
Chapter 241 Lady Of The Night (65)

(Northern Region- Outskirts Of New Atlantic City)

(Castle Eden- Main Bedroom)

Camilla knew that something was wrong when she felt all of her wards and protective spells in the castle begin to warp and shift.

It was like someone was writing over her spells and had injected magic directly into the new runes that mysteriously appeared.

But that should be impossible...

No one had more knowledge in blood magic than herself.

Camilla tried to force open her eyes to see what was happening but soon discovered that she could not move.

There was a heavy pressure on her body that made it impossible to shift even a single muscle.

Hell... she could not even open her eyes!

What was happening?

Camilla felt a trace of fear in her heart but quickly calmed herself down and tried to sense what was happening to her spells.

Fortunately, her original connection to her blood runes was still there but it was quickly being erased.

As she focused more on the foreign magic... an expression of surprise flashed across her face.

She had assumed that the person rewriting her spells had more knowledge or skills than her but that clearly wasn\'t the case.

They were using brute force.

Shoving an enormous amount of mana at her spells and overwhelming the natural limits that she had carved into the runes.

This amount of magic could only be unleashed if a vampire on the level of the princes sacrificed their entire lifespan.

But who would be so foolish to do such a reckless thing?

Vampires were naturally fearful creatures and those with the greatest amount of power were the ones most afraid of dying.

Minutes slowly passed or perhaps it was hours since Camilla lost all track of time as she trapped in a world of darkness.

She felt worried about Mary. Was her human lover, okay?

Did the mysterious attackers hurt her?

Camilla had never felt so powerless since... the day the First Ancestor died.

Unwanted memories surfaced in her mind as she remembered the man who had raised her since she was a little girl walk calmly into the sunlight and stab a silver dagger into his heart.

Rumors swirled around about the First Ancestor\'s disappearance...

Some said that he died in battle when his children betrayed him, others claimed that he was still alive just sleeping somewhere in a crypt.

The truth was much less exciting than the rumors. The First Ancestor was tired of his immortality and had killed himself.

Camilla felt as though she was taken back to that time when she begged and pleaded for the man who she considered as her father not to go.

But for all her strength... she could do nothing to help him.

Just like now.

Camilla flinched as she felt electric currents run up and down the length of her body. The mysterious intruders had finished rewriting her wards.

What was going to happen now?

She could feel a strange force pulling at her body and Camilla recognised that this spell was based on the teleportation rune.

The spell activated and the heavy pressure on Camilla\'s body disappeared immediately. The female vampire opened her eyes and found herself in a familiar place.

This was her throne room.

Camilla got up from the ground and let out a small groan of pain since it felt as though her body was still being weighed down.

She was currently naked but fortunately the teleportation spell had also taken the blankets that were on the bed.

Camilla wrapped the blankets tightly around her body and flinched as she felt the heavy rays of sunlight fall on her face.

The throne room had a glass ceiling which meant that the sun\'s rays were directly falling on her naked flesh.

This wasn\'t enough to kill her since she wasn\'t an ordinary vampire, but Camilla did feel very uncomfortable as her body began to heat up and her flesh sizzled.

She walked over to the entrance of the throne room and attempted to pull the doors open to go outside.

Nothing happened.

No matter how hard Camilla pulled at the heavy metal doors... they just refused to budge.

She even slammed her fist against the doors with all the force that she could muster, and they still did not break.

A dark chuckle echoed through the room and a figure stepped out from behind a nearby marble pillar.

He was a skinny man with a skeletal-like frame. One of his eyes was crimson while the other was cloudy and unfocused.

He walked with a slight limp which was unusual since vampire should be able to heal their injuries immediately.

"Don\'t waste your time Lady Camilla..." the mysterious man smiled darkly as he approached with slow purposeful steps.

"My magic is maintaining a barrier around the throne room... neither of us are escaping from this place until it is time."

"Samuel? I must say that I didn\'t expect you to be the one to be behind this," Camilla calmly replied as she turned to face the man.

She tried to summon a blood spear from her body and fling at it the arrogant vampire prince, but it was no use.

Camilla discovered to her horror that when she tried to use her blood magic... her spells would immediately fizzle out.

"Save it," Samuel jeered with a mocking smile as he leaned against a nearby pillar.

"Inside this zone... I also casted a weakening spell. Both of us will gradually lose our strength until the time is right."

"Time is right? Time for what exactly?" Camilla asked with a cold glint in her eyes.

"Time for the human hunters to break in... I must admit that my visions can sometimes be unreliable but this one was crystal clear," Prince Samuel giggled darkly as he spoke.

"Tell me Camilla... did you know that the humans sent a Sun-born? Do you honestly believe that you can survive an encounter with one of those monsters?"

At the word \'Sun-born\' an expression of confusion flashed across Camilla\'s face that was too fast for Samuel to notice.

Mary was a Sun-born and only one of those special humans appeared in a generation. What was this vampire talking about?

"Let me inform you of your fate my dear... \'sister\'," Prince Samuel continued to speak since he had not notice Camilla\'s strange mood.

"Don\'t call me that," Camilla snarled angrily, and Prince Samuel raised up his hands in mock surrender with a thin smile still present on his lips.

"My apologies... I just thought that since the First Ancestor turned both of us that meant that we are blood kin..."

"I see that was a one-sided assumption on my part," Prince Samuel whispered softly.

His voice trailed off as Camilla bent her knees and lunged at him for a surprise attack.

She didn\'t get far as her body crashed to the ground with the strength slowly draining from her limbs.

Samuel coughed violently and he also collapsed as the weakening spell was affecting him just as much as Camilla.

It was dangerous for him to be inside the range of the spell, but he had no other choice. Barrier spells required the caster to be close to the target area.

If he only casted a weakening spell, then Camilla would be able to escape the throne room and his plan would be ruined.

"I\'ll kill you..." Camilla fiercely growled as she crawled her way over to Samuel with deep hatred in her eyes.

Suddenly a loud banging noise could be heard coming from the other side of the doors. Both vampires turned in the direction of the noise with different expressions of their faces.

Samuel had an expression of joy while Camilla pursed her lips together and prepared for the upcoming battle.

"They are here..." Samuel laughed madly as he waited for his vision to finally come to fruition.

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