
Chapter 261 The Hunter Who Killed Immortals (12)

Xu Lu subtly nodded her head in approval and a broad smile began to spread across Lord Peng\'s face.

Even after such a short interaction, Xu Lu had already figured out what kind of person the city lord was.

An opportunist.

And… a coward.

There was a saying that a human\'s true nature would be revealed not when they interacted with those stronger than them but with someone they considered as lesser.

Xu Lu was not comfortable with slavery especially as someone from the modern world.

Still she did not know how to go about dismantling it or whether that was even possible.

Slavery was simply a part of life in this world.

"Shall I take you all inside my humble home? I have a prepared a banquet tonight in your honour dear saintess," Lord Peng\'s voice interrupted Xu Lu\'s musings.

"All of the major families in the city will be sending their representatives to the banquet. They are all eager to meet the famous saintess of the Holy Sword Sect."

"I may attend," Xu Lu coldly replied as she gave a non-committal answer.

"For now… I would like to explore the city on my own. Do not send any servants to accompany me."

The saintess turned around and walked away with quiet steps. The long white robe on her body swayed gently in the wind.

She could hear Lin Kun talking to the city lord and apologising profusely for her rude behaviour.

Xu Lu\'s face was hidden behind a metal mask so no one could see that her lips were slowly curving upwards.

Exploring the city on her own was a purposeful choice. Xu Lu wanted to get to know the city and its inhabitants without the city lord\'s servants by her side.

Of course she would probably get attention because she was a cultivator but it was unlikely that everyone she met would know her status.

As Xu Lu wandered through the city, she carefully observed the sight, smells and sounds around her.

White Lotus City\'s architecture was a bit confusing to be honest.

The streets had been built in a sprawling maze-like pattern with side roads, hidden passageways and alleys that were easy to miss.

There were vendors, shops and stores around every corner and large open plazas where people could be seen mulling about from stall to stall.

The stores that were located in the plazas were the best built while those along the alleyways had cracked walls and shabby appearances.

Most of the buildings were made from a white stone-like material that glowed slightly under the sunlight.

The area near the city lord\'s mansion had well paved roads and massive estates but further out and Xu Lu saw shacks and barely standing huts.

It was a city of high inequality and contrast.

Xu Lu moved deeper into the city and towards the poorer region. From her experience, the slums were usually the best place to get information.

The residents living there would sell any information for the right price.

The saintess moved to the side just as a small hand tried to reach into the pocket of her robe.

She tilted her head downwards and saw a small boy staring at her with a guilty expression on his face.

"Run along kid," Xu Lu harshly spat out and the boy immediately turned around and fled.

He didn\'t even notice that Xu Lu had used her enhanced speed to tuck a few coins in the pocket of his shirt.

The saintess frowned slightly as she saw the boy enter an alleyway where a large man was waiting impatiently.

He opened up his mouth and Xu Lu could hear his words even though she stood at a considerable distance.

"Stupid brat! I told you to choose another target! If you don\'t get at least five copper coins by tonight… I\'m going to sell you to the brothel."

The large man raised up his hand and roughly slapped the boy across his face. The child crashed to the ground and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Xu Lu felt a surge of rage in her heart.

She was not someone who stood by when children were abused and something about this scene made her body recall her childhood spent with Master Lei Ying.

Without even thinking, her sword appeared in her hand, and she slashed it in the direction of the large man.

A burst of sword qi erupted from the tip of her blade and neatly bisected the man in half. His corpse collapsed on the ground and the small boy screamed in fear.

Xu Lu walked towards him but was stopped by a figure whose body was covered in a thick heavy robe.

It was impossible to make out any of the figure\'s features but Xu Lu had a vague sense that a woman was beneath the thick robe.

"You saved the kid from an abusive father but now… he will starve to death without the protection of his parent," the mysterious stranger calmly spoke as if she could see into the future.

"Cultivators never think about the implications of their actions… and why would you?"

"Mortal lives are merely a dime a dozen… the most worthless things on this content."

The woman stretched out her hand from beneath her robe and Xu Lu saw that her pale arm was covered in horrific black tattoos that squirmed and wriggled as if they were alive.

Then her fingers stopped mere inches away from Xu Lu\'s flesh. The stranger tilted her head as if listening to something and then nodded twice.

She snapped her fingers and then her body melted away into the shadows below Xu Lu\'s feet.

The entire process took less than a second from start to finish leaving the saintess feeling confused about the odd encounter.

What the hell had just happened?

Xu Lu shook her head and made her way to the alleyway where the young boy was still in a state of shock.

The boy trembled with fear as she approached and a stain of liquid began to spread from the front of his pants.

He got up from the ground and fled with all the strength in his body.

"Wait!" Xu Lu yelled as she saw the boy disappear into one of the many alleyways scattered across the city.

She tried to give chase but even though she was faster, the young child knew the terrain like the back of his hand.

Xu Lu eventually lost him.

The saintess stood in place for a brief moment and the words of the mysterious stranger came back to her mind.

Had she really made everything worse?

The boy\'s father was going to sell him to the brothel and was clearly abusing him. Why wouldn\'t she kill him?

No... Where was this sense of calmness coming from? The original Xu Lu\'s body or her experiences as a vampire hunter?

Not for the first time, Xu Lu could not help but wonder if there was something wrong with her since she did not feel anything when taking the life of another person.

The saintess looked up at the sky and let out a heavy sigh. She had no other choice but to continue looking around the city.

Hopefully the young boy would be okay.

The future was not set in stone and maybe without his father\'s influence he would be able to escape the cycle of poverty.

Xu Lu continued to wander through the slums and eventually saw a run-down tavern a few hundred metres ahead.

Drunk men and women staggered out of the tavern and roars of laughter could be heard coming from inside the building.

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