
Chapter 132: Eating The Daughter Of A Former Merchant Family That I've Gradually Grown To Love(1/3)

"Come in."

The person who opened the door without a sound was Kohari, who had changed into a nightgown.

She was dressed in simple clothes that were not at all glamorous like those worn by commoners, and her ladylike demeanor was quite unbalanced.

She was wrapped in a large black cloth over her nightgown to protect her body from the cold, and looked like Count Dracula.

"Oh? You\'ve come alone?"

I was the one who summoned Kohari, but I forgot to specify that she should come alone. I forgot to specify that she should come alone, so I assumed that Rumon would come along with her anyway.

Surprisingly, however, Kohari seemed to be the only one who came to the mayor\'s office.

"Yes, sir. My brother told me to go alone.

"Hou ......"

Even with the word "ex" at the beginning, Kohari was still a young lady, a lady-in-waiting, a girl in a box.

She thought that an unmarried woman could not just waltz in here alone when a man called her out for the night.

It was a very serious thing to say, even though she had already experienced sex with a man several times.

However, even though she had already agreed to be his concubine, she hadn\'t been officially welcomed yet.

As for Kohari\'s current status, I suppose she could be classified as an unmarried woman.

So she consulted Rumon about my call and decided to ask him to accompany her to the mayor\'s office.

"Did Rumon say anything to you?"

In response to my question, Kohli gave a small denial.

"He told me to go to the mayor\'s office as soon as possible, and pushed me out of the room."

The reason I called Kohari was to return a memento to him.

I was glad that Rumon hadn\'t spoiled it for me.

"That\'s good. Kohari, come closer."

I had expected her to hesitate a little, if not reject me.

She would understand that she was going to be a concubine, but she had done it so many times before that I thought it was inevitable that she would be a little wary.


However, Kohari approached me with an innocent smile on her face and the relaxed gait characteristic of a young lady.

Her movements were so unguarded that I was confused.

"Mu ...... wait. After all, you should sit on that couch over there."

It\'s not in front of the mayor\'s desk, but points to a sofa set up nearby. It\'s a sofa big enough for about five adult males to sit on at once.

When I saw Kohli sitting on the edge of the sofa, I picked up the small box in the drawer and left the seat.

I sat down next to her.

In a snake-like motion, I wrapped my arms around her waist and pressed my entire body against hers.


"Kohari, thank you for coming."

I shook Kohari\'s hand, trying to keep my tone gentle.

She moved her eyes from side to side as if embarrassed and closed her mouth, which was about to open.

"How\'s work? You seem to be working very hard. ......"

I hadn\'t had much time to talk to Kohli.

Since we were alone, I decided to take the opportunity to communicate with her.

Kohari was too well-behaved and smiling for me to talk to her, so I asked her what she was comfortable talking about.

"It\'s so much fun."

Sure enough, Kohli jumped on the bait I had spread.

She talked about her daily life as a scullery maid, like a dog wagging its tail for praise.

I praised Kohli\'s work with open arms and gently stroked her shoulders, arms and back each time. It\'s a strategy to remind her that it\'s natural for me to touch her.

Sometimes she would squint her eyes and accept my nudging, and I could feel the small animal-like quality of a thick-haired rabbit, which soothed my heart.

"...... So I\'ve become good friends with Tico and her friends. I\'m glad to have more friends."

After chatting for quite a while, we finally came to a recent topic.

Apparently, Kohari likes to talk, but I guess she usually only has her brother to talk to.

Rumon had told me that Kohari doesn\'t have many friends. Inevitably, he would have few people to talk to.

She talked on and on, leaving no room for me to interrupt her.

"I\'ve never had so many friends my age before. ...... Every day is so much fun."

For Kohari, it was a new experience to be the guardian of the 30 protected girls, embroidering together, drinking tea, and chatting.

I could tell she was having a good time by the way she reported to me with a smile on her face what she had said or what she had done.

"The mayor came today, so everyone was happy."


As the young nobleman who brought the wicked merchant to justice, I\'m said to be very popular with the guardian girls.

I don\'t know who brings them in, but they\'ve been building up an image of me based on the gossip they hear about me from outside the mansion, and they\'re cackling with excitement.

Maybe the Wilk in their brains is an idol creature that doesn\'t pee or piss.

The real me pisses and urinates, and even squirts semen.

"Tico was very excited to see me. I was also happy that the mayor came."

The real me is the kind of person who would rape her sister in front of her brother after a graft, but Kohari seems to have forgotten all about it in the past few days.

Perhaps her memory had been tampered with while listening to the delusional talk of the protective girls.

I was in a space where more than 30 people were praising me endlessly, so it was no wonder that the negative factors against me were mitigated.

I\'d like to try an experiment to see what would happen if I threw Eve in there.

"...... Brother told me that you protected me from those scary people, didn\'t you?

Those scary people are probably the perverted merchants and their associates.

The perverted merchant who wanted to get hold of Kohari had hired a bunch of ruffians to harass her.

"It\'s only natural to protect the ones you care about, right?"


Kohari smiled elegantly, putting his hand over his mouth. I\'m sure you\'ll agree with me.

I decided that this was the right time to attack her, so I took out the small box I had in my pocket and exposed it in front of her.

"I\'m going to give this to my precious Kohari as a token of my marriage."

"What is this?"

When she received the box, she silently played with it in her hands and looked at me as if she wanted to know if she could open it.

I hugged her shoulders, untied the box and took off the lid.

What was there was a mana crystal that Kohari had inherited from her late mother.

The crystal was transparent, similar to crystal, and shone brightly in the light of the magic lighting that illuminated the room.

"It must be important to you."

"What ......? This is a ...... eh ......? No ......?"

Kohari hid her mouth with her hands, but her red eyes were wide open, as if they were about to fall out.

I took the crystals in the small box, took her hand and handed it to her.

"I\'m not lying. I\'ve checked with Rumon."

"Ah ...... ah ......"

Kohari stroked the mana crystal with her slender fingertips, as if checking its shape.

After a few moments of checking, she was finally convinced, and she slowly closed her palm and pulled her clenched fist to her chest.

"...... mother....... mother ...... ah ......."

Kohari put her other hand on her fist and looked down, tears spilling down her face.

I was expecting a kiss of appreciation, but the way she cried pierced my heart.


"Ugh. ...... mother. ...... thank god. ...... mother. ...... mother, you\'re back. ......"

Her shoulders were shaking, and she was crying tears.

It\'s not a sexual desire, but a paternal feeling that leads me to embrace her.

"Thank you, Mayor ....... ......"

I was the one who took her virginity.

It\'s strange that being thanked so honestly makes me feel more sorry than criticized.

I hugged her in silence and continued to stroke her supple hair until her sobs ended.

Many of the people living on the continent of Eruo have habitual hair, with curly ends and wavy hair.

Kohari\'s hair is straight and uncombed, which is a bit unusual.

Her crimson eyes, small shapely breasts, and tight buttocks are all eye-catching, but it is her straight silver hair that is most distinctive.

It\'s beautiful.

I couldn\'t help but let out a heartfelt sigh as I felt comfortable stroking it.

The texture of the hair is quite different, but it is similar to that of the thick-haired rabbit\'s body hair in that it feels good to touch.

I feel that Kohari is somewhat like a thick-haired rabbit. She seems to be a bit like a thick-haired rabbit, especially when she seems to be unable to live by herself.

Maybe owners take after their pets.


It\'s also cute when you pet it and it makes a cute purr.

"Good, good girl."

As I stroked her head, I wondered if I should just push her down on the sofa.

If I\'m going to play with her, I\'d rather do it slowly and lovingly in the bedroom.

"That ......"

"What is it?"

Kohari, who is completely in my arms, looks up at me with her face slightly down and her eyes only looking up at me.

Even though I\'m shorter than her, I can\'t help but get excited when she makes a small gesture and stares at me.

And it\'s scary because Kohari doesn\'t aim to do it, but does it naturally.

She is a beautiful woman who needs to be protected by someone. Isn\'t this the best stimulation for the male sex?

"I\'m sure my brother will be happy to see this. I\'m sure my brother will be very pleased."

It\'s a thought process like a toddler who goes to show his parents what he has received. This is what makes me smile, and also makes me feel a little jealous.

Right now, the best person for Kohari would be her brother, Rumon. But I wanted to take his place one day.

"...... Oh, go ahead. Rumon will be relieved."

The desire for exclusivity that had been bubbling up in me gradually turned into sexual desire.

I\'m sure it will take some time to dye her heart my color, but that\'s why I\'m going to dye her body my color, or to be more specific, a cloudy white color.

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