
Chapter 6 Shopping

Glancing at the swords carefully arranged on the shelves, I couldn\'t help but admire the exquisite craftsmanship that went into each one. It was clear that the blacksmiths who had fashioned these weapons had poured their hearts and souls into their work. I felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that, regardless of which blade I chose, I would be getting a finely crafted tool.

However, as much as I appreciated the quality of these swords, my budget was limited.

\'I should invest in some stocks...\'

After carefully considering each blade, I found myself drawn to a sleek Katana with a black blade and matching hilt. As I hefted it in my hand, I was impressed by its perfect balance and the surprising lightness of its blade. It was clear that this weapon was designed for swift, deadly strikes.

Running my fingers along the sharp edge of the blade, I marveled at the craftsmanship that had gone into its creation. The steel was flawlessly tempered, and the intricate designs etched into the metal gave the weapon an air of mystique and power.

Looking at its price tag, I was surprised that it cost only a couple of thousand Arcons. I had been expecting it to be much more expensive given its exquisite craftsmanship and the fact that it was a rare find in this shop. In fact, I couldn\'t recall ever seeing a Katana sold in this shop before.

After purchasing the Katana, I realized that I needed some new clothing. Aiden had just moved into the apartment and hadn\'t had a chance to stock up on clothes yet.

"It\'s time to buy something inconspicuous and simple..."

As I walked through the busy market streets of Leclentia, I thought of what clothes I needed to buy. Even though I had been reincarnated into this world, I didn\'t want to attract too much attention to myself. After all, I wasn\'t a protagonist and didn\'t want to draw the attention of villains or demons worshipers.

I entered a clothing shop and quickly scanned the racks, looking for anything that caught my eye. I knew what I wanted - clothes that were simple and practical. So, without much thought, I grabbed every piece of black clothing in my size that I could find.

Shirts, pants, jackets, and even a few pairs of socks - I didn\'t discriminate. I knew that black was a color that could easily blend in, and that was exactly what I was looking for.

With my arms full of clothing, I made my way to the cashier and quickly paid for my purchases.

After putting all my new purchases into my bag, my stomach started growling. I realized that I was quite hungry and decided to treat myself to a good meal. Since I still had over 5,000 Arcons left, I wasn\'t going to be stingy with my food choices.

I looked around and spotted a nearby restaurant that looked promising. I walked in and was greeted by the delicious smell of grilled meats and savory spices. The menu had a variety of options, but I knew what I wanted - a juicy beef steak.

I placed my order with the waiter and eagerly awaited my meal.

As I looked around the restaurant, I noticed that it was almost empty. There were only a few people sitting at the far corners of the room, enjoying their meals in quiet solitude.

The emptiness of the restaurant suited me just fine. I preferred to avoid crowded places and loud noises, and this quiet environment allowed me to enjoy my meal in peace.

My attention was abruptly pulled away from the restaurant\'s interior as I noticed a man standing just outside. He appeared to be in his early thirties, his tall frame shrouded in a grey jacket. However, it was his piercing black eyes that seemed to bore into me, making me wary.

As he glanced around the street, I detected a hint of hesitance in his movements, causing my intuition to flare. Something was amiss, and I couldn\'t help but feel that this man was at the center of it.

I watched as he approached the restaurant, his steps slow and deliberate. My heart rate quickened as he drew closer, and I braced myself for whatever was about to happen next. It was clear that this man was not here for a casual meal, and his presence could only mean trouble.

My hand instinctively went to the newly bought Katana, which was now lying beside me on the table. With my heart racing, I unsheathed the blade, the metallic ring of the sword filling the air.

Gripping the hilt tightly, I held the weapon beneath the table, ready to defend myself should the need arise.

As the man entered the restaurant, I could feel his eyes scanning the customers, and my grip on the Katana tightened even further.


The man\'s entrance into the restaurant had been quiet and subdued, but as he drew closer to the center of the room, his demeanor changed. Without warning, he grabbed hold of a nearby wooden table and, with surprising strength, pushed it towards the door.

The sound of the table scraping against the tiled floor filled the room, causing everyone to turn their attention towards the commotion. The man\'s sudden display of aggression had caught us all off guard, and a tense silence descended upon the restaurant.

"Long live the Demon King!"

The man suddenly roared and dashed towards the waiter, who was carrying a tray of sizzling hot dishes towards one of the customers. The tray clattered to the floor, sending food flying in every direction.

As the man reached the waiter, he grabbed hold of his shirt, pulling him close to his face. His eyes blazed with a fierce intensity as he barked out a demand.

"Beg for mercy human... Beg!"

My heart raced as I realized that the man before me was a demon worshiper. His mad eyes and violent actions left no doubt in my mind that he was capable of causing great harm and was probably a G rank awakener.

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