
Chapter 42 - Ending The Year In A Split

"You fucking shithead!" she slurred out with a pained look on her face as she lightly patted her head. When she retracted her hand from her hair, fresh blood was painted on her fingers.

"Malia?!" Sara gasped, trying to help but Malia shoved her to the floor.

"Don\'t touch me! You- You-" her words came out jumbled but her rage was clear. She held Mike\'s shoulder for support, stumbling a little before her eyes focused back on me.

She came into range instantly then stooped low before firing a screw punch at my chest. I used a cross armed block but my weakened body flew backwards and my back made contact with a tree. She had definitely gotten stronger.

[You have suffered 300 damage]

"Malia! What\'s wrong with you?! Stop this!" this time Johan stepped in and gripped her arm.

"Get off me!" she shouted and a wild, unknown and exotic mana enveloped the atmosphere. Naz and Ciara moved back from her, as if they had just seen a beast; picking up Sara and holding her behind them.

What was wrong with her?

I stumbled up before coughing out blood. The taste of copper became a familiar thing in my mouth now but the stinging as it poured down my throat never got old.

She walked forwards towards me at a fast pace. Everyone watched her as she came closer to me.

She gripped my ripped collar and tears started to roll down her eyes, "Where were you when I needed you?! I WAITED for you! I suffered FOR you! He took me BECAUSE of you! THIS ALL HAPPENED BECAUSE OF YOU

!!! B-But you never came for me-"

Sara screamed out in frustration. "AHHGH! You idiot!!! You can\'t BLAME him for not knowing! He was saving ME! You act so high and strong but when you\'re in trouble, you rely on Zeref and Jace like they are your little slaves! And when they don\'t come, you go all beast mode! REALITY CHECK MALIA-" Sara\'s speech was interrupted by the loud noise of a slap.

Ciara slapped Sara, quickly but harshly. "This isn\'t your case to defend." she gritted while Naz helped Sara up.

Normally, Naz would have been quick to defend Sara but this was one of the rare occasions that she couldn\'t. Sara\'s eyes grew in shock and disbelief and before either could do any further harm, Naz and Johan held them back.

Malia\'s eyes welled in tears in shock at what Sara had just said, holding onto Mike again for support.

"Malia. I didn\'t know. I\'m sor-"

"Lies! Absolute lies! You\'ve been lying to not just me but everyone! This whole time. We don\'t even know who you really are.Why didn\'t you tell us the truth?! Did you not trust us? You think you\'re so important. Zeref Amara, the lightning candidate." she spoke, letting out her emotions, her words clear because of the amount of hurt pilling up in her.

My heart skipped a beat as I heard the last part. So this really was all my fault.

"What?!" Jace furrowed his eyebrows, taking a step away from me.

"Please Mali-"

This time Jace shoved me. "YOU\'RE A WHAT?!


Everyone went silent. Luckily, it seemed Sara, Naz, Johan and Ciara didn\'t hear what Malia had just said as they were too engulfed in the side drama. They all peered at me in confusion.

Mike stood silently, standing by his sister, unphased by the news.

Mike pushed me. Hard. Before trying to punch me. I gripped his fist. "Stop." I said coldly to everyone.

"Or what?!" Malia screamed, holding onto Jace, " Are you going to hit me? Are you going to kill me? Are you going to dispose of me, because we\'re all chess pieces in your game right?!"

No one spoke.

"Stop." I sighed, tired. I got beats from practically EVERYONE today.

Mike tried to shove me but I dodged. The anger, guilt and confusion got the best of me.

Dark clouds were starting to gather above us.

"Malia, just stop it. You\'re both injured." Johan spoke trying to calm her down, but she ignored him as she imbued her fist in flame mana. Jace did the same with water mana.

My two best friends went through hell because of me and now, are standing against me. I deserve this.

Everyone else stood on the sides, still confused.

"I said stop!


\'Almighty Push\'

Mike\'s body flew backwards with extreme force. He gathered himself before trying to come for me again like an angry bull. He didn\'t make it far because he fainted midway.

Lightning mana rattled around me, thunder and bolts of lightning started to strike the ground from above as my emotions were a mix of guilt and anger at myself. The atmosphere reverberated with pure lightning mana and all my other elements were leaking out, causing the weather to feel cold and dense.

"You think I wanted all this to happen?! You think you\'re the only one that suffered? I\'m not even going to bother."



-Malia\'s POV-

With that, he disappeared out of everyone\'s sight. In a flash. All that was left was the remains of his mana signatures.

Anger still whirled inside me like a whirlpool. Why didn\'t he tell me?

\'Malia, calm down. It\'ll all be fine, just go inside. It\'s starting to rain.\' Nina\'s voice echoed in my head and I wiped my tears before getting up. I yanked Jace\'s helping hands off me and stormed into the house.

I didn\'t want to see their faces. None of them.

Jace followed inside, his arm wrapping around me in comfort.

So much happened.

"What just happened?" Naz whispered. Tiny murmurs of Johan and Ciara replied but no one really knew except for Mike, Jace and I.

"We aren\'t going after Zeref?" Sara questioned in disbelief, crossing her arms. Johan pulled Mike\'s body up and dragged him inside as we all sat around the table in silence.

"Zeref… he has the lightning element." Ciara cautiously spoke, peering at me for approval.

"Okay, listen here. No one will speak about ANYTHING that happened today to ANYONE. No one can know he holds these powers." Jace spoke strongly and everyone nodded intently.

I sat in silence, staring at my ceramic white plate. Blood dripped down my forehead and all I could hear was concerned voices before I blacked out.

A warm tingling sensation of someone healing me was music to my ears as I hummed in being able to release all my pain.

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