
Chapter 6 Finding A Job

"Poul, that is such a huge undertaking. Do you even have the knowledge to execute that plan of yours?" Jonathan asked. He knew very well about Poul\'s expertise in electricity. After all, he has a master\'s degree and has experience working in power plants. But designing a distribution system and infrastructure is another topic.

"I don\'t know, but it\'s worth a try," Poul tittered and continued. "With enough manpower, money, and equipment. I can build a power plant in this world. Heck, generating electricity is a simple concept that I know this world\'s denizens are already aware of. Sadly, it\'ll have to wait."

"Yeah…" Jonathan nodded his head. Poul\'s enthusiasm towards introducing electricity into this world made him a little excited. If he actually built a power plant and lit up the country, imagine the money flowing into his pockets all the while venturing into another industry.

He wants to be part of that.

"Very well, I\'ll participate in that vision of yours," Jonathan said as he stood up. "For now, I\'m getting hungry. I bought some egg on bread across the streets."

Jonathan picked up the paper bag from the table and set it down on the floor in front of Poul.

Poul could smell the sweet aroma wafting inside the paper bag. His stomach growled and he started to drool. His body is sure is hungry. He put his hand inside to get one loaf of bread and pulled it out.

Before eating it, he checked the appearance of the food. It\'s literally an egg-on-bread. He took a small bite of it and instantly his mouth filled with the deliciousness of warm soft bread. He closed his eyes and moaned softly, his hands reached for his belly to enjoy the taste better. When he finally opened his eyes, Jonathan was grinning ear to ear and laughing uncontrollably.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Because I have never seen you react so childishly before," Jonathan said as he took a bite of his bread. "Hmm…I have low expectations when it comes to the food of this era. But this one, it\'s not bad."

"Maybe this new body of ours doesn\'t have a refined taste," Poul said. "If it tasted like shit when it was our original body who ate this bread."

"You have a point but we have to be grateful that we have something to eat," Jonathan chided him lightly.

"Sorry boss…let\'s just enjoy our meal for the night."

They silently ate their dinner for five minutes. After that, they swept the crumbs that littered the floor and prepared for sleep. However, before all that. Jonathan said something ridiculous.

"Remove all your clothes."

"Hah?!" Poul exclaimed as he looked at Jonathan wide-eyed.

"We don\'t have spare clothes so we have to dry them out," Jonathan explained as he started stripping off his clothes without looking back at Poul.

Well, he was right, the clothes they are wearing right now are drenched with rainwater. They also have to work tomorrow morning so having wet clothes will be unforgiving. Still, he can\'t believe that Jonathan can nonchalantly ask him to remove his clothes. Nevertheless, he too started removing his clothes. His eyes drifted down and saw his new pet. His eyes drifted towards Jonathan\'s and smirked.

"Why are you smirking?" Jonathan asked annoyingly.

"Mine is bigger," Poul stated calmly.

"What nonsense are you talking about now."

After saying that, Jonathan ignores him momentarily until they get to decide who will sleep on the bed and on the floor.

"You can take the bed, Poul. I\'ll sleep on the floor."

"That\'s generous of you, then I\'ll sleep on the floor tomorrow. Good thing that this apartment has extra blankets," Poul tossed Jonathan a blanket.

Jonathan caught it and wrapped it around his naked body. There\'s no mattress for him to sleep on so it\'ll be cold for his body. Fortunately, there is a fireplace by which he can sleep.

"Good night. I hope we wake up in our real world," Poul said in a hopeful tone.

"We will find out tomorrow," Jonathan said before closing his eyes.


"Poul! Poul! Wake up, it\'s already morning," Jonathan said as he gently shook Poul\'s body.

Poul groaned in response and swatted the hand away from his shoulder. He raised his blanket up to his face and continued sleeping.

"Poul!" Jonathan\'s voice became louder.

Poul stirred, opening one eye slightly. "Mmm…what is your problem? Can\'t you see that the person is sleeping?"

"Wake up! We have to apply for a job right now."

"Job? What are you talking about? We already have a job," Poul said as he rose up from his bed. He rubbed his eyes groggily and blinked slowly several times as if trying to get rid of the remaining sleepiness in his brain. Then he glanced around.

"Where am I? This is not my bedroom...and why are you here…Ah…"

Poul brought up his hands to his face and groaned. "This is not a dream…this is a new reality."

"Yeah…unfortunately," Jonathan mumbled. "Anyways, here are your clothes. It dried overnight but it smells bad. Still, it\'s better than having none at all," Jonathan said optimistically.

Poul sighed reluctantly as he grabbed his clothes that he removed yesterday to dry. It took them five minutes to prepare themselves before leaving the apartment.

Outside, the streets were muddy and stank. Street Sweepers were doing their best to remove it as quickly as possible. The street also bustled with people moving about their daily life.

"So, where is this job you are talking about?" Poul asked.

"Follow me," Jonathan started walking.

Poul followed him and walked for about fifteen minutes. As they were walking by, Poul was taking in the scenery. There are indeed telephone lines, meaning the telephone is already invented in this world. A tram engine, and an oil refinery. He remembered that Ohio in the original world became the center of oil refineries spearheaded by Rockefeller, who would become the richest man in American history in two to three decades.

"We\'re here," Jonathan pointed to the long queue of people. Children and adults alike lined up to land a job at a new construction project.

"Want to buy some breakfast before lining up?" Jonathan suggested.


The two took a quick breakfast at the nearby stall selling bread and coffee. It cost 25 cents per person, so half a dollar.

Then they joined the line.

The kids in front of them were sneering at Poul.

"What are you dorks sneering at? Is it because of my silver hair? What\'s wrong with having a different hair color? Does it make you superior?"

"Yeah…Albians are dirty humans who came from a dirty and barbaric land," the group of kids bursts out in laughter.

"Don\'t mind them," Jonathan whispered.

"No, let me…" Poul cleared his throat. "I think I understand the social hierarchy in this country. So silver-haired people are considered inferior and discriminated. If that is the case then why are you all here? And not in there?" he pointed at the wealthy-looking Avalonians walking on the streets.

"There\'s really not much of a difference between us other than our hair color. The only difference that can set us apart is the amount of money we have in our pockets. Well, I kind of understand because in order to make yourselves feel better, you\'ll pick on someone that is below you."

"Oy…are you looking down on us?" the leader growled, clenching his fist.

"Hmm…no I am not…This is kind of tiring, why don\'t we stop talking and just wait for our turn silently?"

"This Albian is weird, let\'s just leave him alone," said another kid.

The leader scoffed. "You\'re lucky."

Poul sighed inwardly, glad that they left him alone. They waited in line for about thirty minutes and once it was their turn, the person wearing a black suit and top hat, asked them.

"Do you have any experience digging ditches?"

Jonathan and Poul nodded in affirmation.

"Good, grab a shovel and start working. The work will start now until six p.m. There will be a lunch break at 12 p.m. As for your salaries, the Albian will get a dollar while you boy is getting 1.50 dollars."

That is something Poul had expected. Looking at the state of how Albians are treated, it\'s certain that they\'ll be paid less for any work. It\'s just sad that the salaries were not the same as advertised. Well, they have no choice, if they don\'t work, they\'ll die of starvation.

"We\'ll take it," Jonathan and Poul intoned. They grabbed shovels and set out to dig a ditch.

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