and determination.

The goblins\' snarls and growls echoed around us, their anger palpable in the air. They were relentless in their pursuit, but I was equally relentless in my determination to keep Rose safe. I focused on their movements, the subtle shifts in sound that revealed their positions, and guided our path accordingly.

Tap, tap, tap...

We maneuvered through the chamber with agility, each step taking us closer to the exit. I could feel Rose\'s grip on me tighten, her trust unwavering even in the face of danger.

The goblins\' attacks intensified, their strikes growing closer and more ferocious. But we danced through the chaos, our steps in sync, avoiding the gnashing teeth and clawed hands by mere inches. It was a testament to our unity, our unwavering bond forged in the face of adversity.

Tap, tap, tap...

Finally, I caught sight of the exit, a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness.

It was a small light flickering in the distance, but it was enough to guide us forward.

With newfound determination, I raced toward the flickering light, my steps swift and sure. Rose clung to me, her trust unyielding as I carried her through the chaotic darkness. The goblins\' snarls and growls echoed behind us, their desperate attempts to halt our escape fueling my resolve.

Tap, tap, tap...

I deftly maneuvered through the chamber, anticipating the goblins\' attacks by the sound of their frenzied movements. Their claws swiped through the air, grazing the edges of my vision, but my instincts guided me flawlessly. I dodged and weaved, never faltering, ensuring that Rose remained shielded from harm.

Tap, tap, tap...

The light grew brighter as we drew closer, its warm glow beckoning us forward. It served as a beacon of hope in the midst of the suffocating darkness. I could feel Rose\'s trust radiating through her touch, her heartbeat synchronized with mine, as we moved as one through the treacherous labyrinth.

Tap, tap, tap...

The goblins\' pursuit intensified, their desperation mounting with every passing moment.

With a final burst of speed, we reached the source of the light. It emanated from a narrow passage, leading to an escape from the labyrinthine chamber. I could almost taste the freedom awaiting us beyond its threshold.

I pushed myself harder, my muscles burning with exertion, as we sprinted toward the exit. The goblins\' enraged cries filled the air, but their efforts were in vain. We had outsmarted them, outmaneuvered them in their own domain.

Tap, tap, tap...

And then, with a surge of relief, we burst into the open. The brilliance of daylight washed over us, banishing the remnants of darkness that had clung to our beings. We stood at the precipice of freedom, our chests heaving, our hearts triumphant.

I set Rose down gently, her legs wobbly from the adrenaline-fueled escape.

And fell to the ground.


I gasped, feeling multiple claw wounds all over my body. Although I managed to avoid most of them, hundreds of goblins flooded toward us so it was a miracle we managed to escape with only a few wounds.

\'Nothing that a potion wouldn\'t heal...\'

Muttering under my breath, I was about to retrieve a potion from my Spatial Ring when one was pushed to my lips by Rose\'s slightly trembling hand.

I wanted to decline it, but seeing her emerald eyes strangely shimmering in the dim room, I decided to shut up.

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