
Chapter 62

But the words were swallowed up inside.

=Is there any complaint? Trainee Kim Kyung-hwan?=

“No, but I want to ask you a question.”


Kim Kyung-hwan held a challenging gaze.

“Now in the tentra class, level 2 magic is the highest level, right? But what if I learn all the second-class magic alone?”

=What did you say?=

There was a mixed feeling of incredulity in the response of the alien instructor’s voice and expression.

“Then, would I be the only trainee who is qualified to master the 3rd class magic? Would you like to open a one-on-one class, as you just said? You said you were noble, so I believe you will not take back your words.”

=Do you think second-class magic is so easy?=

“Honestly, the first-class magic theory that we are learning these days isn’t that difficult. In a world where people become aristocrats just because they understand the theory and have Mana…if I was born there, what would I be? A Grand Duke? Well. I think I can get a title like that.”

Without knowing the meaning of the words he put in his mouth, Kim Kyung-hwan spoke as he had heard it before. Upon hearing that, the alien became swollen under his chin. As the flesh grew like a giant balloon, a fishy smell spread throughout the room. It was an odor that causes vomiting. The complexions of the people gathered in the training ground turned pale, and some quickly covered their noses. The human instructor also quickly grabbed a stick-shaped device in his hand while breathing through his mouth.

The tiny device sensed the biogas emitted by the alien into the atmosphere. The components were analyzed and matched with the database. The results were then displayed on a small display. He read the text that floated on the screen.

‘I want to rip off that [b adjective} 1. cheeky, 2. arrogant, 3. tongue longer than 2.495 meters] human’s [b noun} 1. a type of appetizer served at nobles’ dinners. 2. word for the meat on a mammal’s cheek] and use it as a feed for [inexplicable].’

The database was still incomplete. There were quite a few words that hadn’t yet been listed. If there were no words that matched, the translation wasn’t neat, and there were long-winded explanations like at the present moment. But the human instructor was convinced of this, according to the self-talk that the alien secreted just now, that he was very offended. The expression itself seems to be a kind of swearword. He cut in quickly.

“Of course, trainee Kim Kyung-hwan. If you show the possibility that you deserve it, I can give you any support. Private lessons can also be suggested. But it is too early to say that from now on. It’s not too late to ask for the results after you’ve actually shown them.”

“Well, that’s right.”

He sent telepathy as if he didn’t like it.

=There are no human trainees who have acquired all 17 second-class magic yet. There are a few trainees who have learned five at the most. This is also a great thing, and I think it is the scope of genius.=

Unpleasant feelings were mixed into the consciousness.

=Trainee Kim Kyung-hwan, I understand that you have gathered Mana at a tremendous rate over the past month. It is also rare for our people. I’m honestly surprised, I admit it. But…the ability to accumulate Mana and understand the theory of magic are different things. It’s not too late to be cocky even after mastering the second-class magic properly!=

After that, he bulged his chin again as if he was annoyed. He called his attendant, waiting in the corner of the training room. He secreted harsh words. As the gas spread, the trainees’ complexion deteriorated once again, and the human instructor checked the LCD screen.

‘[b Interjection} a word used by nobles to refer to people below them]! What are you doing now? Get up and bring [b noun} 1. water, 2. life, 3. emotional stability, ···click to see 38 other meanings] right away!’

The servant, who was dozing off, got up in fright. He shuffled as he was still unfamiliar with Earth’s gravity. Then, he presented a small fish tank to the furious alien instructor. The tank was full of water. The alien instructor put his right hand in it. Then, through the mucous membrane between the fingers, he breathed in water to calm his irritation.

-Tack, Tack, Tack.

However, he struck the floor with his feet which were made of broad mucous membranes. Everyone saw his discomfort and displeasure. The two individuals alternately emitted gas to hold a conversation between them. At the same time, the alien instructor telepathically announced that the class had ended. As soon as they received that, all the trainees ran out. As soon as they came out of the door, they exhaled wildly.

“Wow! I thought I was really dying!”

“Oh, it smells like fish mixed with shit and food waste! Oh, that’s terrible!”

“It’s not fishy. It’s froggy.”

“No matter how you smell it, it just smells the same, but how do they communicate with it…gosh.”

The human instructor, who was watching the scene, quietly passed through them. Then he grabbed Kim Kyung-hwan’s shoulder as he walked out. Moving alone without mixing a word with the other trainees, he turned his head and looked at the instructor. The instructor in the suit took Kim Kyung-hwan and quietly moved to a remote place. Behind the backs of the two, the other trainees’ eyes were sharply drawn. Kim Kyung-hwan enjoyed that sense of attention that he was drawing.


The instructor who took Kim Kyung-hwan to the corner opened his mouth.

“Hey, I know you’re doing great these days. But didn’t you hear that during the entrance training? The Kaifu instructors are all aristocrats in their world. He has high self-esteem. Try not to scratch his nerves on purpose!”

“Yes. I understand.”

Seeing the reaction of the human instructor in a black suit, Kim Kyung-hwan was convinced. It was a case that they could have given him a penalty. But for now, they only gave him a warning. Trainees were afraid of the penalty because of the details of the contract with the country before admission. This was an area that trainees were very sensitive to because the accumulated demerit points could reduce the range of benefits given to family members and relatives and compensation and pensions to be received later.

That instructor, who knew it obviously, didn’t mention it on purpose. Kim Kyung-hwan understood the current situation in a pleasant and straightforward way.

‘This instructor doesn’t want to offend me either.’

Even the instructor understood the amount of Mana he just showed was enormous, unlike what could be found in this training camp. Moreover, it took only one month to accumulate. Today’s incident would be reported to high-ranking people. Then the government would also see him as a valuable resource. Kim Kyung-hwan puffed inside.

‘If they keep annoying me, I will threaten to immigrate. Then they will be crawling for me, right?’

It was thrilling just to imagine. He tried to pretend to be indifferent and calm in front of the instructor. Yet still, his mouth had already begun puffing in arrogance without his knowledge.

‘He said that my talent is the strongest on the planet. He said there are wizards in other countries, but they can’t even fall at my feet. If they know my worth, they will never try to let me go…well? But suddenly I’m worried. How do I know that I’m really the best in history?’

Kim Kyung-hwan felt that his question was plausible.

‘Somehow, in Korea, information is slow and a little clumsy. When you look at comics or novels, they always go to the U.S. after hitting a wall.’

Kim Kyung-hwan suddenly became worried. Maybe the government of this country didn’t know the level of wizards in other countries at all? Then they might not be able to realize his genius properly. It was frustrating.

‘Hmm, what should I do. Would it be better to go over to the U.S. after a while? The U.S. is probably the best for this, right?’

Kim Kyung-hwan was in a happy daydream as the instructor continued.

“Anyway, avoid antagonizing them with unnecessary words. You don’t have to be out of the sight of the instructors. Trainee Kim Kyung-hwan, it will be your own loss. This is all for your own sake.”

Then he slowly added.

“And…I’ll set up a separate table soon. I need to talk about many things with our superiors. Maybe a good offer will come, more than what the contract guarantees now can be discussed. You know what I mean, right?”

Kim Kyung-hwan managed to control the corners of his mouth, which were trying to rise.

‘Pretend to be indifferent! Pretend to be cool!’

“…Well, that’s good.”

“I’ll set a date and let you know.”

Then the instructor asked again, “Anyway, I recommend that you treat the Kaifu instructors as politely as possible. That way, why don’t you pay more attention and ask an explanation of it in detail?”

“But the explanation wasn’t that difficult.”

The instructor shook his head.

“You don’t know yet, but if I go in earnest, the magic theory is said to be very difficult. It is said that it is difficult to understand without the help of an instructor. That’s why it works best with alien instructors.”

Kim Kyung-hwan nodded his head, pretending to be unable to win, whispering inwardly.

‘I don’t need any special treat for those frogs! I only have to memorize the spell technique in class. Once I have memorized it and then sleep, I will understand it in my dreams. Excluding all unnecessary stuff, he teaches me to make it easier to understand!’

The one he met in his dream said the highest level of magic that Kaifu treated as a 10th class was only about 3-4 out of 10 by the standard of magic he knew. When he heard that, it felt like a waste of time to learn the magic of Kaifu’s 1st and 2nd class. He wanted to learn the real magic in his dream even right now. However, if he suddenly learned advanced magic that he hadn’t learned at the training camp, he would soon find himself at that level.

‘Yes, let’s think about everything in the United States later. It’s important to do what you are told.’

The existence in the dream taught Kim Kyung-hwan what to do in the future. First, by deliberately revealing that his Mana has increased, learn Kaifu’s magic as quickly as possible. At a speed that general standards couldn’t imagine! After taking the step up, acquiring spells, and being recognized as the “first genius wizard in the history of the earth and the greatest genius wizard of mankind,” he would then begin to learn real magic from the existence in his dreams.

Yes, that was also possible for Kim Kyung-hwan, after the reference was firmly established in the heads of the alien race and those involved in the Korean government.

‘Yes, let’s be patient. I have to master the crappy magic the frogs teach us.’

Kim Kyung-hwan repressed his impatient heart. If a wizard who had been learning magic for a little over a month suddenly created a new magic concept, it would be impossible to avoid suspicion. No matter how much he was wearing the shell of genius. With a little more patience, he could learn real magic. That was the promise of a twenty-three-eyed alien race that he met in his dreams.


One day when the energy of spring had cleared up, I stood in front of the Mapo Bridge Channel. The level of vigilance of the Korean troops surrounding the Channel was no different from before. There was no action to detect magical means. I had a question. I understood that the Korean government invited the Kaifu people to teach magic. But was that really all about the exchange with that race?

‘I mean, at that level of magic, they could make barrier artifacts. Isn’t that right, Parvache?’

[It didn’t make sense to be limited to one training camp after contacting a whole new civilization.]

‘There weren’t many geniuses among the wizards we collected right now. It’s kind of weird to suck your fingers while you wait for them to grow, right? They also have a way to trade in exchange for many kinds of magical items.’

[It is strange that there was no vigilance against the wizard. They seem to notice that other countries are also raising wizards…]

“Before they are wary of wizards from other countries, they never know when another hostile race will cross the Channel, right?’

In the end, it seemed to be one of the two. The Kaifu people were wary of humans and weren’t unpacking items of a threatening level, or negotiations were delayed because humans couldn’t offer a reasonable price for the specialties the Kaifu could offer. So, what did the government suggest in exchange for teaching magic at the training center in Hun-neung?

And before that, it was a question that wouldn’t be solved. How did the Kaifu people come into contact with the government in the first place? They were absolutely not from Korean Channels.

I moved secretly, sharing one speculation with Parvache without being seen by anyone.

I created a crack in the seal of the Channel and pushed my body into it. Shortly after the flash glanced over my body, I stood on the dark purple ground.

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