
Chapter 83 Mission

Chapter 83 Mission

As they arrived at the building, Wang Chen noticed several servants waiting for them. Xue Lan gestured to the servants, who then led Wang Chen and his companions to their respective accommodations. The rooms were simple but cozy, with a tranquil atmosphere that instantly put Wang Chen at ease.

As Wang Chen settled into his new surroundings, he couldn\'t help but feel a sense of peace and contentment. The spiritual energy of the place was indeed denser, as he had observed earlier, and it seemed to permeate every corner of the center. He looked forward to exploring more of what the sect had to offer.

Wang Chen woke up early the next day, feeling refreshed and energized from a restful night\'s sleep. He sat down on his mat and began to cultivate, closing his eyes and focusing his mind on the task at hand. He let out a deep breath and felt his body relax as he sank deeper into his meditation.

Suddenly, he heard a knock on his door, interrupting his concentration. He opened his eyes and stood up, feeling a bit annoyed at the interruption. Who could be bothering him at this hour?

He made his way to the door and opened it, revealing a familiar face on the other side. It was Li Mei, his maid. She smiled warmly at him, her eyes sparkling with joy.

"Good morning, Young Master Wang Chen," she greeted him. "I hope I\'m not disturbing you too much."

Wang Chen shook his head and returned the smile. "No, it\'s fine. What brings you here so early?"

Li Mei\'s expression turned serious as she looked at him. "I wanted to talk to you about something important," she said. "Can I come in?"

Wang Chen nodded and stepped aside, letting her enter his room. He closed the door behind her and turned to face her, curious about what she wanted to discuss.

Wang Chen sat down on his mat and gestured for Li Mei to do the same. "Now tell me what you wanted to talk about?" he asked.

Li Mei took a deep breath and began to speak. "Young Master Wang Chen, I had a dream last night," she said, her voice serious. "In the dream, there was an Empress ruling over all those peoples. She seemed to be a phoenix empress, and she was so powerful. When I looked at her, she just smiled and said something, which I couldn\'t understand."

Wang Chen\'s curiosity was piqued. Dreams held great significance in the world of cultivation, and he knew that they were often messages from the divine. "What did she say?" he asked, leaning forward.

Li Mei shook her head. "I\'m not sure," she admitted. "It was like I couldn\'t hear her words clearly. But I know it was something important."

Wang Chen stood up and walked to the window, looking out at the peaceful landscape beyond. \'Maybe Li Mei is getting her inheritance back.\'

Wang Chen thought for a moment, his mind racing with possibilities. "Do you think it could be a sign?" he asked. "A message from the divine, perhaps?"

Li Mei nodded. "It\'s possible," she said. "I just don\'t know what it means."

After chatting for a while, Li Mei left Wang Chen\'s cabin, feeling relieved that she had someone to talk to about her strange dream. As she walked back to her own cabin, she couldn\'t help but wonder what it all meant. Was the dream just a figment of her imagination, or was it a message from the divine?

Meanwhile, Wang Chen sat in silence, contemplating what Li Mei had told him. He knew that dreams held great significance in the world of cultivation, and he couldn\'t shake the feeling that this one was important. He closed his eyes and began to meditate, hoping that the answer would come to him in a vision or a flash of insight.

But as he meditated, another thought crossed his mind. "It\'s time to go and loot the opportunity of other peoples," he muttered to himself. He knew that the world of cultivation was a cutthroat one, where only the strong survived. He didn\'t mind performing whatever actions were necessary to achieve his goals, even if it meant taking advantage of others.

With a sense of determination, he opened his eyes and stood up, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. He knew that the road to becoming a powerful cultivator was a long and treacherous one, but he was willing to do whatever it took to succeed. He took a deep breath and headed out of his cabin, ready to take on whatever challenges awaited him.

Wang Chen made his way through the winding pathways of the sect, his eyes scanning his surroundings. The sect was bustling with activity as disciples went about their daily routines, practicing their cultivation and taking on missions to earn rewards and improve their skills.

As he walked, Wang Chen passed by several training grounds where disciples were sparring and practicing their techniques. He paused for a moment to watch, his eyes gleaming with admiration at the speed and precision of their movements.

But he knew that he couldn\'t waste too much time admiring the skills of others. He had his own goals to pursue, and he needed to find a mission that would help him achieve them. He made his way towards the mission boards, where all the disciples took on missions.

His eyes scanning the boards for a mission that would suit his needs. He could see that there were missions of all kinds, ranging from simple tasks like gathering herbs to more dangerous assignments like hunting monsters.

Wang Chen knew that he needed a mission that would challenge him and push him to his limits. He studied the boards carefully, his eyes darting back and forth as he considered his options.

Finally, he saw a mission that caught his eye. It was a difficult assignment, one that required a great deal of skill and courage. But he knew that it was exactly what he needed to prove himself and advance in his cultivation.

With a sense of determination, Wang Chen stepped forward to take the mission. He could feel the eyes of the other disciples on him, watching as he accepted the challenge. But he didn\'t let their stares intimidate him. He knew that he was destined for greatness, and he was willing to do whatever it took to achieve it.

After accepting the challenging mission, Wang Chen wasted no time in preparing himself. He knew that he would need to be at his best if he wanted to succeed, and he was willing to put in the hard work required to achieve his goals.

The first thing he did was buy a map of the area where the mission was located. He knew that having a detailed map would be crucial in navigating the terrain and avoiding any potential obstacles or dangers. He searched the markets of the sect until he found a map that seemed suitable, and then he purchased it with the rewards he had earned from previous missions.

With the map in hand, Wang Chen set out to gather as much information as he could about the mission. He talked to other disciples who had completed similar assignments, and he consulted with his sect elders to get their advice and guidance.

He spent several days immersing himself in the knowledge and skills required for the mission, studying everything from combat techniques to survival skills. He trained tirelessly, pushing himself to his limits and beyond.

Finally, when he felt confident that he was ready, Wang Chen set out on the mission. He followed the map carefully, moving stealthily through the terrain and avoiding any potential dangers.

As he journeyed deeper into the wilderness, he could feel his heart pounding with excitement and anticipation. He knew that the mission would be difficult, but he was determined to succeed.

With every step he took, Wang Chen drew closer to his goal. He could feel the spiritual energy of the world around him, pulsing with power and potential. He knew that he was on the right path, and that success was within his grasp.

And so he continued on, his eyes fixed on the horizon, his mind focused on the mission at hand. With each passing moment, he grew stronger and more confident, knowing that he was destined for greatness.

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