
Chapter 215: [Astro] and [Enchant]

"I never even considered this problem before."

Putting aside the matter of spacial magic not being available due to it being forbidden, just the issue on learning magic that Lucy just brought up was something that Shien would have to properly think over.

"The matter of talent and skill points are the easy parts now."

If it was anyone else, those would be the hardest parts. However, since Shien has the cheat unique skill [Heavenly Grace], that\'s completely not an obstacle for him.

Shien even had the feeling that, if he really wanted to, he could learn all the magic in the world.

Of course, even if he managed to learn the magic skill, whether or not he\'d be able to successfully learn the spell and use them is another question altogether.

"Putting aside everything else, just the 3000+ spells for fire magic and the dozens of books worth of incantations is something that I have no confidence in being able to memorize…"

All his stats might grow by the largest amount possible when leveling up, and being level 28 now, Shien\'s memory is also much stronger than it was before. Even so, it\'s not like he\'s a certain gluttonous nun with photographic memory who was able to completely memorize the contents of over 13,000 grimoires. Thus, there\'s no way he could possibly memorize the incantations for all the magic in the world.

And Shien only has a single month of access to this library at that.

With just a month, how many incantation will he be able to really memorize? How many types of magic will he be able to learn?

"… It looks like I\'ll have to give up on my ambition of learning all the magic in this library."

That\'s completely unrealistic after all.

Truth be told, it\'s already uncertain if Shien could learn all the spells for the magic types that he already learned.

"I already learned a total of four magic skills."

[Magic – Fire].

[Magic – Ice].

[Magic – Wind].

[Magic – Lightning].

Shien had already maxed out the levels of those four magic skills.

Then, based on Lucy\'s explanation just now, just fire type magic has over 3000 spells and several dozens of books worth of incantations. Shien has no confidence at all that he\'d be able to fully memorize all the incantations for all four elemental magic types within a single month.

The main issue is the time limit of a month. Shien also wants to learn rare and high level magic as well. When it comes to elemental magic like these, he really doesn\'t care to waste too much time to memorize them all.

"In that case, I\'m just going to have to make some choices."

Rather than spending his limited time on the relatively common and average elemental magic, he\'s better off learning some kind of rare and high class magic instead.

Something like gravity magic for example. There\'s no way that it would lose to the elemental magic of fire, ice, wind, and lightning, right?

Plus, those kinds of magic can be learned up to mid class even outside, but rare high class magic can only be found here.

"It\'s decided then."

Shien finished thinking it over and started searching.

One rare magic book after another passed before him as he picked between them.

In the end, Shien ended up choosing two types of magic.

One is called astro magic.

The other is enchant magic.

The former is capable of calling upon the power of astrological phenomenons and use it for combat or support. At high levels, it could even call down meteors or use the power of the stars to purify or heal oneself. Shien basically decided on it on his first look.

The latter is a kind of magic capable of embedding a concept into something physical to grant it the properties and effects of magic. For example, a wooden sword enchanted with "sharpness" or "slashing" effects could cut through steel, and enchanting a wooden stick with "hardening" or "weight" will let it smash apart rocks, etc. At the highest levels, it\'s even possible to enchant the air with "venom" or "explosion" type effects. Thus, Shien also chose it right away.

Those two types of magic are both the type that are highly versatile, very difficult, and extremely rare. When it comes to just rarity, it wouldn\'t lose out to even spacial magic.

This is especially true for astro magic. The difficulty level is known as one of the hardest magic to ever learn, with the number of users of it being less than even that of spacial mages. There doesn\'t seem to be anymore uses of it even among the gods and demons even, making it an ancient lost magic. It was only rediscovered in a ruin three years ago, after which it was stored here in this library.

As for enchant magic, what caught Shien\'s attention was its sheer versatility. In terms of versatility, might be above even that of spacial magic. It\'s just that has similarly few people who could learn it, which was why it didn\'t get forbidden.

The main special feature of this kind of magic is that it\'s not all that great in the beginning. At most, it could give some average items magical effects, and the moment the magic power for the spell is exhausted, the effect would disappear.

Thus, this kind of magic isn\'t popular at all, and it\'s considered completely useless.

However, if it\'s trained up to the late period, it\'s effects will be extremely wide reaching and powerful.

In the past, there was a mage skilled in enchant magic who enchanted the ground with the "vibration" effect, and he ended up causing a huge earthquake, killing an enormous army of demonic beasts numbering in hundreds of thousands that was besieging a city.

Of course, if one wants to create a "vibration" of that magnitude, then the amount of magic power it costs is quite unbelievable.

That\'s why, in the hands of those of average magic power, this kind of magic is rather worthless. However, in the hands of someone with great magic power, they could do all kinds of amazing things.

That\'s also a reason for why it\'s not forbidden. There\'s just far too few people capable of using it to its full potential.

However, this has now become the magic most compatible with Shien.

Hard to learn?

Have you heard of [Heavenly Grace]?

Magic power?

Has Shien ever lacked that?

Thus, as said above, Shien had decided to learn those two types of magic first.

"Don\'t disappoint me now."

After making his decision, Shien grabbed the books for astro magic and enchant magic and begun studying.

"Skill gained – [Magic – Astro] – Would you like to Learn?"

"Skill gained – [Magic – Enchant] – Would you like to Learn?"

When he returned home that day, Shien tried out those two magic types a bit and immediately succeeded in gaining the magic skills.

Shien raised them to the max level because he was quite satisfied with their effects.

Shien first tested out enchant magic. He enchanted a leaf with the "cutting" effect, and that leaf was able to split a huge marble boulder in half.

And astro magic was even more amazing. Shien only tested it out slightly and the sky above the Capital ended up like a storm was about to descent. Clouds filled the sky and rumbled with lighting. Who knows how many kids were scared into crying because of it.

This kind of magic seems to be able to control the weather too, which was an unexpected surprise.

However, afterward, Shien fell into despair.

That\'s because, in order to fully learn both those two types of magic, Shien is going to have to do a ton of memorizing.

"Alright, fine. I like studying anyways."

Shien thus turned into a bookworm who loved studying and begun his days as a shut in.

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