
Chapter 120 - Test Of Nagina

"The beast back there?" Master Yi Feng repeated with a thoughtful face when he heard her question.

Le fang ling nodded her head in confirmation.

"Yes, indeed it was my handiwork," he said while stroking his beard. 

"But," he added.

"I had something else in my mind. Little did I know you were going to come with an extra baggage," he was clearly pointing at the fact that Nagina had appeared in this dimension.

He glanced at both of them back and forth. His eyes seemed to be prying into them as if he was trying to take out the truth from their soul.


"Ahemm, master," Le Fang ling coughed out loud in order to remove his attention from them. She had doubts, sooner or later, her master was bound to find their secrets.

Unless, she got strong enough to hide it from him and other unseen factors and people she was to meet in upcoming future.

"Let\'s not talk about this," she stopped him from thinking further about this matter. Nagina and her, they both were imposters in this world, well not yet but they would be one if their secrets got out. 

"We should be focusing on other important things, shouldn\'t we?" Le fang Ling said with a totally harmless and friendly smile that was blooming in her face. She stretched her lips wider in a friendlier grin when she saw the hint of suspicion in his eyes.

Master yi Feng stared at her for a few minutes before he finally relaxed all of his tensed and stiff muscles.

He sighed heavily as he stopped glaring at both of them as if he was trying to eat them alive. But, he was still skeptical about them. He was just keeping things off until later. As of now, he had to modify his plans slightly.

He had planned to train only the girl but seeing that she had brought a companion with her, he had no choice but to modify it so that he could train the other girl as well. From the looks of it, he could sense she was strong but somewhat different.

When he made her exchange place with the beast inside the cave, he was somewhat surprised when he felt a string resisting force from her. His substitution technique was one of his strongest techniques that demanded absolute obedience.

Unless, the other person had somewhat strong will power and enough strength, no one could do that. But! This little girl, although she was not able to resist it completely, she was able to make him run for his money to make sure she exchanged the place.

\'Cough, I am pretty sure that my skill isn\'t the one that is getting rusty, is it?\' he panicked a little when he thought about how he had been lax for hundreds of years. After all, he had lived like a normal mortal with a ragged dress draped on his body and dry bread and water as his food.

Although, it was pretty hard, he felt satisfied with how he no longer had to live like an immortal.

What he looked back then at the mortal realm and how he looked now was completely different. His robe was nice and clean and seemed to have been made up of pure silk. His hair was no longer tangled and knotted, nor did he have any dirt stain on his face or dress.

He looked the same but completely different from back then and he was sure that his new found disciple, aka Le Fang Ling also had seen the difference he had not only physically but spiritually as well.

Those things were for future, he thought while forcing himself back to the reality. After all, he had a few young  saplings to teach.

"You," he pointed at Nagina with a stern look. Upon being called out, Nagina was a little startled but soon she regained her composure.

"Yes, Master," she greeted him  with a  bow like how her host had done.

She and Le fang Ling were at a distance of 2 meter away from the Elder man. It was not a big gap but it was not that close either.

He did not say anything as he immediately appeared in front of Nagina. He thrusted his palm forward, right at her chest with a full killing intent. He was silent and swift as he cleanly surrounded both of them inside a spherical whirl made up of his qi.

Nagina was taken by shock when she was attacked by Master Yi Feng out of nowhere.

Just as the palm of Master Yi Feng was about to reach to her chest and pierce through her heart, everything around her immediately froze while the whole surrounding suddenly looked as if it was moving in a slow motion.


<Threat to the system had been detected!>

<Initiating level 1 defense system!>

Nagina was still as she looked at the various numbers and signals that was floating in the air. She could also hear the various noise in her head that seemed to be telling her o do something.

Her eyes glowed red as she stared back at the bearded man in front of her.

"Threat has been detected!"

She spoke in a robotic monotone despite her looking like a young teenage girl.

Le Fang Ling who was outside the whirling sphere of qi could not enter it nor she could see anything that was happening inside. Nevertheless, she was sure her master was not going to hurt Nagina. What he was doing was a test she had taken just like she was tested by him or so she hoped.

Just as she was caught off from them, she could hear various voices inside her head. The feeling was familiar. It was how she had heard the voice of Nagina inside her head when she had first stumbled upon this world.

There was some glitching sound in her head, which appeared irritating as hell.  Her entire head ached like as if it was being smashed by hammer.

When the glitch sound finally cleared off, she could hear Nagina\'s voice which sounded stiff and robotic.

"Threat has been detected!"

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